- Mar 22, 2023
- 336
- 421
Part of the challenge of RPGs is finding ways to get stronger easily. That's why the game lets you choose EXP perks, and gives you runes to increase EXP gain.Finally started trudging through the Labyrinth to realize all the intros are reset and if you leave the labyrinth for any reason you have to beat both the previous flour you've beaten and the floor you were on. Why? It's bad enough that at my current level (37 after sparing with Amy and the Oni twins for a bit) every trap after floor two fills up my arousal nearly instantly and nearly every skill check fails despite me having 55 intelligence, 25 willpower, and the Luck blessing on. It's bad enough that taking out Iabel stun her for like 2 turns, making running away seem like the best strat regardless of the advice given on the Forum which was to just grind. It's bad enough that some turns last long enough to brew some tea. Making it an endurance challenge on top of that is ridiculous.
At least there's only 3 variants of the final floor so the map on the wiki was invaluable.
It's really easy to level up fast in this game. In fact. You say you're level 37? Go do Vili's content and by the time you're done you'll be level 45 easy. It won't even take an hour.
Now regarding the labyrinth there's multiple ways to do it. If you donated enough money to the church and heard the voice of the angel representative of the goddess, she can give you a temporary perk that makes it almost 100% guaranteed you'll succeed in running from fights.
If you're stuck, go do something else is like one of the main tenants of general gaming.