Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The production value of this game is incredible.
    Truly incredible.
    From the story which is original AND interesting without distracting from the porn.
    To the art, which is mind blowing, there are animations EVERYWHERE! And not your simple ones at that, camera movement, lighting changes, characters moving in the environement, this is just crazzt.
    To the character themselves which are pretty with great sex scenes.
    And even the gameplay is great! You'll explore fight, level up some stats, train, construct defenses at times, craft stuff, learn new skills by reading, fish, cut wood, assign people to certain tasks...
    Frankly... I just don' get how this can be possible from a small production team. This shames all else, including japanese hentai games made with a professional team.
    A must try!

    My sole hope is that the dev will focus a bit more on the management side in the future, like more openess in the crafting of defenses, tools, weapons, and not just having to do it because it's part of the main quest. There are great basis for a base building survival here. And hopefully we'll see a bit more of that.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I passed this one by a couple of times due to the 3D art (which I'm almost never a fan of) and it seeming a bit blocky. That was my mistake.

    Easily one of the best games on this site. Has quite a bit of content at this point, not as much as Summertime Saga, but enough to keep you busy for a while.

    The art style reminds me most of a Pixar animated movie, which turned out to be really well done. The animations are very professional.

    The pacing, story, and dialogue are all good, enough to keep you interested in the plot and invested in the girls. There were times I would forget I was playing an adult game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Literally one of the best games on this site, took me way too long to find out about it! Story is engaging, pace is refreshing, few enough girls that you actually get to know them, yet enough content to keep the player interested. Great art style. I'd consider placing this game on steam tbh.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest. At first, I was thinking the graphic for the game was kinda weird and all but one day I decided to give it a try. After playing the game for a bit, I actually started to enjoy the graphic and it was actually growing over time. The pictures I saw as an example don't show justice to how pretty the game is. So if you were like me and judged the game on the example pictures, then I recommend you giving it a try still.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The main appeal of this game is the art. The art is incredibly unique from most of the games on this site. Honestly if it was not because of the art this game would probably not be worth playing playing unless you really like zombie stories. Props to the animations too which are all superb.

    Gameplay is not bad, but im not a fan of the combat. Usually id rather have a visual novel with no gameplay at all other than the classic point and click, since most of the time it is just time consuming, menial, repetitive and uninteresting given the limtations of renpy.

    Story is well written and suspenseful but a bit cliche. Very predictable. The characters are also a bit too.. lustful and unrealistic. Its like their whole purpose to survive is to have sex, and the main protagonist is also quite the prince charming by demanding sex as a payment from everyone he saves. The protagonist is a degenerate with the mind of a 14 year old if you ask me. No actual feelings between characters other than lust. The girls are like "People are dying, our families might be dead, and our lives are at risk 24/7? Lets have orgies and roleplay master-slave sex everyday to compensate for it". At the end of the day it is a porn game so I get it, but could have been better imo.

    Despite my critiques it is still a great game. The art alone justifies playing it. The story is good, its just the characters that kind of suck. The animations are superb. I liked this author's previous work better, which ended abruptly, but honestly this game is almost as good.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Having fun, would be nice to have an option to choose you skin color, game is very immersive! Still playing, lets see what happen haha This game is promissing. We need more games with such good animations, really well done, the voices and sound sometimes is weird, but still good enough.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A game with a very solid gameplay loop, Mist has a lot to do. The resource management, while kinda strict, does give you enough time to actually get things situated before they become a problem. There are also the sex scenes that are damn hot and where one of the reasons that I keep picking it back up to play again. One thing I am not to fond of is the stamina system for exploring; not that it exists, but that there is no way to increase your stamina past a certain level, which is annoying since your best attack for 70% of the game takes a good chunk of stamina to use, so I do wish that we are allowed to gain more of it in some later version (Reviewing as of v0.6.1). That being said, if that is my only complaint, it really shows how good the rest of the game is.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    First review I write, so it might be a bit off. I wrote this about game version 0.6.1.

    It took me quite a while to actually bring myself to try it out. The screenshots didn't look all too appealing, and it seemed like one of those games that try hard to be serious but fail miserably. Well, I was completely wrong. If I had money to waste on porn, this is one of the few devs I'd support.

    First off, the screenshots don't do it justice at all. Not sure why, really, but I in the screenshots I hated how the models looked. Then I tried the game, and ended up loving them. It also helps that most scenes (not just sex scenes, there's legit scenes of walking and climbing) are ANIMATED. And the animation quality is insanely good. It's not the goofy kind of animation you see soo often, it's about as high-quality as this sort of game can get.

    Second, the plot is cool. It's nothing too original, but it accomplishes what pretty much every other apost-apocalyptic porn game I played couldn't. Actually pulling off making the characters relatable. Only complaint I have about the writing is how much of a horndog the MC is in early game, but after all this is a porn game. Not that it's bad to have horny MCs, but right from the beginning something about his writing feels off. If it wasn't for that, the game would be absolutely perfect. Still, I don't find it reason enough to give it less than these deserved 5 stars.

    Third, the game is objectively fun. I usually play on easy mode, when available, and skip as much grinding as possible, or get it out of the way before the "fun" begins. I was bored so I played on normal mode, and I don't regret it. There's some grinding in this game, but it was really well-balanced. At no point did I wish this was a straight visual novel. While the player barely gets a say in how stuff goes, I don't find that a requirement. The point I'm trying to make is that MIST managed to make a porn game that is actually a game. The gameplay doesn't feel forced in and is actually decent fun. It's not detestably hard, but complicated enough to make it feel like you actually worked to get the scene.

    Would absolutely recommend it. I'm looking forward to the next updates.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Its been a long, long quarantine, but one of the best things I discovered during this year was Mist. It is a legit game, very reminiscent of early 90's 1st person adventure games. I could see this on Steam one day, very polished.

    Besides just game design, the character models are beautiful. The screenshots barely do them justice, but it does take a little time to get used to them. Much better than some other Daz recycled milfs, and bimbos you might have seen and seen again. The animated parts really help bring the characters to life. Honestly, I would love for these guys to take on a Disney parody game, maybe even this same game style set in a "Magical Kingdom" park after dark.

    Anyways I'm a fan, I'll eagerly wait for this game to finish and all future endeavors from 395 games.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, great animations, just a great game. No more need be said. ..........

    Ok. I guess a little more needs to be said or I don't get to post this review. So other stuff I enjoyed; The character development is impressive. They are all unique and grow during the game. You actually end up caring about the characters like they were from a TV show. Seems a simple thing but all too many porn games just create characters as a wrapper for the sex animation with no actual depth. Ok think I am past 200 characters now. Back to the game. :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Best 3D adult game i've ever played.Story,characters,sex scenes all of them are the best of the best.For sure i will support the developer.Sorry but this game is 1000 times better than any ren'py milf based blue ballsy games.Which is milking patrons.
    And again this game is the best adult sex game i've ever played!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    my first rating and comment on F95 and this game really deserved that I take the time to say how good it is.

    The art style is quite unique and feel different from most of the 3d cg games, some may like it some not. I loved it from the start and it just get better.

    The story is working great, with lot of suspens and mistery that make you want to know more and play more. The sex part is also fitting well in the story and don't feel too much artificial for a porn game

    animation just get better and better, lot of screen to screen animlation transition that bring the tension really high. it works great! sex animation are also improving, still some imperfection for sure but it is really promising for the future.

    Really looking forward to more.
    Likes: dundo
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.6.1] Good beginning, well on the way to an Excellent rating.

    I looked at this game for a long time. Always turning away at the last moment because of the screenshots. They just didn't look enticing.

    But what a mistake that was – judging a book by its covers. It took under an hour to be totally engrossed in the game and in the end I fell in love with the art and its style.

    Writing 3/5 - The beginning is a bit rough regarding the writing – dialogue especially seems stilted at parts. But it soon gets so much better and in the (current) end every character feels way more natural.

    Story 5/5 - The story is one of the best in here. Absolutely stellar fantasy/thriller material. Can't wait for more.

    Hotness 4/5 - The hot stuff is pretty great too, great kinks rarely seen (free use, servitude) and the animations are excellently done with reactive body parts. There could be more fun random events however. I don't know if it was due to the way I played or a genuine slowdown, but I felt that in the third quarter of the game there was little action. Only picking up after the rescue.

    Gameplay 4/5 - There is also a real game here, and an easy-mode for those who don't want to engage in the slight resource management game. Good fighting system and especially the stamina bar limiting your actions are a great addition to the game.

    There 's many hours of gameplay here, try it, love it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Now i never review any games i found on this site before, but this... This masterpiece fucking deserve it.
    The first time i launch the game I'm just like, "meh I'm just gonna play and have a quick fap then close it like the other game" at this point, i was very wrong. I end up finishing all of the content without even closing the game ! The sex scene is great but the story is really more engaging that i didn't even fap while playing the game. Sure there's a few plot hole but doesn't really turns me down from finishing the game.
    Even without the lewd content this game is really playable.
    Now if that doesn't convince you the game worth a try i don't what will.
    The one thing i love is when you discover an item it similar with RE series, i really feel nostalgic about that.
    I didn't even enjoy games that much these days, i use to spent the whole day playing game but these days i can only play an hour then I'm bored to death. But this game definitely makes me forget to eat, take shower, do houses chores, and everything else. It's been a long time i could enjoy a game like this.
    Likes: dundo
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    MIST [v0.6.1]

    Better story visual and sound design than most full, complete big releases.
    The characters are interesting and have their own development, interactions and fit in the story.
    Honestly one of the best games I played, not to mention I haven’t seen this type of 3D model design anywhere and it’s so far, the best one.

    The only negatives are:
    A few bugs, such as some choices leading to a crash or a random error.
    Some cutscenes skip themselves.
    The fact that you can’t skip cutscenes even if you saw them before.
    Slight model clipping (noticeable around the eyes).
    Can’t re-watch story (cut-)scenes without reloading the save.
    Slight model clipping (noticeable around the eyes).
    As is usual with [Ren'Py], the controls aren’t listed
    (found that H hides the dialogue box, S saves a screenshot)

    The negatives are minor and did not harm the wonderful experience at all.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Didn't even care to coom lol, this is just a great game. Not the biggest fan of the artstyle but the animation, mechanics and plot more than make up for it. People would still play this without the sex scenes which is something you can't really say about anything else on here.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Posting this after finishing the recent 0.6.1 patch.

    The video scenes are shockingly good. I was surprised how many video transitions there were when I expected just picture to picture, and it really helped immersion. The videos themselves are probably the best I've seen from this site, fully rendered, reasonable length, and sexy.

    Combat isn't very complicated, but it's deep enough to be interesting. Not every enemy has the same HP and your weapons deal varying damage. You are juggling HP and Stamina to collect items, food, and XP.

    If you enjoy some storytime there are hours of dialog for you to read through.

    The music wasn't anything crazy, but it fit the mood of the game and I didn't hate it by the end. There were plenty of sounds during the scenes as well.

    Early on the game gave me a Normal/Easy mode option. I chose Normal and had no difficulty at all. There was generally something to do at all times, gathering food, managing farm plot, base building, advancing story or relationships, ect.

    The horror theme never really grabbed me so I would say the game might need more tension or spookier enemies. There was a section with torture, but between skipping and the actual length being very short it should be fine.

    I really enjoyed this patch, and I'd say this game has the best blend of sexy, gaming, and story.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The best sandbox game on f95, if not the best game here period. 395games have put a lot of time and effort into this, and it shows.

    The story is interesting and unique, not just another rehash. The actual game mechanics are fun, and everything felt well balanced. There was never a time I felt I had to grind (except maybe with food, and that is easy and quick).

    Unlike a lot of sandboxes that are just filled with busywork and pixel hunting, the sandbox here makes sense and works well, again the balancing is really well done. I never felt at a loss for what I was supposed to do, if you pay attention there is no need for any kind of walkthrough (which can't be said for most other sandbox games here).

    The characters are fun and engaging, and the animation is top notch. Their individual stories are interesting as well, not just another "guy finishes school to come back home to no dad, hot mom, bitch older sister and childish younger sister" crap that we have all seen a million times before. They all contribute to the story.

    This is one of the very few games here I would consider buying when it's finished, this is a legit, actual game. They should sell it on steam.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    How can I have missed "The Mist" ! Purely outstanding, a truly masterpiece...

    I just cannot understand how can some cannot give a 5 stars rate to this game.

    This game, like 2 or 3 others on this site (yeah Become A Dik is still my number 1) put the standards of what a 2021 VN should be. Outstanding and very typical visuals, animations everywhere, a still not perfect but "digging in" story.

    This is Art, with a capital "A".... Couldn't leave my computer until I finished this last update and it was my first discovery of the game.

    Mr "395games" you truly deserve the biggest possible support and I think that for the first time I will become a patron. If it was launched in stores, nobody should feel offended to spend 70€ to play your game.

    As I'm french, my last word will just be "BRAVO" !
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I've got to say that this game was one of the most entertaining I've played in a long time.

    Played the whole game in 4 hours (easy mode) and didn't get to fap once, which speaks positive of the game in border terms.

    The devs really are on another level than the usual VN devs, the animations are surprisingly good and provide great immersion from a POV perspective.

    Now as far as the sex scenes go, they are greatly animated but they feel short, lack enough text or interactivity and very few angels to watch if any.

    Personally I need more scenes and more varied interactions to get the job done and this game just doesn't have that density or focus to do it for me.

    Story is pretty decent, I skimmed through most dialogues but still the devs made effort in their writing.

    Looking forward to trying the final version one day, but will probably stay away from it until then. One of the most technically ambitious games I've seen on this engine. 5/5