I was very pleasantly surprised by this game! A surprisingly generous amount of content, some really creative scenes, all around good stuff, especially as it gets towards the later stages. Really looking forward to future updates. A bit of assorted feedback:
- The game is definitely quite grindy, though I didn't mind it too much given the generous amount of scenes per enemy.
- The exp gain seems somewhat messed up. For example, at least when re-fighting, the catgirl gives less exp for winning than losing, making just surrendering over and over the fastest way to level. OTOH, losing to Phosphate seems to give no exp.
- Really love the forest area, and the heist was neat too. I loved the idea of the kunoichi/dojo area, but felt like it stopped pretty abruptly: no true fights in the area, and pretty limited scenes/interactions. Really hoping for a revisit at some point