Derp. I forgot the initial 1d20 too, so even 30 isn't all that hard. Make that 16-35 with zero luck and 17-55 with non-overcapped luck... (The fact you rolled 37 on the screenshot made me go fuck it, I derped again.
Currently checking if there's any actual temptation roll above 55 as this is the only one that would cause a player to always fail unless they overcap luck with item/perk buffs (iirc, the cap does not apply to boosts). And even if they *did* fail, well, there's the energy emergency rescue...
(If Thres truly wanted to go full D&D, he could implement autofail and autosuccess from the initial 1d20 - 1 being autofail and 20 autosuccess - but this was suggested years ago and honestly, it's much better the way it is right now, even crazy stats may still cause you to sometimes fail if there is a huge roll but low stats and bad luck also lead to possible emergency rescue, which is just perfect.)
Autofails are not listed. And hopefully I didn't fuck up this time! (Apologies if I did.)
- Lumiren's Song: 10 (+5/7/10 from Hypnosis addiction 25/50/75)
- Aiko (all): 15 (20 if Kotone's hypno sessions kick in)
- Alraune: 5 (+2/5/10 from Sex addiction 25/50/75 and +4 if Charmed)
- Ancilla: 10 (15 if you're sleepy and want to cuddle with fluffy waifu)
- Awoken Sofia and Normal Sofia: 15, 20, 25 and 30 depending on stances
- Feng: 10 (+2/5/10 from Leg addiction and +2/5/10 from Sex addiction, 50/75/100 respectively)
- Kunoichi: 15/20/25
- Manticore: 10/15/20/25
- Matango: 5 (+2/5/10 from Ass addiction and +2/5/10 from Sex addiction, 50/75/100, also +4 if Charmed)
- Mika: 10/15/20/25 (+2/5/10 from 50/75/100 Ass for the 10 roll when meeting her outside of battle)
- Oni: 10/15 (+2/5/10 from Breasts or Ass addiction 50/75/100 depending on stance)
- Rosaura: 10 (+2/5/10 from Breasts, Oral or Sex addiction 25/50/75 depending on stance, also +9 if Charmed)
- Tengu: 10/15
- Trisha: 5/9/10/14/15/19/20 (+2/5/10 from <insert where you focus> 25/50/75 depending on stance)
- Venefica:
Sweet Add 15 (-5 if Elly helps, +1 from CoE, +3 from CoS, +5 from CoO, +1/2/3/5 from Breast addiction, +1/2/3/5 from Leg addiction)
Witch Temp 20 (+1 from CoW, +2 from CoE, +3 from CoS, +5 from CoO)
Vista 20 (+1/2/3/5 from Breasts)
Marsh/Choco Marsh 15 (-5 if Elly helps, +1/3/6/11 from Curses, +1/3/5 from 25/50/75 Breasts)
- Vili 15 (+1/3/5 from 25/50/75 Breasts, +1/3/5 from 3/6/10 Vili's Curse)
- Imp GH: 5 (+2/5/10 from 50/75/100 Oral)
- Arch Imp GH: 10 (+2/5 from 50/75 Breasts and +2/5 from 6/10 Vili's Curse)
- Vili's Rack: 15 (+1/3/5 from 25/50/75 Breasts and +1/3/5 from 3/6/10 Vili's Curse)
- Kotone: 20/25
- Kunoichi (Dojo): 15/20
- Aiko (warmup with the yuki-onna): 15/20/30 (depends on Kotone's "help")
- Kotone's trials: 5/10/15/20 (+2/5 from 50/75 Ass)
EDIT: Hopefully less confusing on the addiction parts.