Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review at version 0.6.1

    A fun sandboxed AVN Game.

    Nicely mixes sandboxing, RPG, and VN aspects without fully committing to any category.

    Good story progression
    Good characters
    Good animation
    Good Sexy bits
    Good Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror aspects

    Urgency - Mixed. There isn't really a strong overall sense of urgency to the story itself, you can take your time before voluntarily progressing various milestones. There are however lots of little urgencies such as disease progression, injured NPCs, food ... and these provide a good semi-urgent feel that I like overall.

    Combat - Mixed. Combat is not that deep, but has detail and options to play better or worse. Consequences are light with the primary downside to fighting poorly being returning early or empty handed on a particular day.

    Balance - No matter what you've only got so much time on expeditions (although you can increase this by increasing your stats...on expeditions) and must return to the cabin, take care of things there with the girls, and set out again the next day to progress towards various goals, gain experience, gather food, or just explore.

    World - The world expands over time and expeditions toward the end of your range keep you from roaming randomly.

    Overall I like the balance of this game. There's just a bit of grinding available for stat progression, but it is too limited to really classify as a 'grind', there is story, resource management, sandboxing, sexxy bits, and an intriguing story that is developing well.

    Five Stars. Check it out.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible stuff with proper gameplay and progression.
    Interactions between character get pretty kinky especially during the second half.
    Animations are top notch and even rarer this game and especially the model has nice esthetics.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a masterpiece.

    It deserve a heavy 5/5, it's worth the time your invest in it, and even your financial support if you're willing to :

    - Animations : they are the main purpose of us, looking for animated tag, and it deserve it, smooth animations with lot of FPS and 35+ sex scenes (as for 0.6.1) such as : teasing, HJ, BJ, PJ, vaginal, anal and deepthroat. You'll definitly find something that suits you, no doubts. Everything is on POV, but it's well done, and you're the only male gettin' laid in the game.
    - Story : great story mixing survivalisme, horror, harem and exploration. Lot of dialogue, but they aren't boring, and sex scenes are always near the corner. Characters are well drawn too, as for the MC as for the girls, and even for our enemies. The gameplay is enjoyable, a bit of farming, but nothing to worry about.
    - Duration : this game is fairly long, I don't know how much time I've spend on the story, but it will keep you busy for few sessions. For instance the 0.6.1 update keep me busy 1h15 for 4 scenes but a lot of story.
    - Gallery : there is a complete one, and this is crucial for a porn game. There is dialogues during the scenes but the animation is played constantly on foreground and the dialogue is hideable.
    - Preview : this is why the developper, 395games_Rathieu, is a masterpiece maker : he care about his game and he's willing to show us his work : there is 3 preview of animations in the main post, and this is really a gream move considered how the "animated" tag is inconsistent on this website.

    If you're looking for good FAP material, this is a PRENIUM one. High quality, nothing bad to say about it.

    Can't wait to see what's coming next.

    Thanks for this game Rathieu.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Mist is quite an interesting setup for a game. The post apocalyptic setting is quite a pace change compared to the other Ren'Py VN games out there. The three girls you will meet has their unique personalities to them and even feel somewhat lifelike. The artstyle is quite unique compared to most of the god awfull 3dcg games or the more and more popular Honey Select (1 & 2) asset games out there. It's more cartoonesque, yet still keeps quite a realistic appearance to it. The girls a beutiful, and can't even guess what was used to make them look like that, but cudos to the dev, All three of them are stunning.

    Now is there any problems with this game? Yes, every game has some problem to them. The main problem is the food storage. In the first few weeks it's quite a grind, and takes the focus away from the characters, be it the first girl Robin or the MC himself. Although, yes there is a developer provided "cheat" to start with a sizable amount of food in storage, I still think that with a bit of balanceing the standard gameplay can be made quite enjoyable.

    All in all, Mist is quite good of an adult game. The animation an character design is unique and beutiful, and with a bit of balancing, it can become what of the greatest adult VN's out there. Amazing job my dear developer! Just amazing.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the 3rd best rpg/sandbox type game Ive played on here Milfy City, My New Life and Mist I was so tired of every single game being incest, harem or ntr this is a refreshment from all of those cliche' games and I'm loving every update honestly Dev could leave out sex scenes and work more on story and rpg element I'm sure the majority wouldn't mind at all this is a very fun and enjoyable game only thing that can make this better is if the characters wern't cartoonish and by that I don't mean them but there personalities if it was a bit more realistic even with the powers I'd give this game 110% but it still gets 100% in my book.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really awesome.....Your work inspire me...The animation in this game are so realistic and awesome....The story is really good...A whole lot improvement than the first game.Thanks for your hard work..
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I had quite a bit of fun with this. It may seem a bit grindy but the story is really fun and the characters make up for any failings of the combat system. The setting is fairly unique and the models, while having the usual 3D issues are attractive and not just window dresssing. There aren't really any deep choices and most of the bad ends are fairly obvious. If completed this will be a really good one.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, unique models and not grindy at all. Story is not a niche and has real worthy content there.
    It sure is rare to see a sandbox game with the amount of grind i prefer, and this one fits real well.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game. I'm saying this first so no one misunderstands anything.

    At first, there were many dissapointing factors hugely due to my personal preference. There are lots of tags, so lots of possibilities, but it wasn't what I was looking for. But I stayed because its gameplay, story, and game design is very professional. So even if the game didn't have my preferences met, I kept playing because I was enjoyed playing it. To me, this game is a good example to all other games that are aiming to create a better player experience.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better harem games, a lot of content for the current 0.6a version.
    • A LOT of animations, basicaly everything is animated
    • sounds and music
    • a decent story
    • a lot of content (v0.6a)
    • almost no grind needed
    • a few inconsistencies if you are doing things in the "wrong" order
    • ???
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game.

    Has a decent plot, a bit of horror and survival goes along way in a VN, since you almost never see it. People complain about the grind- which I find ridiculous, the grind is easy even on normal mode. Scenes are great, apart from when you repeat the scene you have to skip through all the original dialogue as well... And beings that repeating these scenes is a important factor in the game I do believe that should be cut down to a very minimum.

    The only reason I can't find myself to rate it 5 star is the shear overwhelming amount of unnecessary dialogue. Of course this is my opinion, but if you have 30 lines of dialogue or self thought that just conveys the same message over in a different fashion or revisits a tedious previous thought then it becomes boring and mundane. Everyone who's playing the game knkws why he's doing what he's doing, what has happened, and why he's progressing. Not every scene needs a monologue recap. Of course I just button mashed to get through it all and still understood the story and plot completely, serving to reinforce my opinion... At least it does to myself

    But overall! Great game, keep it up.. Definitely unique.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I try it by curiosity and stay awake for htree because I didn't there was a bug with the training :D
    Well other than that the game is really addicting, the fight are difficult but also enjoyable
    The story itsrlf isn't too bad even if I found it quite confusing
    Char and animation are well done and appealing
    I appreciate the android port
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game deservers a solid 5/5 for its STORY, 3D gameplay, superb animation and interesting UI
    Though the game is not perfect yet, as its still in development there were some things which actually makes this games imperfect
    First, the dialogue options for Robin which are always selectable but serve no purpose, the animation is slow (fast animation will make those scenes the best) adding more fast animated scenes will make this the best harem game I ever played, and quantity of diverse scenes, the library is always helpful but quantity is still scarce, the last flaw but I think is kind of required is ,adding a MILF(if possible),this will be my enlightenment factor for game its kinda hard following up the story but truly hungry for one.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Different in a good way, good mix of rpg elements with some must reach xyz goal by specific days or food becomes issue etc. Wish it was more fleshed out in terms of survival and the fighting mechanics but its not complete yet.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm surprised I haven't seen this game before.
    The story is well-written, and at least there is some gameplay, not just boring dialogues about nothing. The beginning of course can be a bit drawn out, but playing 20-30 minutes, you understand that it is worth it.
    The game deserves 5/5 :love:
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    5 out of 5. The developer payed attention to many things.
    Most important on f95 are of-course sex scenes and managing expectations of sex scenes which is done very nicely in this game. Also a nice story development with enjoyable gameplay, it didn't feal like i was grinding..
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Search History

    The mixture of thriller and arousal is addictive, and makes this game shine over the normal games featured here. Sometimes I believe the developer dials back the horror in favor of not losing some of his audience, but I believe that this is a mistake. This could be seen by how the developer portrays the shadows or main antagonist, they border on the cartoonish side rather than the nitty gritty survival horror it should be.

    Story is good, maybe because of how unique it is compared to the other games here? The farming, building and fighting mechanic needs an overhaul in my opinion however.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    While the premise is promising, the execustion is really quite lacking. The dialogue is awkward and unnatural and the MC appears to be about fourteen years old, judging by his thought processes. No way he should have been driving, that's for sure.

    I played it for about an hour and then deleted it. Worth a look if you don't care about proper writing maybe, but otherwise it's perfectly safe to give it a miss.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Played through 0.6 in it's entirety. Writing is good with little erros though I did encounter some spelling mistakes. The gameplay is good except a little bit repetitive, played on normal mode and had no issues with food except the very beginning (where you only have mushrooms), after that it's a cakewalk. The scenes in this game are a bit lackluster though, so those are the weakest part of the game and quite important to some. I am also not a fan that one can apparently permanently miss scenes (and thus the unlock in the gallery) such as Robin Scene 4 I completely missed somehow despite playing through the game thoroughly and doing all content the game currently has to offer.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished v0.6a and liked a lot.

    As any good harem, you progress through the story without "loosing" any of the girls.

    Didn't like the girls 3d at start, but the animations are really good.
    The story and the gameplay are excellent.