Others - MonCurse [v0.] [Kamuu]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game, so far, is perfect mix of gameplay and smut. Fights are interesting enough and some moves always cose small h-scenes to appear, the scenes all in all, really Hot. Plot is... Pkay, for now it is here, not much to say about it, but looks promising enough. But it is not all, the thing than charmed me was grafics and art. It is Perfect. I cant really describe it, u need to pay, but it is really good.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun little romp, only about a couple hours before you unlock all the content in the current build, but what is there is good. Gameplay is fun, and finding all the little transformations is as well. The art, encounters, and bad ends are really hot. I could see this game being a real hit once it gets a bit further along in it's development with more content and more monster types.

    The plot is OK, a bit hard to follow at times, but who plays these things for the plot anyways.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is simply terrible, even though it tries to be unique it's far from being good.
    It is as far as my understanding mouse focused however anything barely even makes sense in the controls, i thought i understood the game once i completed the tutorial but as soon as i started the first missions the problem rised.
    The way the hitting mechanic works just doesn't work, enemies can simply jump hit and run away and there is nothing you can do if you don't have the weapon which you only have one, and if you find more enemies well you gotta have more weapons, you are not allowed to attack unless they sit in a precise spot.
    I could say the artwork is nice and same goes to the few animations i saw but i'm not rating a game based on artworks if the gameplay simply isn't good.
    It's completely random, not fun and not engaging.
    The transformations which is one of the core features of this game are also completely random, i got morphed multiple times without any prompt of why, how and when, before i knew i turned into a monstergirl with absolutely no counter play.
    So basically at the end it has undodgeable attacks, undodgeable transformations, poor tutorial and bad controls, a completely messy UI with huge boxes and little texts making everything a migraine to look at.

    The artworks and dialogues are ok, however this is a game with turn based combat mechanics in it, if it was a VN i could've counted artworks as point values but as it stands the good artworks mean zero if the core gameplay is confusing, bad and extremely no sense.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a turn based platformer is the best I can describe it. Pretty intersting and relativly unique combat almost akin to Pokemon Dungeon but with an ever changing deck of cards and a basic attack instead of four moves and a basic attack. Overall pretty fun gameplay with some nicely made images.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like transforming main character this game is for you. You will get cat ears, ram horns, fox tail by interacting with enemies and objects.
    The gameplay can feel weird but it's easy enough to go through without too much hassle. Really interested to see where this game goes.
    It's only lacking more arts without your character and the monster girl having sexy time
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game since the beginning on Patreon and it's Discrod.

    The art in this game is pretty cool and the gameplay is a 2D turn-based platformer with skill cards that depend on what transformations you have. It doesn't break a leg but I think it's original and rather refreshing as gameplay.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A yuri TF game that does gameplay right!

    For those are looking for a yuri focused TF game with futa you have found the right game. The premise is simple you are a former male warrior who has been cast back in time transformed into a woman. Now the gameplay is a simple turn based affair. Your character moves then the enemies act, over time you find weapons that will help you deal with enemies from various ranges. Where the TF comes into play is when enemies get their hands on the MC.

    Enemies grab and have ero attacks ranging from kissing to tribadism. All enemies types have their specific erotic attacks so there's not much variation in exchange for fluid animations. Once the protagonist has been transformed from extensive sexing their moves change as well. Enemies as well will reaction to what the protagonist has become. Foxes hate sheep, sheep like cats and tease foxes, finally cats are cats meow.

    The move changes are interesting because they completely change how your character functions. As a sheep you can hypnotize enemies and kiss them for health drain. Foxes have ranged attacks and once you are one you can summon ghosts for yourself. And cats have a pounce and lots of movement. There's a lot to look forwards to with the addition of more enemy types.

    In summary, once there is an understanding of mechanics this is a solid TF yuri game. Take time and view some scenes to see how solid the TF system is!