
Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Apologies for the recent lack of posts and information everyone. Work has been incredibly busy these past few weeks and suffice to say, I have not had any real free time for anything unfortunately. Made some time to share some information today, and sorry in advanced if I do not address your question, I am still a little pressed for time as it would be irresponsible to take a longer break. Also, thank you very much to everyone who fielded and answered questions while I have been away.

Yes, that is the major weakness of that build in that opponents with Energy Drain and/or Semen Eater are much more challenging. Fortunately there are not that many enemies with those perks in the game as of yet, but those that do are a major challenge for that build until it is at a higher level. At least it does make for an effective training wheels character to see what works and what doesn't given how generally durable the build is and the amount of experimentation in battle it would allow.

That's more of a consequence of the current content available and some later game content being made available more than anything. Elements like paying off the debt, covering all of Mika's expenses, clearing Kotone's challenge, winning against Sofia's fights, and so on are content that is intended to be returned to and tackled as the player advances further in the game. Of course, as we can't really go that far in right now, grinding and conquering those challenges is the current end game once the story and all of the other relationships that the player is interested in have been advanced as far as the current content allows.

Well, you're in luck that the long term plans for those two do involve resolving the situation between Kotone and Feng. How that ultimately will play out is not known, but more likely than not it will be a happier ending given the generally lighthearted setting and especially considering that it seems necessary to further develop both Kotone and Feng as well as deepen the relationship with both characters.

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I do hope that you find this information helpful, Master of Puppets.

While that could lead to some fun and interesting encounters, if a mechanic like that was ever to be introduced, it would probably more likely than not be tied into the player housing system whenever it actually materializes. Although, it could be rather chaotic depending on how many girls you have living with you and if scenes were written to allow more than one to greet you when you wake. Worst case scenario, it could just choose one of the individuals living with you at random for making certain you're okay after being teleported. Of course, the player housing system is likely a very long ways off and we do not really have any idea of how it would function beyond it being suggested we would be able to invite some of the girls to live with us.

I do hope that you find this information useful, track989 and some of this may also be of interest to you with regards to cohabitating with the lovely monster girls, Duke Greene.

For the base, as I mentioned above and as Lazyrick stated, that will be content for the future. The player having their own house is a feature planned for the future but until then, you could always try your hand at modding if you cannot wait until that day arrives. As for Kotone's art, while arguably disrespectful to the artist and Threshold's vision for the character, you could edit her art and mod it into the game if you were so inclined. Worst case scenario, you could always ask someone to try and edit the art for you if you do not have the skills to do so, but I couldn't say if there is anyone who would acquiesce to such a request.

While this may be disappointing, I do hope that this is an adequate answer to your questions, Lis1488.

It did put a smile on my face, so thank you for that. As for staying safe, due to my profession I am staying as safe as can be but I am exposed to those who are sick and dying on what is essentially a daily basis currently. I still haven't contracted the disease yet, so here's hoping that trend continues. Already had a few coworkers become infected and succumb sadly, and that has further contributed to how busy I am at work.

Thank you once again and be certain to take care of yourself as well, Nevart.

It's forced perspective in the case of one of Feng's hands seeming larger. She's in a stance where she's turned her left side towards us and is holding her left hand forward while her right hand is raised overhead. So yes, it's just perspective rather than her spending too much time using one particular hand/arm although the latter situation does lead to potentially amusing imagery.

I hope that this is an effective answer to your question, MadFoole.

Just wanted to say thanks for providing this option since I know that some users have trouble downloading larger files or need MEGA as a download mirror due to various issues.

So thank you very much, JokerLeader.

As littleowen stated, and thank you very much for that, there are no image pack mods for those characters lacking assets at the moment. Fortunately, only a handful of characters in game are lacking art at the moment, Tabitha's art assets are ready for implementation so that's another one to be checked off soon, and Beris will likely have art soon given the Labyrinth is coming ever nearer to being created. One of the Guardians, Ushris, already has her art ready, so she'll arrive with her art assets in game and then there are a few other upcoming characters that already have art lined up apparently but have not been revealed as they are still some ways off yet. Such a mod likely would not be too difficult to implement if you just used a single static image and didn't do anything with expressions, but most modders right now probably don't see such an undertaking as worth the effort given that such a series of mods would be rendered unnecessary, some sooner than others.

While this may not be what you wanted to hear, I do hope that you find this informative, szermen97.

As thrownawayburger mentioned and cited in his quotes, and thank you very much for that, CG art is at the bottom of the list in terms of art priority. The primary aim for art assets at the moment are character sprites so that every character will have a representative image instead of a text description. The secondary focus for art assets are on backgrounds as backgrounds can be experienced by all players while not every player would be interested in every character. Additionally, having proper backgrounds adds further polish to the game. As an example, I know some players were put off for the longest time due to the basic stone background that was used to represent the Town before it received proper background art. As for CGs, it is planned for every character to have at least one or two CGs but certain major characters like Kotone or Sofia will have more art assets. That said, it is possible that CGs won't be entirely shelved until the very end as Kotone did receive something closer to a CG with her stepping art asset. It is not quite a proper CG, but it does help bridge the gap and add further visuals to accompany the text.

Yes, for Sensitivity, a lower percentage means you take less damage and a higher percentage means more damage. Sensitivities are how vulnerable your body is, so a Mouth Sensitivity above 100% would mean you take increased damage when being kissed while a Cock Sensitivity below 100% would mean you take less damage from any action that targets your penis. Fetishes conversely affect damage based on your opponent's actions and body parts. So using your Ass Fetish as an example, your Ass Fetish would adds its value as additional damage to any attack your opponent makes that involves their posterior, whether this be flaunting and showing off, hotdogging, or anal sex, your Ass Fetish would increase the damage of those attacks. Your Fetishes also tie into certain event checks and can make them harder to resist should your Fetish be at higher levels.

I do hope that this addresses any lingering questions you may have, Limited20.

The current prevailing theory is that Vivian is a Cherub. Venereae's Cherubim are angels that like to play matchmaker and try to arrange couples and relationships. Given Vivian's antics thus far, she is trying to play matchmaker more often than not. It would also explain why she is fairly pious with regards to Venereae's religion, always keeps the establishment tame when Lillian is around to have a meal, and would also explain her appearance and her explanation that her figure is due to Venereae's blessings. While not exactly due to blessings from donations, it would be true enough if Vivian is a Cherub as she would have a divinely granted figure as she would be an angel of a goddess of sex and fertility. Vivian being an angel of Venereae would also explain how she is able to procure herbs and ingredients from the Celestial Realm, that is the realm of Venereae. Venereae is busy elsewhere doing whatever projects she's working on beyond contacting various new adventurers and giving them the stock chosen spiel, which is occasionally derailed such as when the player character is noted as being top of their class at Adventum.

I do hope that you find this theory and the accompanying explanations compelling, asierm.

This past year was poor in terms of new content given most of the focus for the year was devoted to updating and refining the foundations and code of the game. In this post, I did provide a ready for consumption breakdown on the various changes made since the Caverns were implemented, so pretty much all of the changes throughout 2020. I didn't even cover all of the specifics and the overall changelog is still rather substantial. So while the new content for consumption was on the lighter side, there was a great deal of work under the hood. Unfortunately, Threshold did burn out at the end of the year with 2020 being a terrible year not helping. Luckily that was around Christmas, a perfect time for a break regardless. Now that Threshold seems to have recovered, hopefully the rate of development will return to its prior levels, we'll see the completion of Elly and Venefica's quest, and the story can then resume moving forward again.

While this is not much, I do hope that this is a satisfactory response for the moment, Nixi~.

I have potentially good news on that idea then. The long term plans for the Labyrinth apparently do include it having something of a choose your own deck mode if you choose to Explore it after clearing the storymode run with the Guardian sisters. I'm not certain if it will feature the events of the various regions given some of those are tied to specific locations that won't be in the Labyrinth, like the Bubble Slime's Spring, Nova's Lava Pool, and so on, but the idea as it was last mentioned was that the exploration deck would have a massive cap and could feature generic enemies from any location as you would be fighting girls traveling to and from the Capital. Events like Mimics or Shizu restpoint ambushes could be potential options though given those are not tied to specific locations.

I couldn't say whether or not these enemies would feature level scaling, but that could be a potential feature for Labyrinth generics since those wouldn't be enemies native to lower level areas or monster girls at a certain power level hired to work in a particular dungeon like the Forest Dungeon is intentionally staffed with lower level imps and why an Arch-imp like Vili is relegated to the backrooms because she is too powerful for the average adventurer challenging the Forest Dungeon.

I do hope that you find this potential future development a useful piece of information, Sandanzuki.

As Pink Chaos mentioned, and thank you very much for that, the plotline for the Elven Village is planned to revolve around helping them with their population crisis as their numbers are dwindling. If you believe information presented thus far, according to Kotone the youngest Elf is over 300 years old already. So the breeding obsession of the Elves and their constant attempts to become pregnant takes on a whole new light in the face of their gradual extinction. Fortunately, the answer to their prayers may have finally arrived, assuming a certain new adventurer heeds the call and doesn't mind such content.

Other than the Elves, it is possible that one or more Voltins, whether Galvi or some other character or group, will feature such content given that they are just as breed hungry as the Elves, if not more so. Their electricity literally makes human males enter a breeding rut with enough exposure after all, so it would make sense if one or more members of that group of monster girls would also feature such content. Not to mention that Voltlins seem to have two passions universally, tinkering and experimenting on technology and breeding, so it would not be a surprise if a Voltlin eventually featured this content as well. Galvi has been a delight so far, so she's a solid candidate on that front. Of course, there is also the inevitable flat Voltlin with the ability to levitate given that piece of lore needs a representative, so that character would likely be another viable option.

I noticed you had this question in a different thread with regards to Kotone signatures. Kotone is encountered at the start of the second dungeon, the Will-Power Temple on the Willpower side. If you rush through everything and/or cheat your stats, you can probably reach Kotone under an hour or two. Perhaps faster if you don't mind missing out on story by using the skip function to rush through text. If you take your time and go through the game properly, it may take you two to four hours depending on how effective your build is and how much grinding and leveling you need to do to clear the Mystic Forest, Forest Dungeon, and Mountain and if you decide to do any of the side stories like Jora or Kaia the Manticore before making your way further into the game.

I do hope that this is a satisfactory answer to your queries, Forsenlol.

The only time I would recommend this is either if you plan on using the respec system to take those points out afterwards, if you're roleplaying a build that includes Luck as a character trait, or if you're running a build heavy on Technique, Allure, or both. Running Technique and Luck can make for a high Critical Hit Chance build while Allure and Luck makes for a decent Critical Hit Chance build with high Critical Damage, then investing in all three boosts both Critical Hit Chance and Damage. A Jack-of-all-trades build may be able to benefit from Luck to help shore up all of your stat check rolls and provide a few other benefits, but that is a little less firm and its foundation may become even shakier once the level 100 cap is introduced. Although, that will likely arrive with the Rebirth system, think Disgaea Reincarnation, so we'll be able to reset our level for long terms benefits. It's possible that Luck could have some booster perk as a part of the Rebirth system like how Allure has the Alluring level up perk and Sofia's Mysterious Allure perks to help boost their scaling and make Allure a more viable attribute.

A cheaper alternative to respecing would just be to donate to the Church until you unlock your friendly Valkyrie, Lucille, who is in charge of the Holy shop in the Temple where you can purchase additional blessings and the like. One blessing includes the ability to meet Selena the Nymph without needing Luck in order to stumble into her glade. That said, one of the dungeons in the Capital is the Casino. Luck may feature heavily in that dungeon so the attribute could be quite useful in that particular location.

I do hope that this fully answers your question, beldr.

Well, the Casino is sitting rather menacingly in the Capital right now. Considering the house will enslave those who fall in debt to the place and how the owner appears to be one of the more petty and vindictive monster girls since she would apparently place an effective embargo on the Will-Power Temple if the Oni Twins spoiled her introduction and revealed her species, Luck could take on a greater importance in that location. It is meant to be the Luck Dungeon after all, so I imagine it will feature a number of Luck checks much like how the Will-Power Temple had plenty of Willpower and Power checks in its two sides.

Of course, the Willpower checks could largely be avoided if you didn't fall for the initial trap on the Willpower side and the Power side did offer alternate checks other than Power as solutions to the trials, so it may not be that critical ultimately. I imagine having Luck would help with winning any of the games in the Casino and walking away with more Eros than you went in or winning any of the fabulous prizes™, but that's more speculation than anything at this point. Is it still a dump stat for most players and builds, probably, but it probably will have its own time to shine in that particular dungeon.

I do hope that you find this informative, Mustang Flex.

Now, as for the update news, all reported bugs except for one have been fixed as the remaining bug needs more information to help pinpoint exactly what the issue is. One particular bug that has been found and fixed is that hitting monsters with a skill not changing their expression when they use their response line has been corrected. So combat will be a little more emotive going forward. This bug has apparently been around since the Combat Balance update due to the error behind it, so it has been around and not reported for quite some time. So with all of the bugfixing virtually complete, efforts can shift over to the final stretch of Elly and Venefica's quest, tying up all of the loose ends, and then closing this shared chapter of both Elly and Venefica's stories. While it has not been confirmed yet, it is possible Tabitha's art could be implemented along with this as well, but that is not certain yet as it may hinge on how much time it takes to complete this side story content.

I do hope that everyone interested in this update news finds this at least a little useful.

However, this is not the only news I bring. I bring modding news as well as Oluap has released an update to their Gorgon's Garden mod. Apologies for the delay in releasing this information as this mod was updated roughly two weeks ago now. You can download the mod on Gorgon's Garden of the Monster Girl Dreams wiki.

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That changelog not enticing enough to try the mod on its own, well then, here's a full sample of Euryale's art.

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Finally, if you have been enchanted by Euryale and would like to show your appreciation for the character and/or Olaup's hard work, then here's a pair of signatures I made for her to commemorate this update.

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I do hope that everyone interested in this modding news enjoys this update to the lovely lady.
" CG art is at the bottom of the list in terms of art priority "
Then there is HOPE :D
And hope dies last.

But for real, with no Images to acompany the amazing sex described in the text its agonizing.

This game is the Ultimate Cocktease. Just the text alone from this game turns me on to the highest degree, even games with Images and animations dont turn me on like this lol

All female characters look amazing.
The "skills" we use on them are even more amazing tho xD


Apr 9, 2020
Whats the quickest way to increase your relationship with the Manticore? I've been playing MGD on and off for a while now and she's one of the few bits of content i have yet to complete as running through the mountains is kinda tedious.


New Member
Jun 6, 2020
Whats the quickest way to increase your relationship with the Manticore? I've been playing MGD on and off for a while now and she's one of the few bits of content i have yet to complete as running through the mountains is kinda tedious.
To romance her, you essentially have to use manticore venom then let her milk you, lather rinse repeat until she suddenly realizes you're addicted to her, then it goes from there as a proper romance.


Jun 25, 2017
Whats the quickest way to increase your relationship with the Manticore? I've been playing MGD on and off for a while now and she's one of the few bits of content i have yet to complete as running through the mountains is kinda tedious.
Do stuffs like thatoneguy42 said, use manticore's stinger on yourself while on adventures, and try to encounter the manticore at Vivian's brothel as well. I'm not sure if it's required but I unlocked her romance options right after I encountered her at the brothel. (I hadn't worked at the brothel at all before)
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Apr 9, 2020
Thanks for all the comments. I've triggered the romance now, just wondered if there was a quicker way to build it without running into her in the brothel or farming the mountains.


New Member
Feb 18, 2020
can someone tell me how to open inventory in town or any spesific place i can be ? im trying to equip runes but cant because of that
Jul 1, 2020
I am having an issue with the Android version. In order to get the "anal penetration" skill you need to go to Elena with 50 eros and 5 ep. I have 9000 eros and 6 ep but the game won't let me get this skill. Can someone help?
Jan 1, 2018
That is one option I'm never picking assuming it gets created, which I don't think is likely since it seems like both Thresh and most of the fanbase (myself included) aren't too keen on emotionally hurting the girls. There are really few "bad routes" in the game right now I think.

Personally I'd like the option to do both. I hate Kotone, and love Feng. Would kinda prefer an option in Feng's story that at the very least leads to some sort of platonic relationship rather than another harem. I get that's the point of these games but I despise forced harem routes.
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Mustang Flex

Oct 24, 2017
Although it's kinda covered by just, not engaging in storylines. My own personal probably never happening story choice is more of a garden variety asshole. Not explicitly going out of your way to hurt people, but refusing to get drawn into relationships or help people more than required.

My usual mage build, when actually roleplaying and not just here for the smut, fits this kind of choice. He signed up to kick ass and take names, and never quite got over the fact that he has to use his hard earned arcane powers to get thots off instead.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
v23.5f is now out for reporting back to Elly, and bug fixing.

This is mostly correct.
But I have not been directly working on the Labyrinth yet. (I do have some of the art pre-emptively ready for it though.)
I'm still working on the Venefica stuff.
Which I am going to finish this Febuary.

Money also doesn't exactly make me work faster at this point. (I've been burned out, which is gone now I think.)
It mostly allots more art (depends on artist availability) and writing/Editing commissions which I also generally go over fairly heavily.
I actually have art sitting in my stuff that I can't tease to even patrons for a few reasons. Which is honestly low key kinda agonizing.

I def think I need to work on setting up a better infrastructure for writing/editing comms so I can actually use resources to make more content in other ways that I'm not working on.
Not exactly sure how to do that yet cause I generally go over comms pretty substantially.

Also big time sinks since the caverns have been fixing a bunch of internal systems to be not trash. As well As Venefica being a huge... thing, that took infinitely way more time than planned.
I can very much assure everyone. I want to move the fuck on with the show. xD
didn't saw the update, notification on this site are lame....

anyway keep it up man you're my fav dev here
don't give up i believe in you(y)

also don't even think about doing site projects (if i understood that right:unsure:)

only focus on the game and take as much time as you need
it's already the best text based battle fuck game on the web

and if bug fixing is to tiresome for you you can to them later
(as long they are not game breaking)
just finish the game man;)

also i still hope for a big boss battle at the end of the venefica quest line....:p

also i just saw this on your patreon:

whats that about? you not going to rewrite my waifu are you?:eek:
don't be mean to vili...
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Dec 20, 2017
Apologies for the lack of responses once again, work is still incredibly busy and improvements to the situation are very slow in coming unfortunately.

L30 do you know if more backgrounds to the town are planned? So far there is just the main square, it would be nice to have different backgrounds for the guild, Lillian's church, Vivian's inn, etc. when we visit them.
Threshold would like to have indoor backgrounds for the locations in Town, so they are essentially planned. However, I couldn't say when those would arrive but they will probably be sometime after other locations that are still lacking proper backgrounds, like the Forest Dungeon and Will-Power Temple, have had their own background updates. While not ideal, using the Town's outdoor background as an universal background in Town is still serviceable while the Forest Dungeon and Will-Power Temple are lacking the same polish other areas have received and they stand out as a result. Upgrading the Temple from its simple blue, red, and purple backgrounds to proper backgrounds is arguably a higher priority than creating interior backgrounds for the Town at the moment.

I do hope that this is an adequate answer to your question, Master of Puppets.

Whats the quickest way to increase your relationship with the Manticore? I've been playing MGD on and off for a while now and she's one of the few bits of content i have yet to complete as running through the mountains is kinda tedious.
I know that you're already managed to accomplish this and thank you to thatoneguy42, sprayduster, and Duke Greene for helping. But for future reference, I do have a number of character guides throughout this thread, such as the one for the Manticore in this post. I am also very slowly transferring/creating relationship guides on the , but the pandemic's impacts on my job has really killed my free time for almost the entire past year. Once conditions have finally calmed down, I should be able to resume creating the guides at a decent rate.

I do hope that you find these resources to be helpful in the future, UW0TM8TY.

I am having an issue with the Android version. In order to get the "anal penetration" skill you need to go to Elena with 50 eros and 5 ep. I have 9000 eros and 6 ep but the game won't let me get this skill. Can someone help?
That's an odd bug. You don't need the EP to purchase the skill, that's just how much it costs to use it in combat. Is the skill grayed out or is it colored a pale pink like other skills that are available for purchase? Can you learn any other skills? Just trying to obtain the full picture for this issue to help determine what the problem may be.

While this is not much, I do hope that these questions and their potential help to narrow down the issue and determine what the exact bug may be, Th3wurst.

>arguably disrespectful to the artist
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone
No worries and you didn't really offend anyone. I was just letting you know that some may perceive it that way and possibly not provide the warmest of receptions to such a request.

Apologies if I seemed a little harsh, and I do hope that you enjoy the game, Lis1488.

Hello, can someone please tell me if there are Ballbusting scenes in this game?
No, there are not really any scenes of that nature in the game currently. Shizu does do a feint where it looks like she'll knee you in the groin, but she'll stop right before impact and teasingly rub you instead to give the illusion that you are a masochistic painslut to her trainees if you perform actions that may weaken her authority in front of her Kunoichi Trainees such as giving her a quick spank to enjoy her own submission and masochism. The femdom in this title is more soft and gentle by and large. Sofia comes closest to providing harder femdom if you become her sub/pet since you'll have the option to request pain rather than pleasure for one of her scenes.

It is possible some other character(s) in the future may offer stronger femdom that could include such content given the capital has pro-dommes and BDSM clubs based on statements by Beris, but that will very likely be more niche content than anything. Now, it is possible that some modder could come along and create such content as well, but I couldn't say whether any of the current modders would create such content either.

While this may disappointing to hear, I do hope that this is a satisfactory answer to your question, HPSchlaad.

didn't saw the update, notification on this site are lame....

anyway keep it up man you're my fav dev here
don't give up i believe in you(y)

also don't even think about doing site projects (if i understood that right:unsure:)

only focus on the game and take as much time as you need
it's already the best text based battle fuck game on the web

and if bug fixing is to tiresome for you you can to them later
(as long they are not game breaking)
just finish the game man;)

also i still hope for a big boss battle at the end of the venefica quest line....:p

also i just saw this on your patreon:

whats that about? you not going to rewrite my waifu are you?:eek:
don't be mean to vili...
The "side projects" in this situation would be about the side quests, things like the ongoing Elly-Venefica quest or future side quest stories like the Elf Village, Harpy Village, or the slumbering "Dragon Queen" in the Caverns. So content other than main story progression.

As for the Vili sketch, Vili is not being rewritten. Vili's original art by NickBeja is good, but it is not quite faithful to her appearance as Vili's bust is much larger than as portrayed in her current art. That sketch is for a potential art redux by Otani, the artist behind the Succubus Campers, so Heather, Jennifer, and Catherine. Otani's Vili sketch is very well done with a noticeably larger bust and a very enjoyable breast squish/squeeze pose. Even if Otani is ultimately chosen as not being the artist to redo Vili's art, Vili's original art may be touched up and made truer to her description when a nude layer is created for the existing art instead. Either way, Vili will have a nude layer and will very likely have a larger bust than she currently has, whether via completely new art by Otani or by touching up and adding onto NickBeja's current art assets.

So Vili is not being rewritten at all and this is purely a visual change to make Vili's art assets more inline with her text description. So no need to worry about Vili being changed as a character unless you are bothered by her having an even larger bust. Heather's still within my enjoyable range, so I have no issues with Vili's art being made truer to her character, but I do know that some people will not enjoy the change.

I do hope that this allays any fears you may harbor about Vili being rewritten, decker2.

Now for the update news, yes as you may have read above, Vili's going to receive an art overhaul. Vili's current art assets are not true to her character description and they also lack a nude layer. On Patreon, a sketch of potential new Vili art assets by Otani, the artist responsible for Catherine, Jennifer, and Heather, can be previewed. She has a larger bust and a titillating breast squish/squeeze pose to further tempt the player into just enjoying her impressive assets rather than continue to challenge her. If Otani is ultimately not chosen to make new assets for Vili, then Vili's old assets will likely be touched up when a nude layer is created for the existing art assets instead. Either way, Vili as a character will be exactly the same, just now she'll have art that better reflects her appearance as according to her text description and she'll be able to actually take her clothes off when called for.

I do hope that everyone interested in this update news finds this at least a little useful.

Now I also come bearing gifts and to correct an issue I have caused. I have made signatures for mods like Mari and Euryale but I have neglected to make any for Kaa's outstanding works, but no longer. Here are a variety of signatures for Beach Party as well as one for Loretta the Pale Priestess.

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I do hope that everyone interested in these signatures enjoys them.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
The "side projects" in this situation would be about the side quests, things like the ongoing Elly-Venefica quest or future side quest stories like the Elf Village, Harpy Village, or the slumbering "Dragon Queen" in the Caverns. So content other than main story progression.

As for the Vili sketch, Vili is not being rewritten. Vili's original art by NickBeja is good, but it is not quite faithful to her appearance as Vili's bust is much larger than as portrayed in her current art. That sketch is for a potential art redux by Otani, the artist behind the Succubus Campers, so Heather, Jennifer, and Catherine. Otani's Vili sketch is very well done with a noticeably larger bust and a very enjoyable breast squish/squeeze pose. Even if Otani is ultimately chosen as not being the artist to redo Vili's art, Vili's original art may be touched up and made truer to her description when a nude layer is created for the existing art instead. Either way, Vili will have a nude layer and will very likely have a larger bust than she currently has, whether via completely new art by Otani or by touching up and adding onto NickBeja's current art assets.

So Vili is not being rewritten at all and this is purely a visual change to make Vili's art assets more inline with her text description. So no need to worry about Vili being changed as a character unless you are bothered by her having an even larger bust. Heather's still within my enjoyable range, so I have no issues with Vili's art being made truer to her character, but I do know that some people will not enjoy the change.

I do hope that this allays any fears you may harbor about Vili being rewritten, decker2.

Now for the update news, yes as you may have read above, Vili's going to receive an art overhaul. Vili's current art assets are not true to her character description and they also lack a nude layer. On Patreon, a sketch of potential new Vili art assets by Otani, the artist responsible for Catherine, Jennifer, and Heather, can be previewed. She has a larger bust and a titillating breast squish/squeeze pose to further tempt the player into just enjoying her impressive assets rather than continue to challenge her. If Otani is ultimately not chosen to make new assets for Vili, then Vili's old assets will likely be touched up when a nude layer is created for the existing art assets instead. Either way, Vili as a character will be exactly the same, just now she'll have art that better reflects her appearance as according to her text description and she'll be able to actually take her clothes off when called for.
i like vilis current art
adding nude pics with big boobs would be best:p
(also cg for titfuck stance:love:)
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Oct 16, 2017
Apologies for the lack of responses once again, work is still incredibly busy and improvements to the situation are very slow in coming unfortunately.

Threshold would like to have indoor backgrounds for the locations in Town, so they are essentially planned. However, I couldn't say when those would arrive but they will probably be sometime after other locations that are still lacking proper backgrounds, like the Forest Dungeon and Will-Power Temple, have had their own background updates. While not ideal, using the Town's outdoor background as an universal background in Town is still serviceable while the Forest Dungeon and Will-Power Temple are lacking the same polish other areas have received and they stand out as a result. Upgrading the Temple from its simple blue, red, and purple backgrounds to proper backgrounds is arguably a higher priority than creating interior backgrounds for the Town at the moment.

I do hope that this is an adequate answer to your question, Master of Puppets.

I know that you're already managed to accomplish this and thank you to thatoneguy42, sprayduster, and Duke Greene for helping. But for future reference, I do have a number of character guides throughout this thread, such as the one for the Manticore in this post. I am also very slowly transferring/creating relationship guides on the , but the pandemic's impacts on my job has really killed my free time for almost the entire past year. Once conditions have finally calmed down, I should be able to resume creating the guides at a decent rate.

I do hope that you find these resources to be helpful in the future, UW0TM8TY.

That's an odd bug. You don't need the EP to purchase the skill, that's just how much it costs to use it in combat. Is the skill grayed out or is it colored a pale pink like other skills that are available for purchase? Can you learn any other skills? Just trying to obtain the full picture for this issue to help determine what the problem may be.

While this is not much, I do hope that these questions and their potential help to narrow down the issue and determine what the exact bug may be, Th3wurst.

No worries and you didn't really offend anyone. I was just letting you know that some may perceive it that way and possibly not provide the warmest of receptions to such a request.

Apologies if I seemed a little harsh, and I do hope that you enjoy the game, Lis1488.

No, there are not really any scenes of that nature in the game currently. Shizu does do a feint where it looks like she'll knee you in the groin, but she'll stop right before impact and teasingly rub you instead to give the illusion that you are a masochistic painslut to her trainees if you perform actions that may weaken her authority in front of her Kunoichi Trainees such as giving her a quick spank to enjoy her own submission and masochism. The femdom in this title is more soft and gentle by and large. Sofia comes closest to providing harder femdom if you become her sub/pet since you'll have the option to request pain rather than pleasure for one of her scenes.

It is possible some other character(s) in the future may offer stronger femdom that could include such content given the capital has pro-dommes and BDSM clubs based on statements by Beris, but that will very likely be more niche content than anything. Now, it is possible that some modder could come along and create such content as well, but I couldn't say whether any of the current modders would create such content either.

While this may disappointing to hear, I do hope that this is a satisfactory answer to your question, HPSchlaad.

The "side projects" in this situation would be about the side quests, things like the ongoing Elly-Venefica quest or future side quest stories like the Elf Village, Harpy Village, or the slumbering "Dragon Queen" in the Caverns. So content other than main story progression.

As for the Vili sketch, Vili is not being rewritten. Vili's original art by NickBeja is good, but it is not quite faithful to her appearance as Vili's bust is much larger than as portrayed in her current art. That sketch is for a potential art redux by Otani, the artist behind the Succubus Campers, so Heather, Jennifer, and Catherine. Otani's Vili sketch is very well done with a noticeably larger bust and a very enjoyable breast squish/squeeze pose. Even if Otani is ultimately chosen as not being the artist to redo Vili's art, Vili's original art may be touched up and made truer to her description when a nude layer is created for the existing art instead. Either way, Vili will have a nude layer and will very likely have a larger bust than she currently has, whether via completely new art by Otani or by touching up and adding onto NickBeja's current art assets.

So Vili is not being rewritten at all and this is purely a visual change to make Vili's art assets more inline with her text description. So no need to worry about Vili being changed as a character unless you are bothered by her having an even larger bust. Heather's still within my enjoyable range, so I have no issues with Vili's art being made truer to her character, but I do know that some people will not enjoy the change.

I do hope that this allays any fears you may harbor about Vili being rewritten, decker2.

Now for the update news, yes as you may have read above, Vili's going to receive an art overhaul. Vili's current art assets are not true to her character description and they also lack a nude layer. On Patreon, a sketch of potential new Vili art assets by Otani, the artist responsible for Catherine, Jennifer, and Heather, can be previewed. She has a larger bust and a titillating breast squish/squeeze pose to further tempt the player into just enjoying her impressive assets rather than continue to challenge her. If Otani is ultimately not chosen to make new assets for Vili, then Vili's old assets will likely be touched up when a nude layer is created for the existing art assets instead. Either way, Vili as a character will be exactly the same, just now she'll have art that better reflects her appearance as according to her text description and she'll be able to actually take her clothes off when called for.

I do hope that everyone interested in this update news finds this at least a little useful.

Now I also come bearing gifts and to correct an issue I have caused. I have made signatures for mods like Mari and Euryale but I have neglected to make any for Kaa's outstanding works, but no longer. Here are a variety of signatures for Beach Party as well as one for Loretta the Pale Priestess.

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I do hope that everyone interested in these signatures enjoys them.
Who's the girl in your second signature next to my Goddess Kotone?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2020
and never quite got over the fact that he has to use his hard earned arcane powers to get thots off instead.
To be fair, if I had spent years training in any form of martial art, only to reach my next destination and be told "oh sorry, that's all useless here, we only battle by sex. Also, you owe us an ungodly amount of money for it anyway." while they hit me with the Kanye shrug, I don't think I'd get over it either, lol.
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