We're saying the same thing, I'm just adding to not get fooled by some crocodile tears. It's already too late to "swing your blade" at that point.The intellectual dishonesty is palpable with you. Pay closer attention to my words. I never said I would spare the spider. You completely ignored the part where I stated: 'If redemption is not possible.' Let me spell it out for you: that means if they cannot change, if they cannot submit to human law, they die. Plain and simple. Don’t twist my words, boy.
As for your 'mind jail' scenario, let me clarify something else: sparing an enemy is not about being honorable for honor’s sake. It’s about calculated pragmatism. If there’s a risk they could stab humanity in the back, then mercy is off the table. But I don’t swing my blade indiscriminately, I wield it with purpose. And while you’re right that some enemies should die even if they surrender, the distinction lies in knowing when to deliver judgment and when to hold restraint. Mercy isn’t weakness; it’s a tool. Just as 'keep your enemies close' doesn’t mean forgiveness, neither does it mean reckless slaughter.
And what about the addiction? That does happen. My entire point is that there doesn't have to be hostile intent for harm to be done and there's a few cases where such a thing happens. It's not a huge leap to consider what happens if it goes even further. I doubt such a thing will happen in the story but considering what ifs based on the rules presented can also be fun.I feel you are overthinking too much about the magic system and the story. The game invoked fucking quantum mechanics for how teleportation works, good luck making sense of things. Hostilities aren't illegal, they are straight up impossible, the magic spell is a catch-all for any hostility against humans. Even though it's somewhat relaxed for the adventurers to facilitate sex battles, at no point is any real enslavement or soul capture shown in the story for any character at all outside of Dark Perpetua (who makes her pocket dimension apparently to violate the spell); we don't know if Catherine would have even been able to suck PC's soul as it never progressed to that point.
And the many that don't have human relations?The families they've already built with their human husbands and wives.
Should be stopped by the ones who do. If half your population or let's be real 80% of your population cause of harems are in a relationship with a human. The 20% that say, let's subjugate them and rule over them like cattle, are gonna get BTFO by the 80% who love their partner.And the many that don't have human relations?
Where'd you get those numbers?Should be stopped by the ones who do. If half your population or let's be real 80% of your population cause of harems are in a relationship with a human. The 20% that say, let's subjugate them and rule over them like cattle, are gonna get BTFO by the 80% who love their partner.
Honestly just made it up on the assumption of how the setting works.Where'd you get those numbers?
I feel that what Venefica did was still plenty impressive, what Vili and Aiko do isn't on the same level as changing your body's internal chemistry to the point of smelling different and having different tasting breast milk. Yeah, it's not some ability restricted to the high tiers, but physical modification vs genetic modification wouldn't be the same, and i feel Venefica's falls into the latter.Aiko and Vili prove that body modification of any kind isn't actually a major feat. Granted, they're altering their shapes to be more attractive to the PC, but stands to reason that they could give themselves cat ears and such. If we mean stuff like traits and attributes, I'd argue that what Venefica is doing is just an extension of the same thing Aiko and Vili are doing, albeit with a better handle on the physiological rather than doing it for aethetics.
Casual and lighthearted stories doesn't mean they are allowed to just not give a shit about most writing rules and norms.That being said, I think the common criticism of the weak main story for Monster Girl Dreams is a bit misguided.
I love strong narratives with consistent themes, and in-depth exploration like the next guy.
Shit like Disco Elysium and stuff.
That being said, I don't think Monster Girl Dreams ever tried to make its main story the focus.
Unlike Monster Girl Quest, which puts its main story front and center as the most important aspect of its narrative, and eschewed romantic relationships with 99% of the girls you face, Monster Girl Dreams, cares more about making the player like every single girl you meet, over having an expansive and thought-provoking narrative.
Monster Girl Dreams', main story is kinda generic and derivative on purpose I think. I don't think it wants you to think too hard about why you're adventuring. It just says you are and so you go. You don't have a grand reason for being an adventurer like other games would give. I don't think it wants you to think about the grand conflict of the demon queen and the world, because no one in the setting honestly feels "threatened" by her.
Honestly, this means Dreams has a hard time creating actual tension in the story, but that's not the kind of story it wants to tell.
The main thing, I, and I hope everyone else likes about Dreams are the Monster Girls. We're here for them, getting to know them, fucking them, and just hanging out.
To me the criticism is misguided in the same way someone's misguided for playing a Fighting Game for the story.
This is probably the only porn game that excites me when I see non-h content being added just as much as the sexy shit. What a comfy world, and I would literally die for half of the women in here. Everything is so perfectly saccharine without being boring and I love it.
I like the whimsy. It's fine, honestly.
Trying not to be too antagonistic here, but these opinions don't mean anything, in terms of providing to the discussionThis guy gets why I like this game. Tl;dr, lemme fuck around with mongirls without having to worry about abyssal corruption or trauma or whatever angst/edgy bs the story likes to throw in, all while having a battlefuck mechanic that doesn't make the player die, enslaved, or heavily crippled if they lose.
MGD relationships:I completely agree. I really appreciate how Monster Girl Dreams puts a stronger emphasis on developing the monster girls’ characters and the MC’s relationships with them. Even the monster girls intended for casual encounters have genuine personalities, which makes the interactions feel more meaningful. Unlike Monster Girl Quest, where a looming crisis drives the story forward, Monster Girl Dreams allows us to immerse ourselves in the world and explore it at our own pace. While I’m sure we’ll eventually encounter the demon queen and uncover the reason behind her spell preventing bloodshed across the island, the lack of urgency makes the journey feel more relaxed and enjoyable. I really like that approach.
I'm trying to say this in the nicest manner possible... isn't that kinda childish?Indeed. In Monster Girl Quest, I approached every fight with utmost seriousness, refusing to entertain the H-scenes when failure meant death or worse. Those encounters stripped away any illusions of innocence, revealing the 'monster' in monster girls. A prime example of this perspective is Shrift. There, I had no hesitation in choosing the dark god route and eliminating every monster girl I encountered. You awaken to an apocalyptic world where humanity is on the brink, even children slaughtered without mercy. In such a scenario, their justifications and excuses rang hollow. They were enemies of humanity, plain and simple, and I treated them as such.
That’s why I appreciate the approach Monster Girl Dreams takes. With no overarching conflict driving the narrative, I don’t feel compelled to adopt the serious tone that a crisis demands. The setting is more relaxed and casual, and most of the monster girls genuinely behave more like girls than monsters, which stands in stark contrast to MGQ and Shrift. The closest the game comes to replicating the high-stakes tension of MGQ is the Dark Perpetua boss fight. I enjoyed it as a nod to the MGQ style similar in difficulty, too and wouldn’t mind seeing such encounters as occasional one-offs. However, even in Perpetua’s case, we know her personality. She plays the role of a villain, but she isn’t truly one. The corruption from the orb she used was a mistake, not something she intended. That nuance makes her far more compelling and reinforces the game’s more character-driven, lighter tone.
That's if its even filed, or reported. A guy willing to (best case scenario, though I'm sure that's not going to 100% be the case) become a succubuss' "lover slave" wouldn't care, though even if they did, how would they report it?Are we just forgetting the part where it was only recently that the monster girls were forced to fuck humans into submission instead of literally sucking out their soul like they were before (and still happens albeit with a fuck ton of paperwork and responsibility behind it)?
An enchantment which decides to not work sometimes for some reason, I wouldn't put my trust in a revolver with 5 empty chambers and only 1 bullet, would you?I don’t adopt a hostile stance lightly. In the scenario you mentioned, the war is effectively over rendered so by the spell that nullifies fatal attacks. Even if someone fought with the unyielding intensity of a Star Wars Purge Trooper, their efforts would be futile. This is even acknowledged by a lizard girl who expresses frustration that she can no longer test potential mates based on martial prowess. That said, I operate on a case-by-case basis. If they pose no threat to me or anyone else, there’s no reason to eliminate them. For now, that’s the reality. But should the situation change if they became a danger once more I would adapt accordingly.
It doesn't really matter how they themselves interpret death. In Shrift the lampas are intelligent, barghest's can't be excused either but they're practically children mentally (stated by that one professor i believe), and any other intelligent girl in there is 100% aware of what they're doing, though glad you aren't letting the Arachne case go, it still poses me off to this day.Me personally, SHRIFT's a different ballgame, because the monster girls in that game literally do not operate on the same logical principles and understanding that we as people do.
Death isn't "the end" for them, which is why Barghests don't know what they're doing is bad.
Spider girl is a monster and should be killed imo, and the game even alludes to the "canon" ending being the neutral ending for this reason.
Take a look at Mukuro in that game. The only reason the player would want to spare them is if the player learns more about her, after beating her! True Mercy isn't a path you take if you're fully roleplaying and choosing what you'd do as the MC during those scenarios. You literally can't get it your first run on purpose. It's the path you obtain as the player after you learn more about the girls and want to see everyone happy.
For Spider Girl you learn after beating her, that she literally doesn't know any other way to live. She doesn't know what love is, and can only view relationships through the predator/prey dynamic. Her whole story after sparing her is making her learn that basic aspect of humanity.
But that's a conversation for a different game lol XD.
Of which we haven't seen much, i'm still half with you, we haven't seen much of succubi and how the general population treats soul eating, knowing thresh i doubt there will be some dark reveal but, no conclusive evidence to understand the succubi in MGD, so the worst and best case could be possible.They didn't have to do that before btw.
Only Succubi could, and that was a choice they had.
So kind of like how different people could kill one another if they wanted to. Succubi could eat souls if they wanted to. Whether or not they did was dependent on their character. I don't think we should judge people based on what they can do, but on their actions.
This is just very naive, this isn't an issue about being 'stuck in the past', it's being understandibly skeptical. Again, the wars have went on for a 100 millenia, do you think that doubt would be unreasonable here. And as phenir said, there are still plenty of dangers, they CAN still suck souls, but it's the same as murdeur would be for humans, would you do it if you could get away with it? Most succubi easily could.So? Things changed for the better, and things are better now. If you have your head stuck in the past you're going to miss out on the mongirls that you could've otherwise chilled in the hot springs with. They can't suck souls out anymore, they can't even slap you across the face unless you're into it and consent, so why do you worry? Outside of sex, they are more harmless than other humans.
Hmmm, kinda unsure if that's how it'd work, the person itself would have to be powerful, more powerful than imps slimes or petty lizards, so just taking you out of the continent wouldn't be feasible for most, everything else is fair though.There are ways to hurt that don't involve directly harming someone. The MC can get addicted to substances, like manticore poison or the bag mimic. Mental entrapment happens as well. Soul sucking is just the prominent example presented by the game, and actually does still happen. Just because something is "illegal" doesn't mean it stops happening. Not to mention it isn't even illegal, they just have to fill out a bunch of paperwork and take care of the soul forever. Additionally, the magic only covers the continent. I don't think there's anything stopping someone from just throwing you off a cliff into the ocean. Or they could just starve you. The magic is not a catch all for all forms of hostilities. It cannot be. How would they get meat? How do they handle overpopulation of herbivores? Did the demon queen just genocide every carnivore on the continent?
Then there's what happens when the current demon queen changes. Will the magic still be there? What happens if the next demon queen dispels it? or just moves the demon kingdom somewhere where the magic isn't?
The enchantment prevents everything that causes physical harm, we've yet to see if it has an effect on anything but the physical (assuming the enchantment actually works). Under the assumption that it doesn't Cathrine and any succubuss could steal souls. Under the assumption that it does, it still wouldn't work, your soul isn't being harmed here, it'ss being relocated and stolen, but they might not be able to eat your soul (hopefully, and this is all if the second assumption is the correct one).I feel you are overthinking too much about the magic system and the story. The game invoked fucking quantum mechanics for how teleportation works, good luck making sense of things. Hostilities aren't illegal, they are straight up impossible, the magic spell is a catch-all for any hostility against humans. Even though it's somewhat relaxed for the adventurers to facilitate sex battles, at no point is any real enslavement or soul capture shown in the story for any character at all outside of Dark Perpetua (who makes her pocket dimension apparently to violate the spell); we don't know if Catherine would have even been able to suck PC's soul as it never progressed to that point.
First off, let’s address the obvious: it’s hard to win a war when your most lethal attacks amount to little more than a tickle. The spell preventing lethal combat is, without question, a problem if you aim to claim a decisive victory. It’s not a resolution—it’s a forced armistice, a ceasefire held together by magic rather than mutual understanding. Your analogy to sewing a dieter’s mouth shut is apt, but only in the sense that it prevents immediate harm without addressing deeper issues. That’s why this ceasefire presents an opportunity, not for sunshines and rainbows, as you so flippantly suggest, but for dialogue. If the dialogue fails, the solution is simple: bring down the spell and let the war resume in earnest.I'm trying to say this in the nicest manner possible... isn't that kinda childish?
This isn't an insult to your intelligence btw, more so questioning what kind of world of sunshines and rainbows you live in. We're already shown that the world is far from innocent, humans and mg have been at war for 100 millenia, humans could still be kidnapped and raped (you can't fucking say 'you like it' even if its femdom, non con also requires consent) by mg who are hardly anything but kind, the only thing preventing them from doing something worse is the enchantment. It's like preventing a person who wants to diet from eating by sewing their mouth shut, their desires aren't gone, you've just stopped them from engaging in them. While the mg near the main town are mostly not callous due to their close human interaction, we are warned SEVERAL times about the capital and beyond, that the enviorment won't be the same and to take proper caution. If proper authorities which comfortably accept living with mg say that, it has to come with reason.
It feels like you're averting your eyes from this cause you want the... "illusion of innocence"?
Again, not criticizing your for disliking snuff content, just questioning why you're going through a piece of media with the expectation it's 'innocent'.
I think the numbers are a lot lower, though yeah harems would boost it significantly. First of all, the only humans going to the continent are adventurers, guild staff, and some minimum of support for stuff like shelter, food, and supplies. To the world outside the monster continent, it's a dangerous place so common people aren't really lining up to visit for now. In particular, adventurers are people that are learned; they go to an adventurer school that also has a tuition so that further limits how many people are able to go. Altogether, that already drastically cuts down on available human mates. I don't know the gender ratio of adventurers but that would further cut down on mates as it seems women just get converted into monsters (we know of at least two such cases) and I'm not sure if they are considered viable interests if not converted anyway.Honestly just made it up on the assumption of how the setting works.
Most adventures get stopped before even reaching the city in the game after all.
Passing the labyrinth and getting to the city is a big achievement after all. The rest are happily married to monster girls.
Bro cookedI feel that what Venefica did was still plenty impressive, what Vili and Aiko do isn't on the same level as changing your body's internal chemistry to the point of smelling different and having different tasting breast milk. Yeah, it's not some ability restricted to the high tiers, but physical modification vs genetic modification wouldn't be the same, and i feel Venefica's falls into the latter.
Also, Vili isn't just an ordinary mg, she's a bit higher on the hierarchy, so it's not like ordinary imps could use this ability, same with Aiko, but since she's put as a challenge in a major location, I can assume she's not low ranking either.
Casual and lighthearted stories doesn't mean they are allowed to just not give a shit about most writing rules and norms.
Also, those aren't even mutually exclusive, why is the concept of though provoking narratives have to be attached to some grim dark and serious stories? Any story can be though provking if the author has enough balls and intelligence to say something, teach you about something, or put a different perspective on something, offer social commentary and so on. Not to mention that serious storiess could easily be casual and lighthearted.
The argument of "The characters are the focus" would be stronger if the characters themselves are actually well written, but they're nothing spectacular, you can summarize the character arcs (those that actually exist) in a single sentence. The characters aren't the focus of the writing, as we'd actually be allowed to know more about them. The characters are FAN SERVICE based on shallow tropes which aren't expanded upon. The game's magnum opus of Kotone could only barely qualify as an actual character story, everything else feels like a sitcom quality, you enjoy it, but you can't call it good can you? Some of them don't feel like characters, just charicatures made for a specific kink.
It would also help if MGD was a dating game instead, those are examples of weak grand narratives with strong character narratives, but MGD only has a very barebones ""dating"" mechanic and what you're rewarded by raising it, and as I said, the characters aren't up to par on a character driven story.
MGD isn't a casual and fun story, it's a low effort story full of holes (as in lacking content) that gives you the impression that it's casual because your tired brain doesn't have anything to think about. It's a porn game, coomers come her to coom, not read deep and though provoking stuff, and thus why even bother making it? Just slap some justification, for whatever main kink you want and boom "Full save?" "How to use console?" "Where is the cheat mod?" People who can't even gather the willpower to give a shit will come, these people would never criticize a story because they weren't reading it, half of their playtime is spent with their hands on their cock.
You can't call the criticisms misguided, especially when your rebuttal really just sounds like "it's not that deep" and I hope you agree with me in the fact that this is the worst rebuttal to any sort of criticism on any kind of media. Being casual, being a porn game or any other rebuttal which argues that the game doesn't deserve harsh critique of its narrative because the nature of the game is so on and so forth (i just went over these) just isn't a good excuse.
If MGD was a cartoon made for children, i would've given the credence that you're asking for here, but it's a PORN game made for ADULTS (hopefully, though the longer I am on this platform the more i doubt the ages of people)
Trying not to be too antagonistic here, but these opinions don't mean anything, in terms of providing to the discussion
MGD relationships:
Encounter 2 dimensional trope incarnate
Beat it
Get some dialogue option, pick the one that screams "I'm not an ass"
Go back, maybe do that a few times
Oh would you look at that, it wants to meet you now
Go meet the mg
Pick every "I'm not an ass" choice repetaedly (which are often the same exact choice)
Unlock new interactions which hardly develop her character which now you'll have to repeat, aswell as new sex scenes
Repeat until "Oh hey, I think you're kinda cool? Wanna be my BFWB (best friend with benefits)/Lover(very loosely)?"
Congrats, you've now 'developed a relationship'
The only person I'd accept that descriptor for would be Kotone, it's the only actual 'relationship' you develop which isn't bland
I'm trying to say this in the nicest manner possible... isn't that kinda childish?
This isn't an insult to your intelligence btw, more so questioning what kind of world of sunshines and rainbows you live in. We're already shown that the world is far from innocent, humans and mg have been at war for 100 millenia, humans could still be kidnapped and raped (you can't fucking say 'you like it' even if its femdom, non con also requires consent) by mg who are hardly anything but kind, the only thing preventing them from doing something worse is the enchantment. It's like preventing a person who wants to diet from eating by sewing their mouth shut, their desires aren't gone, you've just stopped them from engaging in them. While the mg near the main town are mostly not callous due to their close human interaction, we are warned SEVERAL times about the capital and beyond, that the enviorment won't be the same and to take proper caution. If proper authorities which comfortably accept living with mg say that, it has to come with reason.
It feels like you're averting your eyes from this cause you want the... "illusion of innocence"?
Again, not criticizing your for disliking snuff content, just questioning why you're going through a piece of media with the expectation it's 'innocent'.
That's if its even filed, or reported. A guy willing to (best case scenario, though I'm sure that's not going to 100% be the case) become a succubuss' "lover slave" wouldn't care, though even if they did, how would they report it?
An enchantment which decides to not work sometimes for some reason, I wouldn't put my trust in a revolver with 5 empty chambers and only 1 bullet, would you?
It doesn't really matter how they themselves interpret death. In Shrift the lampas are intelligent, barghest's can't be excused either but they're practically children mentally (stated by that one professor i believe), and any other intelligent girl in there is 100% aware of what they're doing, though glad you aren't letting the Arachne case go, it still poses me off to this day.
Of which we haven't seen much, i'm still half with you, we haven't seen much of succubi and how the general population treats soul eating, knowing thresh i doubt there will be some dark reveal but, no conclusive evidence to understand the succubi in MGD, so the worst and best case could be possible.
This is just very naive, this isn't an issue about being 'stuck in the past', it's being understandibly skeptical. Again, the wars have went on for a 100 millenia, do you think that doubt would be unreasonable here. And as phenir said, there are still plenty of dangers, they CAN still suck souls, but it's the same as murdeur would be for humans, would you do it if you could get away with it? Most succubi easily could.
Hmmm, kinda unsure if that's how it'd work, the person itself would have to be powerful, more powerful than imps slimes or petty lizards, so just taking you out of the continent wouldn't be feasible for most, everything else is fair though.
The enchantment prevents everything that causes physical harm, we've yet to see if it has an effect on anything but the physical (assuming the enchantment actually works). Under the assumption that it doesn't Cathrine and any succubuss could steal souls. Under the assumption that it does, it still wouldn't work, your soul isn't being harmed here, it'ss being relocated and stolen, but they might not be able to eat your soul (hopefully, and this is all if the second assumption is the correct one).
Phew, that took me 1.5 hours, I love arguments so much![]()
My understanding of monster girl reproduction is that it exclusively produces females—meaning monster girls breeding simply results in more monster girls, with no humans or even males being born. This form of reproduction resembles a kind of pseudo-parthenogenesis, and its very nature highlights a parasitic threat to humanity. It creates a scenario where, as you aptly put it, we could be 'fucked out of existence.'But even if violent takeover is objected to, there is non hostile ways to take over. For example, if the magic were to be further spread so it affected human lands as well. Humanity could be at risk of literally being fucked out of existence. Is it ever mentioned what the result of a human and monster girl pregnancy is? If human females aren't birthed (IE males are always human, females share the race of the mother), that becomes an issue kind of. I guess it'd result in some kind of human/monster girl symbiotic combined race (reminds me of that one planet from speaker for the dead). Actually, how do monster girls reproduce without humans? Is it some Sequel shit where they just magic a new one into existence?
yhea thats problems for most monster girl games which dose not really have any easy solutions.My understanding of monster girl reproduction is that it exclusively produces females—meaning monster girls breeding simply results in more monster girls, with no humans or even males being born. This form of reproduction resembles a kind of pseudo-parthenogenesis, and its very nature highlights a parasitic threat to humanity. It creates a scenario where, as you aptly put it, we could be 'fucked out of existence.'
Indeed. Even if monster girls could produce normal, healthy human sons, the long-term consequences remain dire. Over time, human women could face extinction if human males no longer needed them to reproduce. Combine that with the fact that monster girls are often stronger, faster, and in many cases even more capable than human men, and the societal and cultural impact becomes devastating. The power imbalance alone could lead to a world where humanity is subjugated, viewed as pets rather than equals. Such an outcome would be intolerable, an affront to humanity’s sovereignty and survival. This is not just a matter of biology; it’s a battle for our very identity as a species.yhea thats problems for most monster girl games which dose not really have any easy solutions.
like point of 90% of game is that monster girls are better then human woman its just time game at that point
there are couple of solutions that can technically work.Indeed. Even if monster girls could produce normal, healthy human sons, the long-term consequences remain dire. Over time, human women could face extinction if human males no longer needed them to reproduce. Combine that with the fact that monster girls are often stronger, faster, and in many cases even more capable than human men, and the societal and cultural impact becomes devastating. The power imbalance alone could lead to a world where humanity is subjugated, viewed as pets rather than equals. Such an outcome would be intolerable, an affront to humanity’s sovereignty and survival. This is not just a matter of biology; it’s a battle for our very identity as a species.
The problem is that you're looking too deep into this and expecting the game to have a fully fleshed scientific manual that answers every socio-geo-eco-political question that you asked. No piece of literature, no piece of religious or philosophical work that is of any substance can reach that level of detail where no further questions can be asked about it. And literature is a far cry from a hentai battlefuck game involving mongirls. The game itself doesn't take itself seriously, hence why teleportation is explained with quantum mechanics, and you're expecting concrete answers to socioeconomic issues?I think the numbers are a lot lower, though yeah harems would boost it significantly. First of all, the only humans going to the continent are adventurers, guild staff, and some minimum of support for stuff like shelter, food, and supplies. To the world outside the monster continent, it's a dangerous place so common people aren't really lining up to visit for now. In particular, adventurers are people that are learned; they go to an adventurer school that also has a tuition so that further limits how many people are able to go. Altogether, that already drastically cuts down on available human mates. I don't know the gender ratio of adventurers but that would further cut down on mates as it seems women just get converted into monsters (we know of at least two such cases) and I'm not sure if they are considered viable interests if not converted anyway.
But even if violent takeover is objected to, there is non hostile ways to take over. For example, if the magic were to be further spread so it affected human lands as well. Humanity could be at risk of literally being fucked out of existence. Is it ever mentioned what the result of a human and monster girl pregnancy is? If human females aren't birthed (IE males are always human, females share the race of the mother), that becomes an issue kind of. I guess it'd result in some kind of human/monster girl symbiotic combined race (reminds me of that one planet from speaker for the dead). Actually, how do monster girls reproduce without humans? Is it some Sequel shit where they just magic a new one into existence?
Bro cooked
Perhaps you're right, we might be taking things a bit too seriously. But let me clarify: when men like us set aside the curiosity about what it would be like to bed a monster girl, we don’t switch our brains off. Instead, we dig deeper. And when we truly look at the world these games present, it’s not all sweet fruit and fantasy, it’s a bitter realization, like biting into something sweet only to taste the spoil underneath.The problem is that you're looking too deep into this and expecting the game to have a fully fleshed scientific manual that answers every socio-geo-eco-political question that you asked. No piece of literature, no piece of religious or philosophical work that is of any substance can reach that level of detail where no further questions can be asked about it. And literature is a far cry from a hentai battlefuck game involving mongirls. The game itself doesn't take itself seriously, hence why teleportation is explained with quantum mechanics, and you're expecting concrete answers to socioeconomic issues?
And seriously, it's annoying to just see your reply thread be a list of questions. Why don't you speculate as to the reasons for why things are the way they are in MGD and cook up a theory? That's far more interesting than endless nitpicking.
Damn, you feel way too personal about a game that's already not meant to be taken seriously. Like, chill dude! That's the main purpose of a laid back game like this, to relax!Perhaps you're right, we might be taking things a bit too seriously. But let me clarify: when men like us set aside the curiosity about what it would be like to bed a monster girl, we don’t switch our brains off. Instead, we dig deeper. And when we truly look at the world these games present, it’s not all sweet fruit and fantasy, it’s a bitter realization, like biting into something sweet only to taste the spoil underneath.
That’s where the questions come from, driven not by nitpicking but by an innate sense of what it means to stand firm in the face of a challenge. If you found yourself in that situation, staring down a world that could spell the end of humanity, would you really entertain the thought of surrender? Unless you’ve got a death wish or are so weak-willed you’d fold under pressure—capitulation isn’t an option. And let’s be honest: there’s something innately exciting, even fun, about imagining how we’d rise to meet that kind of existential threat. It's the boyish charm we never lose, no matter how old we get, our imagination running wild, not just for the fantasy but for the fight.
I mean, if you feel that way that's cool or whatever, but I think you kinda failed miserably in trying not to be antagonistic, because I've noticed not only here but in other threads, you tend to put a lot of stock in stuff that REALLY doesn't matter. Discussion is fine, but it feels as if you're trying to tell people that a silly porn game has bad writing and that it means anything at all, when it really doesn't. I don't think anyone's here for a pinnacle of storytelling fr, but that could just be meTrying not to be too antagonistic here, but these opinions don't mean anything, in terms of providing to the discussion