Others - MMA Life Simulator [v0.1.7.5] [BNS7]

  1. 2.00 star(s)



    2 stars for sexy characters. Everything else is sub-par.

    -Game has tendency to crash when you change locations, probably because of shitty engine. So if you want to check it out be sure to save before changing locations.
    - Save button defaults to loading instead of saving when first playing, which can be confusing for someone playing for the first time, after that it will stay on whichever you left it (save/load)
    -It is basically kinetic novel in sandbox environment, no real choices to be made except if you want to do mission and, by extension. see content related to said mission or not. Lots of grinding to max out stuff.
    -Boring combat system with just 3 buttons(1.+accuracy -dmg, 2. no bonuses, 3. -accuracy +dmg), enemies just have way too much hp compared to damage that you can do, making combat a slog where you will spam one button that does most dmg because all 3 buttons do the same thing (deal dmg)
    - Sex scenes are rather disappointing
    - Skipping text takes forever
    - As far as I can tell no way to check npc stats even though game say that they have some (like obedience, self respect, total sex acts done)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite adult game that I've played so far. Great graphics and scenes with a nice selection of girls, and one of the biggest things being is that it's actually a game, not a visual novel. As the title implies mma and is entertaining in its current state. Game features multiple locations you can go to and walk around in, very interactive.

    The story is also very well written especially with the most recent release v1.9, a lot of story was added with some great humor as well. The quests and dialog do not feel repetitive either it all seems unique with different stories like banging a MILF or catching a cheating wife.

    The animations are top tier the best ive seen, 3D with lots of great angles, positions and finishes. They certainly feel very rewarding after playing through the training, fighting and quests.

    The most recent update also added pregnancy as well for the girl Anna, I've always seen being pregnancy being a very requested feature in other games and it does not disappoint here awesome scenes.

    The developer is cool and actually listens and responds to the community and it's suggestions, and even holds polls to decide the future of the game.

    Overall 5/5 great game, always looking forward to future updates and additions the game constantly receives.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice animations hot girls and realy good gameplay all in all preaty good game. i really enjoyed it. its actually the first game i have played where ireally wanted to support the projekt via patreon. please keep updating would realy like to see where this game is going.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Game playis little slow and simple and repeating it self. Needs to wait for some updates. Gained one star frome for girls they are desinged so beatiful. It should take longer to charm the girls btw. Less empty chats more back story.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an actual good game. It's got everything a man (who's into MMA) would like: Fighting system, dating, and hot girls.
    The game needs advertisement. No one knows about it, that's the main reason why it's not taking off.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has amazing renders and smooth animations.

    Unfortunately that's where everything positive stops.

    Absolutely everyone in this game is braindead and having to listen to their inane conversations is an attack on my brain. Everything is incredibly shallow, this game is cool when you're 12.

    Decent minigame though. Very grindy.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A friend recommended it to me, I can't say I loved the game. The story looks great, but needs more development and content. The UI of the new version is much better than the previous one, by the way, it was a big leap in this regard. The fighting system hasn't changed much and neither have the minigames, the new characters are very attractive I'd say lol. Well, it immediately needs more sex scenes! Looking forward to the next public version!:whistle:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, i've been watching this dev for a while and it's been on my wishlist in steam for a while. I love the attention do details and I am excited to what's next, it's a growing niche of games and i think it stands out to me vs other games in the same genre
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    new gamer

    need more regular updates for the game
    and there are many characters i can not click in the game

    other than that combat is better now alot less missing and i like anna she is very beautiful and probably best looking girl in game right now

    need more content with anna

    if there is no eortic scene with anna i will down grade my rating
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest, at first, I was confused and wondered, "What game is this?" However, once I started playing, I absolutely loved it. This is the first visual novel with minigames like that, and it truly exceeded my expectations. The fighting system is well-designed and engaging.

    I must admit, I faced a lot of challenges and found myself failing repeatedly in fights. There were moments when I was so frustrated that I nearly broke my computer! It seemed like either I was incredibly unlucky or nothing was working in my favor. Despite these hurdles, the overall experience was very enjoyable.

    In summary, this game is fantastic. It's not just entertaining but also quite thrilling. It's definitely worth playing, and I highly recommend it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's my first review on the site, so I don't know how to confirm everything correctly, but here we go.

    1. The game is good, the characters are very vivid, but the fact that it doesn't look like a common visual novel makes all the dialogue a bit boring.

    2. The fights are extremely boring, it could be improved. How about a real fight? Like I don't know, clicking buttons and punching idiots in the face. (I can never beat the last fighter and I've already spent weeks training.)

    3. Where are the sex scenes? Is there only one so far? That Anna is cute, but I couldn't fuck her.

    3.1. Why does Anna seem so much more well-crafted than other characters?

    4. Do you have any predictions on when we will be able to beat up Thug in the alley?

    5. The story seems very, extremely, quite generic, but so far it seems to be well written and avoiding clichés. (The father disappearing is a really bad cliche lmaooo)

    6. Are you that much of a street fighter fan? I hope they don't take legal action.

    7. A constructive and very direct criticism, please change the shitty design of the home and game screens. It's not bad, it's terrible.

    8. Find better songs, the songs are really boring and make you want to kill everyone.

    9. Why is that girl in the alley so strong?

    10. Sometimes the game has an extreme FPS drop, especially in the animations.

    11. Is there any new update coming?

    I hope to be answered soon, sorry for the English, I'm from Spain.​
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a shoddy game, don't play it unless you want to waste your time.
    Inexplicable background music and boring clichéd storyline, the combat is not even comparable to the average RPGM game, not to mention the interface, the flow is also a mess, long and boring dialog ......
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This version 0.1.2a ist rly rly bad.


    • The training sessions are getting more expensive... why? That doesn't make sense.
    • The mini-games are bad and boring.
    • The back-and-forth walking is annoying... put an exit on both sides, so we know when we're done.
    • 5k dollars just for a prostitute to show her armpits? What the heck? Poor money management.
    • Grind of death... it's annoying to click the same 3 buttons 20 times just to get a new fighter.
    • Game progress and options cannot be saved!
    • I have to watch the same idiot's animation every time... can't skip, and the dialogue doesn't change.
    • Every character seems to have amnesia... every dialogue starts from the beginning (or is it just me?).
    • The prostitute's face looks like she's internally dead.
    • The combat animation is not completely terrible.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: 0.1.2a (updated)

    - Too much disturbing/ redundant animations fixed!
    - Too slow walking speed (> Add a run button, maybe?) fixed!
    - Fighting is too slow (Bar fills too slowly > Speed it up?) fixed!
    - Interaction reacts too sloppy (> make hit-box bigger?) fixed!
    The fighting still takes ages to complete (way too much "missed" hits, on both sides- this seems plausible, but makes the fights become really tedious.) Maybe the whole fighting system should be remade, making it more interactive and like RPGM or Final Fantasy style'ish: You decide to either block or attack (attack would be divided into different attack styles) and the hitting chances of both opponent and player need to rise drastically.

    I can't still recommend this game, it's at an early alpha stage at max. It's worth mentioning that the Dev seems to listen to the critics here on FN.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fuck, this shit is good.
    1. Reduce the animations, this makes the game too heavy
    2. Fix these values, they are absurd.
    3. You need to add more content, repeating that stupid gangster's dialogue is shit.
    4. When will there be content from that girl in the fighting area?
    5. The map needs to be bigger, not scrollable. Create a static map, which you can just click and go to the place.
    6. There is an error in the debug area.
    7. That girl Sherry, feels like I'm fucking a corpse.
    8. The writing is good, but the story seems weak.
    9. Where is Cheating Wife?

    Other than that, the game is great. Could team add NTR? :mad::unsure:
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The team is doing a great job, I hope the game isn't abandoned out of nowhere. For now, there is very little content. Maybe in about 4 months there will be a lot of nsfw content. The MMA theme is also good, really ofc
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Who is the writer of this? I love the fact that it's not standard, but at the same time it has some writing errors. This is interesting, but needs improvement. But I would love to see more about this writer, Has he already made another game? Reminds me a bit of Leap, or something.