MMD discussion/sharing


May 25, 2023
Wanted to grab it, came back several hours later and seems like dude nuked all the links:cry:
In fact. Just post the original link. The author will know that the work is out there. And he/she knows how many people are downloading it (because and so on will calculate the traffic/number of downloads). That's why they advocate downloading and posting a new link. Instead of posting the link directly (kemono). That way you save a new link and post it. It's easier to see that the kemono is still alive. Otherwise you could easily see the author change the archive point 1.2 hours into the day after the release. And (kemono) would just die. After all, kemono is too famous. All authors are aware of the existence of this site and will try to minimize the amount of their work that goes out. After all, they can find their kemono pages. In any case. The idea is to keep it as late as possible. So that they don't run away from their supporters.


Mar 29, 2023
Does anyone have a video of him?