Unity - Completed - Molester Spirit [v1.5.7] [Purple-Pink]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Nago Tsym

    This game is pretty fun and has multiple options and endings to keep it fun. I lost the game for awhile and just found it again after searching for awhile. Glad to see I found it and could play it again.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    That game was slightly above my expectations. I started thinking I will just open it say it's shit and close it but played it for about 2-3 hours because of shitty gameplay and decent animations. It's a classic train molest game so not much to be expected. Hell i would even rate it 3/5 if the girl's forhead wasnt twice the size of her face.
    Art 2/5
    Story - 1/5
    Gameplay 2/5
    Fapability 2/5
    Music 2/5
    Originality 2/5
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Note: I will rate 5 for games that I think are worth the download (even if incomplete or imperfect) and 1 for games that I think are not worth wasting time (although in my text I talk about their positive aspects).

    A dull game with a funereal soundtrack and anatomically the pussy is pretty weird: there's no uterus. Anyway, don't waste your time.

    The girl's drawing has animation. But she has no voice acting like moans etc. There are balloons with the girl's lines, but the English translation seems pretty precarious. It's not a touching game. You just click on options, and then a hand appears touching the girl. However, it is a bizarre game! The hand movements don't make much sense: he scratches the girl's pussy, or squeezes in a weird way and at ridiculous speed.

    The interesting thing about the game is that it gives you more than most of the genre, where we only have 1 still image of a scene. here, you interact at different times. but the interaction is quite limited.
    at most you click on the icon of what to do with your hand and watch the action. there is an arousal meter, but there is no game over.
    What I really liked were the girl's facial expressions. Maybe if it were better translated it could be fun to follow what she says.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    A game where you play a ghost molester who has haunted a girl and sexually assaults her. The art is okay, the music is okay. The gameplay involves a lot of clicking through her inner monologue, and occasionally doing the sexual scenes where you can pick between one of three animations of what you're doing to her to fill up a meter before moving on to the next one. Minimally interactive and just not very fun.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Poor game where you follow the scenario that is already define, I have play other similar game (that I think it is from the same developer) with more choice and different ending, however here, you have just 1 timeline and 1 ending, train scene (contains 3 phase) ->toilet scene (2 scene).
    I finish it in less than 5 min as I spam my mouse because the text is not really important as you can partially comprehend.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Alas, doesn't have as much flare as the other game about the invisible dude from the same developer.

    First of all, a very linear "plot" progression with no branches.

    The whole idea about the train ghost-molester has quite the potential, but the reason why people enjoy chikan genre is not because people simply get fucked/molested on the train to appeal to horny train enthusiasts, but because it's done in public AND stealthily. In some deviations from the genre there's also the whole thing with crowds of molesters reserving a whole train section to gang rape victims, but I digress. In this game there's neither of that stuff. It's just the girl and the ghost dude, all alone in the train. Might as well been any other place, really.

    And not just that, but the place where she ACTUALLY got fucked is not even the train, so even that they couldn't get right. Come on.

    Secondly, there's really not much tools to play around with. Nuff said, and quite disappointing, really.

    And thirdly: there's simply not enough content and whatever actually is there is just boring as fuck, but I'm speaking for myself.

    I honestly am disappointed about this game, even One Shots felt more fulfilling to play than this. Feels like a lazy attempt compared to Purple Pink's previous games, especially considering what already was made.
  7. 2.00 star(s)

    Fire and Brimstone

    It may have been a okay game in 2010s, but whole UI, character animations, gameplay etc. looks so outdated.

    Also all the animations in the game feels too shaky. As an example, girl is supposed to be terrified and shaking, but you got too much wobble and she moves like fish out of water.

    It is good for a quick laugh, but nothing else.