Unreal Engine - Monolith Bay [v0.44.0] [Team Monolith]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is ok, and I had fun with it, but it's not quite five stars. It's a sandbox with true 3D. It has a sandbox part (interactions with random-ish NPCs and a little bit of world exploration, with "gather all the hidden pink stones" as main motivator), a plot part and individual chains of quests ("date sequences") for a dozen or so main girls. Animations are good (but not perfect), character stories are okay. Some controls (bike, car) are clunky but it's tolerable.

    My problem with it is general pacing. It's a bit too plot-heavy. Don't get me wrong, I like games with slow sexual build-up, some of my favorite games are text-only, I don't mind figuring out girls' background, likes and dislikes. But here we get a "humorous" rick-and-mortyish plot about missing parents, aliens and scientific experiments, and A LOT of on-screen dialogue is characters discussing all that stuff. I honestly don't care. There are ways to make your one-of-a-kind setting and your plot points unobtrusive and natural, and there are some games that do it right. And there are lots of games that just wrap the plot in long "go-there-bring-that-speak-to-him" chains of quests and you just sit there skipping dialogues for a good minute. MB is one of those games.

    Truth be told, developers added ways to fast-skip dialogues and even to skip certain minigames, so kudos to them. But still, IMO, it would have been better without all the plot stuff whatsoever. Just "here you are, in a new house with your family, go explore and meet people".

    Anyway, worth a play. First two or three days are linear, then you get to the sandbox and can fuck random girls (just get 3 Intelligence first), or fuck plot girls with a bit more effort. There's a moderate amount of grind, but not too outrageous. Models are cute and visuals are nice. Impregnation is very limited though (only with one main girl of your choosing), but I'm not complaining.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Story: 2/5
    Scenes: 3/5
    Gameplay: 3/5
    Graphics: 2/5

    This is a haphazardly slopped together proof of concept without much hope for reconciliation. It desperately tries to tie together its various half implemented ideas with the thinnest of threads. Character designs are bad. MC is a twink. Conversations are dull and uninteresting. Actions don't have consequences (aside from story progression). The dev constantly tries to break the 4th wall (yeah, we get it, we're playing a game), but there are so many inconsistencies in it such as not being able to go in the water around the lake ("because the dev hasn't implemented swimming yet"), but being able to go in the pond at the park or the ocean at the beach; similarly not being able to jump off the cliff at the church, but being able to jump from the same height anywhere else.

    Controls and movement are pretty awful (on foot or bike).

    Game is too grindy and devs tried really hard to make it difficult to useCheat Engine in order to get more subscribers. That's probably where most of the development efforts go: trying to block cheat engine usage.

    Many areas have missing textures. Most other areas have terrible quality textures. All clothes look stupid. Devs don't understand how clothes work. Camera system is barely passable, and awful at times.
    Likes: Wlms
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all this not a exactly 5 star game not in usual way,but then why I did give 5? Because I believe this game should be standart foundation point for 3d adult games. Whole genre is filled with mostly visual novels, which I do love personally but also I cant say they're really games at all. What I can call game is right here, is it perfect? No it does need a lot of polish, a bit more content. But in its current state, the game can definitely create an entertaining experience, but to what good works does it owe this? First of all, to start with the story, the story does not take itself too seriously, it is like a cliché meeting of popular products on the market, there is nothing bad or extra, there is nothing unbearable about it. Also, I think the art design is nice, it's a cute little world and I liked the graphics, I think the animations need polishing, but they are currently sufficient in terms of variety.

    As for the gameplay, it can become a bit boring in the long run to earn money and move around, but it is quite easy to overcome this problem with cheat codes. Apart from that, the game offers us some minigames in small sequences. Although they are not very good, they are well stuck in between and they are not very disturbing.

    Apart from this, the game also has a simplified date sim situation, which is my favorite system in the game. In my opinion, interacting with girls, small conversations, earning points, and add-ons such as hugging and kissing are the most life-giving elements in such games in this point you realize that the game has great potential. In my opinion, good girl designs, the ability to interact with girls and develop relationships, the ability to customize characters, a small but fun open world where you can interact with NPCs are the formulas of a perfect game, and this game can do all of these, although it is a little inadequate and bit basic. And this makes me think that. How good a game can be made with more detailed mechanics, detailed relationships and a user-friendly design supported by a good budget. As a result, I think this game has serious potential, and even if this may not be achieved with this game, it will be a noteworthy game in terms of guiding those who will make this type of game in the future. I believe that a well-made game in this style will succeed will be best adult game out there. Also, this game has one of best stepsister design among the games I have played so far. In conclusion, I recommend playing the game, I think it will be an enjoyable experience.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Its not a bad game, story is ok but nothing special, the grind isent bad just really boring mostly the money part, not sure if you can get money faster later but with the pizza delivery shit at 30$ per 2-3 mins driving around gets to boring considering clothes can cost up to 1000$ for a single item, might be made like this as an attempt to get people to sign up for patron to get cheat codes, atleast it wouldent supprise me.

    It can be kinda fun to explore town or beach since you can pretty much hit on anyone and try to have sex with them, i think thats where clothes comes in, more clothes higher chance for them to accept.

    There is a somewhat nice relationship build up with the girls, but it is a little weird that once you open up for sex scenes you can just pick anything even 3 some where someone you never seen joins in.

    There is one problem with the girls quests and how fast you can get points with them, i mean ive fucked the sister, moved in with her in a house, got her pregnant, all before having a real date wich is a bit idiotic when doing her quest line, i just got up to where the sister ask if MC might consider a date with her...i mean they live together and shes pregnant, and my relationship status with her is engaged, so you see my point do quests first instend of going for relationship points first or it will become weird.

    The virgin scenes are absolutly crap, its 100% like any normal scenes no pain no thing so even dialogs are crap in those, not really sure why they make virgins if they dont make use of it, it feels more like they just wanted the tag but dident want to do the work for it, so forget all about that tag.

    There are some visual bugs like tits going through clothes and such, and if you pick the girls designs instend of defaulth it can really get fucked up, i had one girl with no arms no legs which was pretty stupid, but i do love the idea of being able to build your own characters as you like them, so you can choose all big tits or all small tits which is a huge plus.

    The animations are pretty good, but once you seen one girl its the same for all girls which also takes the fun out of it, you just pick what animation you want to see if you got the stats for it with MC.

    Music is the normal background stuff nothing special but nice still nice to have.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    gotta say, I was enjoying the story and antics in this game. It does have its humorous moments.
    Game play wise. Controls are a bit janky and the physics are weird, but it does add to the charm of the game.
    My one complaint with game play is that there is no inverse mouse (up/down). The inverse mouse options only affects the left/right movement. But I got over it soon enough, so not game breaking, just annoying to me (I'm one of those that plays with inverted mouse controls...)

    at the moment, the R18 content is not my priority but actually playing the game to find out more about what's going on in the town as well as what the hell the MC's uncle is doing! And looking for those glowing red stones.

    Keep the development progress going!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: An interesting game that has way too many visual bugs and an unpolished feel, could one day be a 4/5 or a 5/5 if all the issues were addressed

    + I like the town itself, there are some things to see and do, and some areas to explore
    + There are a couple of NPCs you can pursue romantically as you upgrade your stats, gives a nice feel in terms of progression
    + The writing is not terrible, and it can be entertaining to go through the dialogue
    + Presence of minigames makes me believe that further updates will add even more things to do so it isn't a game of merely going around talking to NPCs

    - Randomly-spawned NPCs are often times extremely hideous, like bald women with beards and clipping clothes
    - Animations are buggy and clippy, even sexual ones, kind of a mood-killer at times
    - The arrow icons guiding you to your objective are distractingly-big, very annoying to look at
    - Clothing options are minimalistic, offering very little purpose, imo
    - The game features an option to play as a futa, but much of the dialogue uses terms like "Dude" and such, and I've found numerous bugs with the body re-transforming into a male's body at times. IF such an option is to be introduced, at least make it work so it isn't entirely jarring to play
    - Could ease up on the Rick & Morty theme a little bit, it's fun at times but quickly becomes overbearing, can hardly imagine a full game like this
    - Not a whole lot of sexual positions, all things considered, could do with having plenty more variety
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I didn't played it completly yet, but i still did some long hours playing it.

    The game is not bad with a small cartoon'ish graphisms style, some small open world with npc and such all around.
    Some nice and fun quest/mission to do, not too much "walk miles to get some shit".
    the possibility to play as a male or a futa (replacing female, but some npc will refer to you as a female (sis or else)).

    As on bad points, i have multiples.
    starting by the npc/chars look, the "story" characters are all pretty nicely done, with great shape and style. When the npc walking around are most ugly or weird (saw female with beard and many stuff like this)

    The game could feel "empty" in multiples points. the inside of building are empty (if not dead), the street could be a bit more active and overall as fun as the cioty look, it miss some feeling and soul.

    the customization of our character is very limited, mostly on changing colors of the shirt (up to 10k for changing only the color.. WTF?)

    the sex scenes/animations are a bit fade, too robotic and simple in some ways. Not that much enjoyable to watch and the controls are annoying (specially on blowjob).

    as for technical side, it's not good. My pc can run "she will punish them" at max without any lag or sound, meanwhile this game make my GC screaming almost instantly, even tho the game itself doesnt show much lags or freezes (they are some at some places).

    the bonus cheat codes are nice, they dont add much considering the actual gameplay, but it's still a bonus.

    all in all, it's a nice game, but it could be so much more. i wish i could do this kind of stuff, i will add tons of stuff in it, possibilities are massive, dont waste them.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A surprise among other 3D titles. A well balanced and consistent one. It is still definitely work in progress, a little bit rough around edges, but it already offers very good chunk of playworthy content. If I had to use one word to describe this game, it would be "cute", thanks to girl characters in the game and development of relations with them. I hope that devs will focus on that part in future updates, because game goes beyond usual adult fap title. Maybe it is due to body language and face animations, maybe it is due to writing. It reminds me of another game where a persona of game author popped up in the middle of some scene and gave a warning to treat protagonist girls well, because they are wonderful and they deserve it. That's what I tend to think of Debbie, Vi, ghost girl and other protagonists so far, so I hope that game will deliver a bit of heartwarming story and won't only provide a way into those girls' panties. Actually despite quite nice adult scene animations, the latter gets old pretty quickly, so I hope it won't be too easy and frequent in next updates, so it will be more meaningful and rewarding if it will happen.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Fluff but fun premise and pretty good pacing between story and sandbox. No replay value to it, which is why I haven't given it a second look for almost 3 years since playing it before, though to be honest that's more than I've replayed others. You can potentially have sex anywhere with anyone, but why? The sexual interactivity is so negligible that you might as well play every animation once in the viewer and then you're done. Nothing more to see here. Not much to hear, either.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Can' stand playing the game.

    -Text is way too slow.
    -Walking is slow and clunky.
    -Skin clipping through clothes.
    -MC is unenjoyable to play with.
    -Lots of objects flickering in animations.
    -Game presents choices which you have no context of.

    I tried a few times to even play the beginning of this game, but I just can't stand it.
    Which is a shame, I'm following this since its 'announcement'. There was a lot of potential.
    But delivering this kinda of 'content' and even cheats (which is a must) behind a paywall...
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    This game starts out OK, but quickly adds some pointless grind in the form of a driving minigame. This is totally broken - it is impossible to consistently drive forward. This totally gates progress as driving is needed to earn money used to purchase quest items.

    I would not recommend playing until this is resolved.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Monolith bay [v.0.28.0] is at this point in time a really cute erotic game.
    The narrative is fairly well constructed and surprisingly coherent and while the sims-graphics may not be the most beautiful, its cleverly a part of the story.
    - Only 40 odd typos in 15000+ lines of text.
    - Impressive minigames with basic changes in gameplay mechanics to accomodate a diverse gameplay experience.
    - Main story can be completed, which feels rewarding after 10+ hours gameplay.
    - Lewd level is fairly consistent, with an erotic undertone to most encounters and while the trust = sex is a neat mechanic, it seems just that - very mechanic, neatly packed within the game's own logic.

    In closing, if you want a nice game with a little lewd, this is the game for you, if you're looking for a fuck-a-thon with a ton of fetishes, this is not the game for you.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Welp, that was something. Pretty wonky gameplay, with annoying grind and boring mini-games; plot and writing is pretty 'meh', sometimes they 'TRY' to be funny and it doesn't work, like most of the time;a character's - 50/50, some good and some bad (thanks for ruining outgoing redhead scottish type of girl, personal "f*ck you" for that); graphics look mostly good, but sometimes it's all soap (I liked character creation thing, too bad sandmode sucks arse); animations look good only at still shoots, rest of the time it's wonky, buggy mess. My char got its breast removed almost at every step, she had little bigger than average breasts and game lost its shit after every scene or changing clothes. POV sucks and broken; Ah! Almost forgot about tons of paywalls and scummy practices.

    Personally I had HUGE headache after playing it for 2-3 hours and experience itself was pretty all over the place, so think twice before checking it yourself. My advice.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Way too much grind and repetitive tasks. The game seems to push the player towards buying, "Cheats," though its predatory gameplay mechanics. Beyond that, the game is quite buggy with the player often ragdolling, the h scenes are pretty bad, and generally just a bad experience
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting game, plot, visuals, etc. Its very different from your standard Renpy VN. Lot of effort and work involved here. Of course because of all that there was and still is many bugs, but the devs are making fairly frequent and consistent updates and listening to players comments which is much more than what I can say about the vast majority of games on here. So really its just down to if you like the visual style and if you can even run Unreal Engine and think the story is engaging enough or not. Personally I played the game way back in the day and I did like it but decided to stop and let the updates rollout and accumulate. Ill continue to do so while monitoring the game. But my impression were and still are very favorable to Monolith Bay. Hope it keep progressing with content and updates.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Such a lonely day

    I think the most potential game I've ever played very open to development and can go different ways because (my wiews)
    there is different mini games inside game (ı very like that)
    Nice main story and side story (ı think need development diffrent characters stroy)
    Different and a lot of position (ı think enough but maybe diffrent position can be added)
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    - Free roam
    - Some dating sim elements
    - Decent amount of sex animations
    - Character Customization and Sharing

    - Graphics, animations, interface could look much better
    - Takes too long until you can have sex for the first time
    - Focuses too much on long pointless dialogues instead of gameplay elements, which makes them very shallow (spam gifts/hugs to increase affection)
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Smol Latin Weeb

    The game has great potential but it is somewhat rough around the edges. Graphics could be improved before moving on with the story or slow down building the graphics and develop the story could be options. The game is in early development so, as always, wish the best to the dev. Good luck
    Likes: mc247
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    This is a well made enjoyable game with adult content. I just couldn't get very excited for it because all the characters look like toons, the story is pretty simple and already completed, and the sex and dating aspect of the game just wasn't exciting enough for me for some reason. But I will always think of this game fondly and it did captivate my interest for a while. I haven't really played it since around version 18.0, and might not ever play it again for a while. But I have no problem at all giving this game four stars. Recommended for those that like 3D games and want something to do for a while. Oh, if there are ever sex scenes with the older woman on the bench, the one who always says something like "have you been a bad boy?" I would definitely reinstall the game again.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.19.1

    First i will start with the story. This games story genuinely feels like im currently experiencing 40+ celsius fever and im trying to stay alive while having some crazy fever dreams. This games story just ragdolls you around like a half life character, its unrelenting and disorienting, but that by itself is not a bad thing, i did enjoy borderline nonsensical and crazy story of this game, even if its not that deep in its development.

    The graphics are very cartoonish and its better that way, i would not recommend enabling less cartoony models, its rough.

    Speaking in terms of performance, this game runs pretty smooth in terms of FPS, it does not however run smooth in terms of bugs. This game is buggy as all hell, if you are reading this review on the same version you are going to play, DO NOT inspect the plant inside your room, That motherfucker just soft locks you by triggering a cutscene out of order.

    Overall this game needs A LOT of refinement and progress, but with time and effort this game could become a gem. Good stuff devs.