- Oct 24, 2017
- 457
- 1,068
Aren't monster girls mostly only contained to the one continent? While that wasn't always true, it sure as shit makes the power dynamic between humanity and monsters a bit skewed in our favor. While in a hypothetical new monster/human war, humanity doesn't have an instant win card. At least maybe. The MC could well be a powerful enough individual by the end to be said counter. And as long as it's not revealed that he' so unique that no one can ever top him, there always exists the potential for heroes who can match him. Even if no one can, the population difference is enough that humanity, sufficiently motivated, could just throw bodies at the problem and it'll work eventually.Well here's a debate waiting to happen. Time to open up a can of FACTS AND LOGIC!
Worst case we got mutually assured destruction, barring divine intervention. More likely war breaking out just sets us back to the back when times of endless war. As for certain monsters like Sofia, maybe down the line people could work something out to drag her ass to fantasy Hague for war crimes. But everyone in power on both sides and god herself supporting peace means we probably wouldn't see anything happen that could rock the current slow ass march of progress.
Course this is all barring later game twists and revelations, but I can't make predictions off of non extant data. Last note 'bout succubi. Yeah kinda, they're a scary race. But the capacity to choose not to follow their instinct means it probably already has, and will continue to become easier as generations pass. Being raised with morals centered on consideration for sapient life as a whole obviously has happened to some degree; and as long as things don't slide back due to one side wanting say, to get revenge for long past slights, will only be reinforced if and when monsters and humans get more used to each other within the same societies.