In my opinion, if you aren't pleased with the speed of the updates, complaining isn't what will make the developer release something, but removing your monthly subscription or w/e on his patreon. Money is always what everything revolves around. You see it in recent times with Blizzard, being extremely stubborn about their design decisions and saying they can't go back on them, but the moment half their playerbase quits, it is somehow okay to ease up on their bullshit. However, if you are a freeloader who hasn't pay a single cent for this game, then you have no right to complain about the speed of the updates.
I defo feel for the creator of the game having family issues, but frankly, no one pays his patreon for his family issues, they pay for a game. If the creator has refunded ppl that paid him during his hiatus (or suspended any money support), then props to the creator, if not, it is the victims that encouragethis behavior from the creator.
Where am I in all of this? Just a freeloader, I am happy with the speed of the updates as I still haven't finished the entire game and I play it very slowly. Superb game imo.