March Status Report 2024
No game update yet, while I'd likely be perfectly fine releasing it now or soon [it still requires testing/fixing], there is some content I want to add that I think will help make the update feel more complete, to me at least.
Aside from spending some time fixing more general bugs and adding in some more QoL's, Elena's new art is now officially in for the next update, and there has been a small tweak to her sparkling expression as well by Jiffic. And of course more of the Ero's district has been filled out as well, it primarily being a place with conversations and shopping compared to combat and challenges, just to set proper expectations for when the update hits.
Additionally prior to the weekend I thought tomorrow was the 31's not the 1st, so I'll see if I can do something for 'that' or not.
Taxes this year have also been rather time consuming, moreso than expected, and still on going, but definitely important even if I'd much rather work on the game than deal with it.
New items and shopping aside from the last status report mentioned, there is also new food perks you can attain from some of the restaurants in the Ero's district, which contain a short fluff scenes for fun each, over being a larger building like the Vivian's tavern being more of a tangible location in the town for comparison. So I hope people look forward to that.
I'm not sure atm when the update will be released, but once the building I am next working on is at a point I am happy with I will release the update.