Ren'Py - Monster Girl Dreams [v26.5 Alpha] [Threshold]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly a remarkable game on here. I've been avoiding this game like the plague for about a whole year and half because it says its in alpha and is text based, but after seeing several updates of this game fly by over the time and the lack of games I've been waiting for to come out with new updates, I decided to give this a try and only regretted that I haven't played this sooner.

    This game has ALOT of monster girls and will not disappoint you in the slightest and even some interactions with some of unique monsters that you've already fought and won over will have different dialogue or even will chat with you as well. Even some situations where you've lost that they'll comment something here and there. I highly recommend trying different dialogue with some of the monsters here and there. You never know what you'll find and what will come out in the situation.

    This game doesn't just have sex in it, but has world of its own. What I mean is everyone has their own backstory and lore and will even teach you about their monster species and some would want to be more than just a fuck buddy though I don't know if we'll get some sort of relationship system for that. It has its own humor in here as well with its constantly occurring red slime and doesn't take everything so serious. Even now as I explore the old areas I've been in I'm discovering new places and things I have never seen before.

    To the developer that hopefully reads this, I want you know that you've made one heck of a game and that I can't wait to see what more will be added to this amazing game and what type of monsters, story, and lore will be added in. Stay awesome and healthy out there you amazing lad.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is without a doubt one of the best on this site. The large cast of characters and how all but the generic enemies appear to have extensive romantic routes is quite an impressive feat. Even the combat system, while not the most complex or difficult, still allows for a lot of player freedom in their builds and complements the game quite well. It saddens me that many people won't give this game a chance due to the text-based tag, I myself was almost one of them.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, an amazing game with well-written characters, great scenes and artwork. The highlight in my opinion is the level of depth added to many of the characters potential "girlfriends", which comprises a great deal of the monster encounters you'll face.
    They each have varying degrees of backstory, interactions with the character based off of decisions made, where they're encountered and likewise, scenes that unlock as you progress through that girls arc. Some of them really make you care, which is unusual for a degenerate fap game.
    It's not all story though. You'll progress through areas and encounter girls native to that area, both generic and unique with H-scenes based on whether you win or lose and how you win or lose and there will be plenty of them.
    The battle system is also usually fleshed out for a chode choker. You'll have a variety of 'moves' in your arsenal that can purchased as you progress that target different erogenous zones or fetishes that girls may be weak or resistant to. You also share this same weakness and resistance system that can become more pronounced as you make choices while progressing, so it may be wise to take some time to analyze your opponent before diving in unless you intend on being her plaything.
    The only downfall this game suffers from, likely stems from the source of it's quality - content updates take forever. It's clearly a work of passion and there are few ero games out there that match the level of thought and detail put into Monster Girl Dreams.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing. One of my top 3 favorite games ever in the genre, really happy about mod support too. The characters get more complex the more you explore the island and find out how theyre all interconnected.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Monster Girl Dreams is a lovely game filled with many interesting monster girl cuties. The game is loosely inspired by Monster Girl Dreams and stays pure to its own name, focusing on monster girls, no furry or futa or anything of that sort. Though for fans of either of those, the game excellently supports modding, meaning anyone can add any content they want, though not all content will necessarily be displayed on the official mod page.

    The only real issue the game has in my opinion is a fairly slow development speed due to the dev working solo and having suffered a burnout before, but the upside in this is that there can be no internal conflict within the dev team that would result in the project falling apart, as has happened with various games out there. It's a case of quality over quantity, something that I support. Plenty of games develop faster, but what they churn out is easily forgettable and generally not worth coming back to, while I find myself repeating encounters with various girls within the game, both the unnamed ones you encounter in the wild as well as the many girls that can be romanced.

    If you like monster girls this game is an absolute must-play.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This review is for Alpha v23.8b

    • Art is 9/10
      The quality of the art is superb, my only issue is that there isn't MORE of it.
      While it is nice to have a standing image to look at that occasionally changes, it would be nice if there was more art to accompany what events are happening in combat rather than just changing facial expressions.
    • Gameplay is 7/10
      The grindy nature is a little tiresome since you wind up spending most of your money on curing yourself of "ailments" on normal difficulty rather than on things that can make you stronger.
    • Perk/level system is 5/10
      With how much you need to grind to level up, the payoff really doesn't feel worth it in the end as you still have to rely on expensive healing items to get through most fights, even if you're ten levels higher than the person you're fighting and only getting a new perk once every three levels leaves you wishing you could just power level faster so you can actually have access to everything.
      If the level up system got reworked to make the game less grindy, then I would have to give this game five stars.
    • Fetish content is 6/10
      Having to pick a "fetish" that you're weak against at character creation is nifty, but if you pick the wrong one, it makes the game much harder.
      For instance, there is very little leg based content in the game compared to the rest of the available content, so if you go with that "fetish" then you will have a much easier time than if you go with any of the other ones.
      The reason I keep using quotations for the word "fetish" is because a fetish is something that ones NEEDS in order to achieve sexual pleasure, while a kink is something that adds to the pleasure or can even be considered exploratory.
      Considering every sexual attack causes arousal damage, these are all kinks, not fetishes.
    • The list of available kinks/fetishes is extraordinarily small and narrow.
      As stated above, a fetish is considered much more severe than a kink, so the fact that the list of options is primarily centered around body parts and not sexual acts is very disappointing, especially since you would expect sadism, masochism, impregnation, bondage, etc. to be in that list, especially since some of those are available perks.
    • The one specific fetish/kink you would expect to see in a game where the premise is that monster girls are breeding with human men is sadly and very noticeably absent.
      In a game where monster girls are turning men into breeding slaves, the fact that there is zero pregnancy/impregnation content is a major let down, especially since the NPCs in the game keep talking about being bred and you even have a virility stat that apparently seems to be more of a weakness than anything.
    • Romance is 2/10
      They talk about love and relationships constantly in the game, but you can never really pursue anything since everyone either isn't interested or is a tsundere about it or is just a minor npc who you'll only encounter in a specific area (looking at you lizard girl in the forest).
      Considering the lack of any pregnancy based content and no sort of part system (which would be incredibly helpful since you're usually going against multiple enemies at the same time) I get that there is no actual relationship system, but hopefully that will all be implemented in the future.
    • Development time is 5/10
      This game has been in development for quite some time now and is still in early alpha state.
      If you've read any of my other ratings on similar situations, you know where I'm going with this.
      This is primarily a text based game and every fight is practically identical, meaning the majority of the writing is focused around the actual story progression.
      From what I've seen, there is a decent amount of writing in the game so far, but as a professional writer myself, I can say that a dozen paragraphs is not a lot of writing at all (just look at the length of my reviews ffs).
      I don't know the full extent of the game so far, but I do know that when it comes to game development, you need to focus on making the main content of the game first, and then add in all the extra side story stuff. That's literally how DLC comes into existence.
      For how long the game has been in development, at least the main story should be complete by now, even if it doesn't have art made for it yet (that's what placeholder pieces are for).
      I have seen far worse examples of this kind of situation with text reliant games though, and the rest of the assets in the game make up for the lengthy development time, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.
    • All in all, a solid game that's definitely worth playing.
      It won't be winning any awards, but the art and combat system are very enjoyable. The game is a bit grindy, but it's a tolerable amount of grind. The available NSFW content leaves a bit to be desired, but is still good enough to get your rocks off.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 - DNF; did get me off

    This is an adventure game where your goal is to complete 10 or so levels to beat the game. Each level consists of 10 or so encounters. Until you beat a level once you will face the same series of encounters every attempt. After you beat a level you can repeat it, this time choosing your encounters. Encounter design is various, but nothing new.
    I beat 3 out of the 5 levels currently in the game. Each took me about an hour on normal difficulty (difficulty affects xp/grind).
    Combat is well designed and interesting. There was clearly a lot of thought put into it; you can't just spam auto-attack like in CoC. This is easily the best part about the game.

    The porn, unfortunately, is bad. It consists of a softcore drawing and about 10 clicks of text. While the writing itself is good, there is little creativity. Most girls have very similar personalities, and there isn't much difference to doing anal with an imp vs a ninja. Actually there isn't even much difference to doing anal vs vaginal.
    The named characters are more interesting, but most of these are heavily into femdom. 3/4 of these scenes are basically "a spider catches you in its web... get punished or leave".

    + Well designed, balanced combat and economy

    - Repetitive
    - For a game 3+ years in development, there isn't a lot of content.
    - Cringy anime-style writing. It's not bad in the beginning, but it got worse the farther I progressed. Besides being cringy, I also associate that kind of dialogue with 12 year old girls from Pokemon.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, levelling in this game is really fun! It' can get a bit grindy on Hard Mode (which is what I play since I have everything to prove to internet strangers), especially if you want to take on some of the bonus content, but nothing too big really. Plus all the different status effects and binding descriptions are really solidly done.

    Quite frankly, besides MGQ, I don't think there's been many BFRPG's that have been *this* good, and that's pretty damn impressive. I'd absolutely recommend this if you're looking for a quick fap, some interesting lore and world-building, or in-depth and interesting characters and amazingly written BF, this one has it all folks!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A genuinely good text based, turn-based combat game with great art, decent story, and good humor. Is consistently fun to play even after a decent amount of playtime. Even manages to be fairly original for a VN, can't wait to see future developments!
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I couldn't stomach much of this game.

    This dev loves the word "Bliss" so much that it shows up in practically every other sentence. The sex scenes are pretty cringe due to the dev attempting to be far too descriptive without actually making the sex scenes interesting.

    The MC has absolutely zero sex scene dialogue. He can talk just normal outside of them but for some reason during sex scenes he turns into a retarded mute whose only vocal action is whiny moans.

    The dev reuses the same adjectives repeatedly, as if this dev looks at a small animation loop of sex and makes a long sex scene out of it, but has a limit on the number of unique words he can use.

    Every scene is barely any different from the next because the dev loves to use the same exact words in every single sex scene. Sex scenes boil down to "MC sticks his dick in and thrusts till he cums." The only thing that differs is where exactly the MC is sticking his dick in. No position changes. "Taking charge" means the mc just runs up and sticks his dick in until he cums. It's such dull and unimaginative writing.

    Sex scenes with flowery prose but no substance whatsoever. Outside of the sex scenes, the dialogue is actually quite good, but this is a porn game, ultimately, and it fails at being good at that.

    If you're here for the "Male Domination" tag, you will be utterly disappointed. Panders almost exclusively to femdom lovers and beta boys everywhere. With your choices being act like a beta sub or miss a sex scene 9 times out of 10. Anything that is not a femdom scene and is described as the MC "dominating" them is laughably far from such, unless you consider MC jumping on a willing monster girl and humping her till he cums as domination. Your MC will never "take control" during any scenes.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very pleased with this game, and this goes to show just how important dialogue is. I originally did not want to play this game because it had no moving animations. But the amazing dialogue and fighting system makes up for it. There's also a very good amount of content in the game. I'm very pleased and am awaiting more updates. Although it's sad to see the updates slowing down so much
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Such an amazing game, despite still being far off from completion. Because of the nature of BFRPGs this game doesn’t really suffer from the “lose to see scenes” trap that most adult rpgs fall into. As for fap content this game has a ton, even with pure gameplay and not loss scenes. There’s also a ton of romance/side content if you want that. That said losing generally doesn’t hurt your character too much with the exception of all boss fights, and the extra fetishes/sensitivity you gain can generally always be reversed with some of the in-game money.

    Despite the lack of CGs the written content is so amazing that at least I have no issue fap-wise, and the character portraits (which changes facial expressions/positions/clothing) are more than enough for me. If you really don’t like text-based games I suppose that’s the only real con. Two other things I noticed was how underpowered old enemies seem to get once you reach new areas, it would be nice if they scaled up in power over time so you can still go back and have a decent battle. This game does have like 400 save slots though so if you wanted to go back its super easy to. The other con is it can be a little grindy trying to get the in-game money at times, particularly because you need it to get rid of fetishes or sensitivities. If it ever becomes too much of a grind you can always use the console to give yourself some cash, its just reducing time to get to content faster. Still it isn’t too bad and I think it’s intended so you can make a sacrifice of keeping some of fetishes/sensitivity to spend the money elsewhere. While the game is still in development there’s a ton of content and to me the side content is actually more important than the storyline.

    Those are really the only cons I’ve seen so far, the developer is amazing and so is the community. The game can be modded pretty easily and there are several good community mods as well, some adding more content. I won’t list all the pros since it would take forever, but I will say my favorite parts are the quality of writing, stances system, fetish/perk system and side content. This game is what got me into the genre and even if you aren’t big into text-based games I really recommend trying this. You get started pretty quick and can see the basics of how it works within a few battles. I do recommend avoiding spoilers though, but if you are struggling with something then the wiki is always there.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously inspired by the ancient classic that is Monster Girl Quest I found myself loving this game because of the additional plane-fuel-tank's worth of pure vanilla extract poured over it. Unlike MGQ it's far more light-hearted and less grimdark, as it contains less monster and more girl kind of attitude (arguably). Though in the end that may be somewhat of a downside - the game's plot comes off as garishly silly at times.
    Unlike MGQ it also offers some maledom content - the blank slate protagonist can be assertive in some scenes where he ruthlessly fucks the monster girls into a pile of soaking fuck-meat making an ahegao. And boy will it be satisfying to finally do this to the thousand-year old sex demons that roflstomp you in the current build.
    You have plenty of choice of which scenes to do or don't (as long as you don't lose in combat of course). The game's writing even gives you options to outright emotionally destroy some girls by breaking up or rejecting their confessions. You monster. If you do this to Kotone I will fucking find you.
    The game is far less linear and more open-worldy than Monter Girl Quest and you can proceed at your own pace in progressing through the world/plot.

    Do you like monster waifus in all kinds of flavors, including sour on the outside to sweet on the inside??
    Does the concept of headpatting the brains out of nearly every character in a game excite you??
    Do you like FEET?? (Don't answer that one.)

    Then you will LOVE this game, provided you have the necessary imagination to supplement the text, since the only art is character standing images - which are, by the way, very high quality and very expressive - the variety of smug expressions alone is top notch.

    The downsides are the aforementioned lack of CG images for scenes, probably due to obvious budget reasons, so you need to rely on your imagination, and I know that's a big problem for this generation of zoomer-coomers.
    The actual gameplay is also lacking - Ren'Py is fundamentally a visual novel engine, and though the game's coding goes through many hoops to simulate a turn-based combat RPG system, including levels, perks and equipment, it feels very... primitive, as if it was just an excuse. Still, it does allow some maneuvering in making proper builds and preparation for combat (though in the end it often comes down to spamming one attack).

    All in all a solid 4.5/5 (which I can't give here so I'm just gonna lean into that perfect 5) though I may be biased, because the game did set my coom-flooded, bitter, shriveled heart aflutter with some of the more intricate characters. Like that scene in the Grinch where he finds the meaning of Christmas.

    You WILL like feet after playing this game. They finally fucking got me.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    imperium of horny

    Alpha v23.5f

    If you dont like text based games this will change your mind, IMO its much better than COC and TITS.

    Blowjob scenes are the best and there is loads of them.

    The combat is great and can be creative, if you are fighting a frog who is a master at sucking dick you starting kissing her but if a second frog tries to suck your dick you shove your dick in her pussy.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    I love footjobs

    Before I continue, as of v23.5f, this a purely text based game with RPG elements mixed in. There are CGs, but most of them are just for the monster girls, and no sex CGs exist. If you're not into heavily text-based games, then this would not be for you.

    Interestingly enough, this is actually my first time playing a text-based porn game. At first, I turned away from playing it because I simply was not into these kinds of games in the first place. I decided to give it a chance after seeing it on an occasional update, and it completely blown away my expectations. The sex scenes were descriptive enough for me to enjoy them to its fullest. In a way, if this game ever gets CGs for sex, I hope that the descriptive text never goes away. They're simply too good for it to just vanish.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1131217

    I've discovered this game recently and i was really surprised. It's a text based with some rpg elements in the gameplay.

    Until i played the game i was not into text based game at all. But this one actually make me love them.

    The scenes are really well written and really immerse you in the world and the action, even during combats phases. The art is actually really good and you'll find a lots variety of Monster Girls of your tastes.

    People tend to complain about the lack of CG, but actually that's what makes perfect to me. You can really enjoy imagining the scene you are being described and it tends to picture better for yourself than actual CG arts.

    I'd say for some improvements to bring more accent on the fetishes part during combat and events.

    Other than that this game is really worth it and i hope it will keep growing with content!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Better than CoC so that makes it the best monster girl text game.
    Nice writing and cute romance with many varied characters
    and the content is very horizontal and fleshed out making the world feel alot more active and full instead of just a lame dash through empty areas to get to the good parts like many rpgs do

    you can pet so many characters on the head and that's the best
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The time has come and so have I.

    Alright, after more than 1 year following and playing this game I think its finally time to rate it.
    (Disclaimer: I have only played the vanilla version of the game.
    Also, behold the best broken english from this part of latam!)
    PS. I might edit this in the future.
    Score. 4.5 (Cuz there aint no game that is perfect and cuz Im too biased to rate it 4).

    -Active development. Threshold is constantly working on the game, either by adding new conversations, improving the game mechanics, adding sprites, etc. So rest assured you can always expect more content and polishing to come.
    -Good writting. No broken english. Develops an interesting story.
    -Waifus, lots of waifus. I dare you, I double mofoing dare you to play this game and to not find a single girl you really really like. There are lots of monstergirls, from the classic slimes and elfs, to mimics, onis, imps, etc. All with their own personality. Meaty girls? Check. Cutting boards? Also check!
    -Kinky. Theres lots of stuff you can do to each female characther and they react in many different ways. Some have specific content you gotta unlock one way or another. Fetishpalooza! (Extreme/disturbing fetishes are excluded too.)
    -Character Sprites. While not every single character (at the date of writing this) has its own sprite, the developer is constantly adding them. They show different facial expressions and clothing states.
    -Casual, friendly and yet challenging. Difficulty setting so you can either go for a walk in the park to fuck some elves easily or go for a more challenging and grindy experience.
    -Leveling and Builds. By leveling you gain stat points and skill points that you can arrange to fit your playstyle. Want to be a brute that spanks the girls into submmision? Want to be a dandy expert in the art of seduction? Want to be a happy-go-lucky sonuvabitch that gets lots in the forest and ends up with his D stuck in the bootyhole of a goddess? This is your game.
    -Interesting Stats check system. Feels like playing good ol' DnD. It pretty much rolls a D20 + some other variables in order to decide the fate of scenes and battles. So get ready to fuck or get fucked by a dice roll.
    -Mods. You can mod this thing. Some characters from mods can end up becoming canon too. Like Gren!

    Not truly a con for me but ppl tend to complain about this one:
    -Lack of CG. (Thats the word for big pictures, right?).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, has some of the best writing in any game I've played so far.
    You will probably enjoy the combat if you enjoy RPGs. The game has quite a bit of official content so far, and if that isn't enough for it there are mods for it and you can make your own mods for it quite easily, so if there's something you want that isn't included in the base game, you can look for a mod for it or make your own.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Jack Hanma

    I really like this game, the art of the characters are amazing they have personality, the dialogues and battles are really good too, I hope see more RPG games like that.