Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has raised the bar by multiple levels on how a proper game should be done. Writing is beautiful, the scenes are beautiful, and of course the girls are beautiful. A truly unique masterpiece that sets itself apart from other games. 10/10 Will play again.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    best overall .story is intresting ,it is a blend of suspense,love ,action,mystery .sex scenes with creampie is the best .unlike any other game this one tops my list to 1 game for now .grinding elements are there in game but u can use cheats so its fine.i am not fan of grinding .
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was next level
    Story epic man ...
    Sex scene were good
    But the gameplay was also very good.
    Open environment and characters were well balanced.

    I hope we will see a next version or chapter in near future
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Immersive linear storytelling, fun gameplay, and a gripping setting.

    Although there are a few things I could nitpick about Mist, this is a 10 out of 10 game. To begin with, this author really knows how to tell a story. While some stories only know how to go up and quickly run into either plateaus or ridiculous plots, Mist shows clear forethought and skilled pacing. In both its lewd content and its tension, you encounter setbacks and celebrations, but you never feel like you're doing something just for the sake of drawing out the page count. Everything has a great explanation and a reward.

    Similarly, the gameplay never feels dull. You never really feel like the monster encounter bar is grindy, because it works alongside the writing to send you back to base to experience more story, again showing incredible forethought. The scavenging mechanic also works into the story at multiple points, making you feel like you're really scavenging for a feast to celebrate an event. And the other mechanics--the creepy ones--are just good immersion into this unsettling world you find yourself in. You might be able to say it's not on level with something like 7 Days to Die, but it's incredible for a little porn game.

    Finally, regarding the setting. The author did an incredible job making these little animations that serve as a climax for the harder or anticipated moments in the game, and they build suspense in a way I never would've expected from an eroge. Even though each has a "Skip" button and I often skip animated content in eroges, I found myself sitting through every cutscene to see whatever spooky shit the story had coming up. I was NOT expecting to feel this level of immersion from a game on f95.

    Overall: wow, what a treat this game was. I can't believe I missed it until now but it definitely goes on my recommendations.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously this game is legend status on this site, but I just completed the story and would like to share my thoughts. *Minor Spoilers*

    First and foremost, the most polished 3D animations I have ever seen are contained in fucking multitudes in this game. I honestly have to sit in awe at the amount of work that went in to these. The breasts and butts jiggle and sway in a hypnotizing way, the expressions on the characters are dynamic and creative (especially the eyes), and the thought given to camera angles, sound design, and setting add that necessary detail to immerse yourself in the sexiness. And there is a ton of content here to chew through; so if this kind of thing matters to you, prepare yourself for a treat.

    The gameplay is half-kinetic novel, and half light survival sim. The survival elements mostly boil down to needing to collect food and other "resources" while juggling the story threads. As long as you remember to do it on occasion it never presents friction to the player, it's more there as flavor to the experience. It is serviceable, if not slightly more polished than your average VN Porn game. This brings me to the story...

    The story is a mixed bag. At the beginning of the game, there was a propulsive quality to the plot; I really got in to the mystery and wanted to know more. As you play more, the writing really bogs down in slice-of-life survivalism with your harem. When I say it bogs down, I really do mean that. Characters will say the most inane shit sometimes, or devolve in to self-referential humor. I have a low tolerance for this kind of thing, and felt myself skipping dialogue more than I would have liked. The writing is not always bad, and I could pick apart any one of your favorite VNs for the same thing so just bear that in mind: its not perfect but it could be WAY WAY worse.

    Finally, lets talk Harem-building. There are 4 girls, and they are all adorable. Not a ton of physical variety between them (except one), but each one has just enough unique spiciness to offset the similarities.

    Robin is your faithful sub, and your first companion. She's my favorite, mostly because of her dependable and even keel. Kinda reminds me of my wife, a lil bit lol.

    Mia is a fiery teen (legal OFC) with a bit of dom-sub-switch thing going on. She likes to tease everyone and act the clown, but deep down shes a very serious and strong-willed person. Her petite figure will def appeal to the "loli" crowd.

    Lily is, well shes MC's sister. Ya'll like incest stuff? Its done pretty well here. Shes kind of Aspergers-y and shy but underneath shes a big freak like the rest of 'em.

    Noreia is the monster girl. She is kind of like a newborn in personality, a goddess of fertility (cuz yeah why not) and damsel in distress for a time. Your princess is in another castle, but when you find her you get have sex with her a bunch. She's got a gigantess, amazonian figure with nice meaty thighs. Love them thighs, boy.

    The MC deserves a nod too. The writing isn't cringe or completely devoid of character, but does just enough to let you know you are playing an upstanding kind of guy. With a huge dick. Its about what you'd expect from these games.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It would probably have been better playing it as new sections came out originally, but playing it straight through get repetitive and honestly the story could be better. I will say that I really like Lily and Robin a lot.

    I think the sex scenes are good, however the semen is crazily over the top. Its like a massive stream of goo every time. Its a little gross actually. Also, the dialog goes on way too long at times. I get that when you have a patreon paying subs model, you want new updates to provide a significant amount of new material, but its very dialog heavy and gets old.

    It is definitely worth a playthrough, but I think there is room for improvement overall.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This game's good. Mostly!

    First and foremost, I have to get this out of the way - the game's all over the place.
    On one hand, this game is a visual novel, oh the other hand, it's a mystery detective game from the late 90s or early 2000s.

    But wait a minute! Now it's a base building game. Nope, now we're back to exploration based gameplay.

    This sort of whiplash of gameplay elements changing constantly isn't inherently a negative, but the way it's done here leaves you feeling like the previous elements lacked polish to introduce new ones.


    It's pretty damn good. The rendered models look clean and have a sense of style. The surrounding background visuals are good and blend well with the models. Nothing looks out of place, everything's neat and tidy. There's this strange sort of style that this game has, as though the character models were sculpted out of clay. While I was initially put off by it, as time went on, I grew to like it quite a lot.

    The sex scenes are great, and are probably the most effortful part of this game. They're frequent enough to where you're never really spending too much time without seeing one.

    The only real gripe with the visuals I have is that there's a bit too little emotion being expressed within the faces of the girls. It can be a bit jarring to read profound dialogue, but simultaneously be met with the same face of complete disinterest. Seriously, even my parents look down on me with less disappointment in their faces than someone professing their love to your player character in this game.


    This is a point-and-click game. It's nothing you haven't seen before if you've played the sort before. A large part of the game has you navigating various locations, which lead to paths that lead to corridors, and so on and so forth. Sometimes you'll find loot, or perhaps you'll find an item that'll allow you to unlock a new area. Every now and again you're met with various enemies that you have to overcome with a limited health and stamina system. You can only explore so far, and you can only fight so many enemies before you have to return and call it a day. This is the primary gameplay loop of this game. Now, I call it a "primary gameplay loop" as if it were a matter of fact, but I don't believe the game itself is aware of this fact.

    As I've mentioned before, the game suffers from a sense of disarray. Instead of focusing itself on its strongest elements (which I believe to be the mystery exploration part) it spends the time meandering on things that don't amount to much, and in my eyes it is done in a way that is inferior to the pre-existing gameplay loop.

    Also, this game features some grinding. Something to be aware of.


    This is probably my least favorite part of the game.

    I don't dislike it. In fact, I actively enjoy the first part of the story, before things start to reveal themselves to you. None of the story beats after the first bit are particularly bad, but the way the characters are written, and the way they act, feels so..


    I can't think of a good way to describe it, but together with the pseudo-expressionless faces and deadpan dialogue it gives this sort of uneasy feeling like you're talking to someone with ulterior motives. When the game is trying to give you a feeling of arousal, I can't help but feel cautious to whether or not I'm about to witness one of the girls turn into a monster and bite the MC's dick off. I don't think that's the intention, and I'm not sure if I'm the only person to feel uncomfortable with some of the character interactions, seeing as none of the other reviews mention anything relating to this.

    Past that, the story itself ranges from good to okay. Nothing past the first part, and maybe the city part had me overly interested in what was going on. Sometimes it'd draw me back in, only to lose me a few minutes later and return to feeling like compulsory reading.

    Final Thoughts

    Despite me being quite critical of a lot of parts of the game, I do recommend people to play it. Whether you just want to beat it to some nice looking claymation, or if you're intrigued by the screenshots and the aesthetic of the game, I think both types of people will find something here that they like.

    Even though it's not perfect, on top of this being a patreon funded game that actually finished without sitting for 8 years in funding purgatory, this is a competent piece of work. I genuinely enjoyed my time with it, in spite of its weaknesses.

    Final Scores
    Graphics/Art - 4/5
    Gameplay - 3.5/5
    Story - 3/5
    Sound - 4/5
    Jerk-off Coefficient(AKA, how easy is it to "shake hands with the milkman") - 3.5/5

    Thanks for reading.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Cheat. Definitely cheat!

    This game has a really interesting story. The girls are all attractive, the art has an interesting style and the animations are pretty sexy (though they way over do the cum spilling out after sex). The mini-games are a bit annoying, but not difficult which is a plus. I really wanted to give this game 4 stars, but..

    Fucking grind man. This is why you must cheat. If I had to actually manage food, stamina and health I would have quit this game. There is, in my opinion, a higher than average amount of inane filler. The number of times you have to repeat actions can get frustrating. And if I had to click through one more dot dot dot or inhale, exhale I'd have needed to cuss a lot more here. Bundle that shit up man, we don't need to click more just for clickings sake. On that note, when there is no option but to click the one thing highlighted what is the point of making us do that? It doesn't add immersion, its just annoying. Move us to the next screen/dialogue already.

    Overall, a good VN, better than most even.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    don't remember much of anything about this game other than the porn in it was mid however the story was interesting enough for me to read it the entire way through
    good story
    progression can be tedious
    also the pregnancy at the end was mid
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply put, this is one of the best adult VNs I've played. If you like playing the hero, love forming bonds with a game's characters, and this art style looks even a little good, than I really think you should give MIST a try.

    Originally I believed the art style would be an issue but it quickly grew on me.
    The characters seem well thought out and I don't struggle to rationalize their actions.
    The story is very intriguing yet simple enough to keep track of between play sessions.
    Adult scenes are both hot as hell and easy to skip though if you're not into a fetish.
    A linear story with clear tasks makes it easy to see all the content available in one playthrough.

    The only cons I can think of seem nitpicky when considering the game as a whole.
    Sometimes management aspects can inch in and start to pull focus away from the story.
    There's no indication when certain story scenes become available with characters, making you check constantly to see nothing.
    Those same story scenes can sometimes come in floods, making me pause progression to see them all, then a drought of no new ones will appear for the next while.

    I should emphasize however that these are issues are minor or infrequent enough that I would probably look over them in my critique of any game I wouldn't consider excellent. I consider this game a solid 10/10 and will continue to monitor the developer so I can appreciate whatever work is coming next.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best on the platform. Amazing animation with videos too. Cool story, top tier harem with sister too. It has everything a great game needs and it's well refined. Perfect scenes with sound also. Big GG.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the sex, came from the sex, stayed for the story and then came from the sex. I just loved everything about this game. Story and art style are simply great. Would definitely reccomend everybody 10/10
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique art style, better than most 3D imo. Story was excellent. I liked the characters. I could probably think about a gripe if I wanted to, but I don't. I vastly enjoyed my experience playing the game and hope the author continues to create and find success.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    In so many ways, this is everything that a porn game should be. It's got lots of nicely rendered sex, it has a distinctive art style, it has real gameplay, it tells a fun and exciting story....

    I could actually go on a bit longer. It's really good. It feels ambitious and it meets those ambitions. There are some great character moments with fantastic background art. Like a good game of any genre, it successfully drives the player to be curious about the world and the plot. It leads with exploration and gives the player lots of porn treats and power ups along the way.

    But when I think about what adult visual novels can be--what they really excel at--this just doesn't get there. This is a very well-made indie game with an where the character progression includes rather rote romances that happen to include explicit lewd scenes. There is no decision making within those relationship because the game isn't really about those relationships, it's about the pornified supernatural mystery. And as those mysteries begin to get solved, enjoyment of the game starts to depend on one's enjoyment of the tropes of the genre and the YA-inflected tone of the whole thing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is great , characters and sex scene specially .i usually don't like this 3DCG but is done well here.
    we can end the game without grinding for 1 hours so is fine , the story is good

    so yeah play the game , try it no regret for me.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Story, art and scene are 10/10, the game is a bit challanging at first, but as you progree through the story it become manageable and not that har.

    for the character my favoprite is definetly Mia, she's just super cheeky and have that attitude and im glad you potrait her that way and i wish you make more scene with her lol.

    for the story it was good, not a masterpiece but enjoyable and intriguing, it definitely have some moment where some thing are kinda weird in my perspective, but it is what it is, at the end of the story this is just erotic game and should be treated as such
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Personally I didn't like the game, but I see that there is an absolutely excellent game here for people who like mystery sandbox games with light RPG mechanics and some unique artwork. Just because I didn't like the game doesn't mean you won't if you're interested in the genre. It's definitely more of a game than a sex-fest and I think thats one of the reasons it's so good. Give it a try if you have any interest at all because it's a very good game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Nice animations, nice character design, girls are beautiful, nice story. You can't be bored with this game. This is a harem genre game, so don't be confuse that girls accept that you have multiple relationship .
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I decided to play this after trying out the newer title from this dev, Children of Morn.
    I came in expecting quality, and while I wasn't disappointed, you can see that the dev has improved with experience.

    The story is good. There were only a few times where something didn't make sense or wasn't thought out. Considering the length of the game, it's still better than what's come out of Hollywood in recent years.

    So, I can't really complain about the story, it held my interest all the way through. The characters were likeable for the majority of the time.
    Now for the juicy stuff.
    The scene direction is hot. I won't be too picky about the art direction for the characters, you'll either like how they're stylized or you won't.

    I will say that the models don't always hold up. Some scenes/positions/lighting are not flattering to them, and half of the time I actively avoided looking at their faces, which for me was the common weak point. Maybe it's just me, but I noticed about 3/4 of the way through the game, a lot of what I had found to be off putting about the models and/or animation had improved.

    All in all, great game, worth the time, and you can clearly see the dev taking what they've learned here and applying it in their newer title.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a master class just the end that i find a bit fast but the story is good the twist are good it lack some hidden lore content or secret as this is mostly a story line and some really basic management bug all is there and all is really good minigames a really basic but really good too for me its a really good game and you need to play it the art style is better in game the screen are not giving this art what it deserve