RPGM - Completed - Mommy Milkers Miko [Final] [Azurezero]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is quite possibly the worst game on F95 I've ever had the displeasure of playing; I am actually sad that I wasted over 2 hours on whatever this is supposed to be. Everything about this is bad, the art, the rng, the grind, everything.
    Likes: LDV
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    About as good as other Azurezero's games.

    The only issue I had is that game was a bit glitchy at times, yet completable still. Also no saving in the gallery mode kinda sucks.

    Nice little game overall, but nothing out of ordinary this time around. Heroine is hot as always but the technical aspect was probably a bit too unpolished which was kinda surprising to me. Usually Azure's games aren't like that, hence low rating.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is very boring.
    You either save scum to get through a tedious minigame or you see the same few scenes over and over again just to get past the beginning portion. After which you see you get to the main portion of the game where the scenes are also quite simple, lead to gameovers, and are kinda tedious to get to since the game doesn't tell you anything helpful. Also I don't understand why the heart meter is in the game where, unlike the game it is imitating, it serves no purpose.

    And for some reason my game loved o bug out on make it so he scene, the game window not my monitor, blackout forcing me to close and re-open the game. As well as just crashing right when I open my menu or use the grappling hook which made me lose progress quite a number of times.

    Lastly, the art could be much, much better.
    Likes: LDV
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    there's simply too much of a grind, low amount of scenes that you can encounter, and most of them instantly lead to a gameover, no questlog, so you always forced to guess on your own what you are supposed to do next
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's average, compared to other games on the website it's not mechanically deep. It does have a couple of cool gimmicks like the grapple hook, and some wall vaulting. But it's more for flavor than a fully realized game mechanic. Seems like some of the other game mechanics don't serve much purpose. Like Lust, it fills up and then nothing really changes besides heart eyes and more blush. There's even an item to reduce it, but why you'd bother is a good question. The lust meter doesn't game over you, it just goes to show how turned on the fmc is.

    Story was meh, gameplay was alright, sex scenes were good.

    A fairly average game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good art with a gameplay concept that works really well. Combat was nothing special, but quick and to the point as it should be, and the whole assassination mecanic was hot and well animated too. Awesome demo, will def check back in on this one in the future. (name could prob be a b better tho)
    Likes: Daioh
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    Mommy Milky Miko is a Stealth game in a Edo Style fantasy.
    With the game out there is a new part before the castle infiltration. You must acquire 15000 money. this part is very grindy, i exploit the gambling game with game saves.
    After that the castle is full of ambience puzzles, combat can be avoided except in some cases
    The game is very short but the arts are nice, but too short