Others - Completed - Mizuki Island [MASURAO]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Ratings on this game are BS lol. The minigames suck ass (I'm typing this review as I wait for a fish to bite on my fucking lure, all so I can click spam for food and love points?). The character progression makes no sense but I guess it's porn. Some scenes are fine but there is no dialog during unless you understand spoken japanese. Other scenes just don't work because the mouse scroll wheel mechanic randomly breaks, not letting you move. It's just a snore fest I wish I never gave the chance to.

    Edit: Oh, sorry, I forgot - no the fish still has not nibbled on my lure yet
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to play Mizuki island because the concept is exciting - getting trapped on a deserted island with a buxom babe and being able to either be the decent, human being and building something with her, or going down the nefarious route. Unfortunately, the execution itself of all the gameplay bits rendered me frustrated and unable to enjoy whatever there was to enjoy.

    There are some annoying glitches in the game itself. You can't save on Windows 10 and have it be there the next time you boot up. Apparently, you cannot overwrite saves either during gameplay as I found to my horror and chagrin when I thought I was saving over data slot 1 but it hadn't saved diddly squat. The scroll bar also refuses to function and even when using the fixes prescribed in the thread, I was unable to get a proper feel of the game. It is also heavily censored to the extent that I might as well be staring at some vaguely skin-colored crustacean rather than any of the naughty bits like I'm supposed to. The aiming on hunting is infuriating. Arrows have awful trajectory and the game sometimes refuses to register a click. Fishing is rather dry and an annoying clickfest (also buggy because of the aforementioned scrolling issues).

    But I'm prepared to forgive that if the game is teeming with content. Sadly, it isn't. There isn't a lot to do here and the scenes themselves are rather plain, even if supposedly interactive and animated. The heavy-handed censoring really ruins a lot of what could have been.

    Thus, you have a game that doesn't have amazing gameplay, nor does it have amazing scenes. What it does have is a concept that almost takes it to the point of being passable, but just ends up falling short.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Except from the save problem, this is a 10/10 fap.
    Very unique game-style with good animation.
    The hunting part is kinda annoying but u can ignor that and become a fishing master xD. if u guys can, u should share this master piece.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great artwork with some really good animations, the game has good progression, lots of different approaches depending on what you're into, and some animations are automatic, whilst others you can control manually.

    There's a bit of story, but it's not anything major, just moving the relationship along.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice artwork and sounds but a little shallow, there ARE some issues with windows 10. The scroll wheel sections don't work unless you leave your cursor on the window's title bar. If you have issues with save files you'll need to remove read only on the folder (and maybe add everyone to full security permissions to that folder in the right click, security menu).

    Cute girl but no real gentle build up you get straight to the sex on day 2.

    Worth a download, even if quite large. Story seems a tiny bit weak.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    honestly one of my favourite H games from masurao, was super fun to play and super fappable.

    animation is well done, and their is voice acting too.
    can be burned through in probably an hour.

    I only wish there were more games like this one...