RPGM - Completed - Monster Girl Quest: Paradox [Part 3 Demo v3.00] [Torotoro Resistance]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Shout out to the game that introduced me video games with sex as the focus. Despite being quite old, it still manages to hold very well. The mechanics of this are still one of the best after i replayed it. It is a very polished piece of art and i recommend all to try it out, there is a little bit of everything for everyone one. Plus, great gameplay!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I tried this game 2 times before and since what I was looking for was a porn game, I would quit after an hour or so, BIG MISTAKE.

    Now I have about 20 hours (it seems that I'm still at the beginning) and I must say that it reminds me of the old Final fantasy (7,8,9,X), its quality is at that level, if you are one of those who played those jewels and have affection for them, this game will not disappoint you, the dialogues are decent the lore is deep and the game system is very good (I recommend playing it on hell difficulty, to squeeze all its juice).

    I give it 4 stars instead of 5 because the sex scenes are mediocre, it has an overwhelming number of them though.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A masterpiece, you can see how polished all small details are in this game and how much thought the developers gave to this game, played the previous game and it's lore was quite something for it to be an r18 game and now they come with this new piece, developing even more lore to a new possibility in the mgq world, a paradox that difers from the main timeline (Previous game) and explores so many new possibilities and a new background where instead of monsters being an enemy of humanity, they're mostly equals in this paradox, most people just looking for a quick fap might find this title annoying, so I'd suggest to play the previous game, that's more straightfoward in that regard, but if you're like me, looking for a good story, then you've come to the right place :coffee:
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Don't know why this game gets This much good reviews. It's not too good or too bad.

    The game is a huge time consumer, but kinda fun i guess.

    You can find many good games here ! But if you want to spend +100 hours go ahead.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There are few things I can say that many others haven't said. Mechanic wise this is one of the best games I've ever played and no, I'm not just talking about H-games.

    This game unironically has more and better mechanics than most RPGs I've played, even triple A RPGs. The only games that have better mechanics are full out RTS and Grand Strategy games. This game will challenge your perception of how many mechanics you can fit in an indie RPGM game. It uses more plugins than I can count.

    As a matter of fact, it has so many mechanics that the primary downside to it is that I feel that it is too complex for its own good. There are too many redundant mechanics. The game will function just as good with 1/10th of its current mechanical content (which you cannot say for most games).

    The secondary downside is that this game shouldn't be played for its CGs. Some of the scenes are downright horrendous and I've never, well, with this game.

    Highly memorable, have sunk more hours on this game than any other RPGM game and it's not even close.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel like there are 3 major things that we need to talk about, before reviewing or recommending Monster Girl Quest Paradox (MGQP).

    - The first is the "busy adult", and how much time they have for videogames

    - The second is people saying that you can play this, and regard the adult content as optional or an extra.

    - The third is the claim that MGQP has better RPG mechanics, than even famous titles or franchises.

    MGQP is the kind of game, where I wish I was a kid in summer vacation playing 10 hours a day. By that, I'm trying to convey that the title is very, VERY time consuming. Generally speaking, smug people saying they are busy adults means nothing to me, you make time for videogames because you like them, but this is one of the exceptions to that rule. Expect to play this for dozens or even hundreds of hours, and part 3 hasn't even come out. Know what you are getting into.

    MGQP's adult content is locked behind defeats(to an extent, not strictly true) and an "affection meter" with the girls. So it's possible to go through the entire game and just see some monster girl breasts (more like a lot of breasts). So if you want to play this, as a "standard" adult game where 5 mins down the line the virgin heroine is having anal sex like a pro, you got another thing coming. The H does feel optional or an extra, people are right about that. The previous title Monster Girl Quest (MGQ) was really focused on the H-scenes. The mindset changed.

    MGQP is a solid recommendation to people who have a lot of time in their hands right now; People who are used to an "old-school" (that's SNES and Genesis to me) mentality in JRPG's; And people who are fine with the adult content not being the main selling point of the title.

    Basically, this is a huge time sink, with combat mechanics (character builds) more complex than just about anything you tried before, and there's a multitude of "sexy events" to be unlocked.

    I'm going to try and illustrate what kind of a "beast" MGQP is with examples, so that you know exactly what kind of gameplay complexity we are talking about here, and hopefully this clears up any doubts you have on point number 3 of the intro.

    1 - There are hundreds of monster girls. All unique in some way and customizable (combat). There are also dozens of human characters. Most characters can be recruited to your party.

    2 - All characters have a job, a race, a unique trait, and innate skills.

    3 - It's possible to mix skills and abilities from different jobs/races, and these number in the hundreds, with at least ten skills associated with each one.

    4 - All races have unique features: Harpies have high evasion, mermaids are good at singing, succubi are naturally seductive, and so on (also equipment restrictions, bonuses, skills, passives and stats).

    5 - Jobs also work this way: Nurses provide first aid, prostitutes do whatever your preconceptions allowed for when reading this, being unemployed is a thing, maids serve tea... (also equipment restrictions, bonuses, skills, passives, and stats are different from races).

    6 - Due to the adult nature of the game, "strange" attacks, ailments, and resistances join the "standard stuff". You have burns and freezes, along with incontinence and pleasure attacks (they do what you expect). It's not easy at all to figure everything out, and it will take time before you can guess (naturally) the weakness of a particular monster girl (there's a helpful library).

    7 - Gear needs to be picked based on all of the above. If you have an "angel race/priest like" character that uses holy damage, then you need high willpower or dexterity, because skills in the game are based on a particular stat. If you pick willpower, angels have basic white magic so it synergizes. If you pick dexterity you can still be a holy caster but it's best to switch jobs, cause priest is not very dexterous. See where I am going with this? And "auto-equipping" only helps so much.

    8 - Grinding and being "over leveled" don't save you from learning the game either. At the middling difficulty (hard), characters without health bonuses can get one-shot by inferior enemies. Characters without agility bonuses (speed) will be slower than most weaker enemies.

    9 - Not everything revolves around combat efficiency. Some jobs have useful skills that need to be incorporated in your party (drop rates, extra gold, extra experience, higher monster girl recruitment chances...)

    10 - There's more, a LOT more. Angels are weak to pleasure attacks', so passives/equipment that reduce said damage, and prevent corresponding ailments are very helpful. That gear from 5 hours ago had a bonus to black magic, and is actually better than what your character has right now. Equipping wands on the aforementioned offensive priest type, can be more effective than a staff with higher stats (because of a proc chance) and more, more, more...

    It's crazy! Do take your time learning the game in the initial (optional) temple tutorial section.

    You can always play in the easiest difficulty, ignore the monologue, and enjoy the story, but that means we regard videogames in very a different way, and this review is not aimed at you. Buy it and do your thing, the point still stands, MGQP requires a lot from the player. The question is whether you are willing to spend time and brainpower on it. The reward is certainly there in my opinion.

    Finally don't expect much in terms of "technicals". Visuals are weak all around, the selling point is ACTUAL monster girls( I have words to some developers regarding this topic, but not here). Their design quality varies wildly (many different artists), but I'm sure you'll have favorites. Having them in your party, and customizing their skills is one of the best things about MGQP.

    Sound has no voice acting, and the tracks aren't great or numerous (The "camp track" returns from MGQ, and it's amazing).

    Quality of life, convenience, accessibility, and interface are a mixed bag. On one hand you can tweak auto mode battling to deal with enemies quickly (which is a godsend because random encounters will number in the thousands) On the other there's so much information to absorb that you'd need "triple A levels of investment" to make surfing through menus an organic endeavor. Taking notes is still a better option, than all the back and forth.

    I try to avoid common places whenever I can in my reviews, but basically:

    - MGQP is not a videogame for everyone.

    It's still highly recommended if the review left a positive impression on you. Stay clear, if that's not the case.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing this game for a few years now but I haven't written a review for it yet. I think its about time I did so.

    Basically, this is what I believe to be the platinum standard for porn games and a strong contender for what rpgs could be. I have played many rpgs in my time outside of nsfw ones on various and different consoles ranging from excellent to dogshit. This jrpg sits among my top tiers for what an rpg should be. Hell, there are some times in my life where I walk around and still think about the world that is presented just because it sticks with me that much.

    The story itself is original, creative, and presented in a way that fits with the overall atmosphere that the game is going for. The main cast of characters have unique and differing personalities that work well in the situations that they are given and are realistic enough that I grow a sort of attachment to them as I go on this journey with them. The world itself is playful and fun when it wants to be, and dark and dreary at the times it needs to be as well. Along with this, the different and varying artstyles of the artists are quality and show how top tier each person is in drawing and design. Also, the combat system is a weird mix of Bravely Default and Persona that works really well. Like, this combat system have more depth and feels more fun than what some triple A titles are putting out to this day! I could go on about this, but, I wouldn't be saying anything else that hasn't been brought up before it other reviews and comments.

    In my personal opinion, one of the things that really holds this game back from making the most of its potential is that it is made in RPGMaker. Fuck, imagine this game with the same complexity and design in a game engine that was specifially tailored to suit this dev's needs. There would literally be no contest in saying what the best hentai game would be.

    Truly, this game deserves a 5 star rating due to everything that it offers the player. I really with that other devs would take note of this title in how truly unique it is and inspire them to come up with outside-the-box sex games rather than the shitty typical "fuck stepmom/sister/big boobed lady 3d model" games that seem to be the norm.

    Also, now that the review is over, I would like this note for future reference. FUCK ALL YOU APOPTOSIS HATERS. Yes, I like Xelvy. Yes, I like his monsterous girls and weird creatures that exist within this game. Yeah. I. Fucked. Them. ALL. I enjoyed every minute of it, and I'd do it again. Also, yes, I would fuck them in real life as well. If you don't like it, TOUGH. The door is right there. You can see yourself out.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Remember back in 2013 when the original trilogy nearly earned Game of the Year? Well, this follows it. What starts out as feeling as a What If story, it slowly creeps into a thrilling adventure to stop the decay of the multiverse. Turns out, what Black Alice did in the finale original series had major consequences; a paradox occurs.

    Most series with time travel are pretty loose with the rules of time travel, you can do things willy-nilly and simply travel back to your present to see what you did. In this game? No.

    Between the plot which gets heavy as every life hangs in the balance, the character interactions provide much comic relief to prevent the doom and gloom from getting to you. Each character has a personality and interactions about what is going on, so your party makeup and personal preferences for which characters to bring along has a unique feel.

    The only downside? Turns out, writing a story that involves major branching storylines is hard and takes a lot of time. The original trilogy was released in three parts over two years. This game? The first part was released in 2015, the second in 2017 (which received another update in the form of a massive collab scenario in 2021), and the demo for part three came out in 2023. But seriously, check it out; it has many great artists and loads and LOADS of characters. You want porn? This is like over two hundred scenes. You want plot? It's here.

    But seriously, play this after playing through the original trilogy.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Straight out Kino Game Sir.
    Story is Top nocht
    It's both intense and comedic at some point
    RPG Style with Comprehensive Job System.
    Neat Art with various artist
    Likable Character even the for non Major NPC
    Even if u remove the porn it's still gold game
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Femdom Enjoyer

    Warning: Only play this game after you've played the original Monster Girl Quest trilogy.

    That game is fantastic, and if you liked it, you'll probably love this one. A few things of note though, it's a worse hentai game... The original builds up to h-scenes better, and the combat integrates with the hentai better. Paradox on the otherhand, is a better game, and one that just so happens to have hundreds of h-scenes available as well. It's like playing pokemon and final fantasy at the same time. It has become one of my favorite games of all time.

    And to respond to the guy saying it shits on the lore of the original trilogy... Try reading? Everything is explained. Also it's an RPG and they gotta make room for mechanics.

    If you want to know which path to choose, it's up to you, since both are fantastic.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The first part was great, 9/10 no other way, there it was:
    - A good story and lore, not overloaded with unnecessary chaos-type bullshit. A fully fleshed out game with a semi-open ending that didn't need a sequel.
    - Unstressful gameplay, but at the same time not totally casual.
    - Nice characters, giving a lot of positive emotions.
    - Good H-scenes, giving a lot of positive emotions....

    And the second part... Paradox... well, not to say that the game became bad, but it's not a sequel, it's a completely different game, completely different atmosphere and lore. So what do we have?
    - Very... very heavy plot (in a bad way), a lot of absolutely superfluous, overloaded and simply ridiculous things (Maybe in the third part everything will become lighter, but it is doubtful). And all this chaos crap got me pretty sick of it. And for sure, there will be a so-called "True ending", which completely devalues other endings, and if there won't be one, I'll be glad.
    - Complete destruction of the past lore (not massive, but enough to unpleasantly surprise a person who genuinely loved the 1st part.
    - Sonya (Absolutely infinitely ugly disgusting creature, burn in hell)
    - Good JRPG system, well, farming and building builds is fun (I play through 4 elemental spirits because of their buff to each other and not bad skills)
    - Huge world attractive to explore.
    - Humour, until Sonya appears on the screen.
    - Lack of any romance (although we can assume that everything will be in the third part, which is not surprising).
    - Vagueness of further actions, it's not so much a minus as a fact, that's what's the goal for the end of part 2 now? To save the world, right, but how will that happen? We take one side, but it's unclear whether we're going to follow their plan specifically, or just help them along while looking for another way, a bit annoying not knowing.
    - Absurd level of power (In the first part everything was quite down-to-earth and pleasant, here the abilities of the level "to blow up a star system with the blink of an eye" are commonplace, well, and the characters' images became as pretentious as possible. Yes, and the distribution of forces is very strange, at one moment the enemy is so strong that we can not scratch him, a little later we are already destroying him, and another character, similar in strength, still not to our teeth, well, and so on.
    - Colabs in itself is a disgusting thing, but this one is not only disgusting in itself, but also mediocre bad in terms of gameplay (start for the characters that you just introduced and you do not even fuck who it is, and even farm for hours to kill the boss, it's the top of mediocrity game designer)! Colabs, and even embedded in the story, completely devalue the universe of the game, turning everything into one big fan service without any real value.

    Oh, and my personal hatred, the artist who drew Apoptososis, fuck you, sick bastard.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    the original MGQ really had me, I loved it, so I wanted more of that universe and characters, curious about some more juicy lore and adventure and all, then I discovered that they made another game.... and so here I am stating out my disappointment.

    Mainly, I absolutely hate the fact that many stuff made no sense in comparison to the original MGQ series... the interactions & actions with the characters behaviors who are all quite off from what you got from the original vn of MGQ, the "op" items...
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    what I mean is that the game definitely has NOT the same vibe and story weight as the original MGQ game, and well.. I didn't like that vibe. it absolutely failed to get me immersed (mainly because of the stuff alike to what I said in the spoiler above, but also because it's yet another grindy rpgm game).

    so that epilogue plot... It's interesting and unexpected for sure but I found it kind of off-putting. I'm probably just one of a very few MGQ fan who really didn't like that chaotic turn of the story where all sort of non-sense twists seem to be happening out of nowhere... that part 3 is badly needed.. if it ever comes.

    rpgmaker games tends to all feel the same and if like me you already played 40+ different games made with this engine, I can tell you that this one is no exception.
    But that's also how I can tell that for the average standard of the archetypal rpgmaker game, it would be very decent as it got a lot of features!
    very grindy, but enjoyable if you like this kind of gameplay ofc. (I don't, it's too repetitive)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is genuinely one of my top 10 favorite games of all time, and you could remove every ounce of sexual content and my opinion would be completely unaffected. Sure it has some real good H-scenes and all, but I'll be damned if this isn't my favorite turn-based rpg, I have hundreds of hours in the game dedicated to the post-game dungeon and have played through the game over a dozen times with most of those times being on max difficulty for a real fucking challenge. Characters are top-notch and the story is comparable to that of the original Monster Girl Quest, which means amazing.
    Gameplay- 10/10 The combat system is better than any AAA turn-based rpg I have played
    Story- 9/10 One of the best stories you'll likely encounter, and damn near certainly the best of any H-game, with it's only competition being the original MGQ trilogy
    Characters- 9/10 They are well-established believable and likeable characters all around, with a certain character getting a genuine redemption arc that you will notice if you pay attention
    Soundtrack- 10/10 The soundtrack for this game is quite possibly my favorite soundtrack of all time, this is not at all a joke or exaggeration, throughout all my time playing games well known for having amazing OSTs, this is one of the ones I listen to the most, and the competition includes the likes of Halo, Kingdom Hearts, and Sonic the Mother Fucking Hedgehog so you KNOW I'm saying it sounds good.
    H-scenes- 8.5/10 Not what I play this game for but certainly as good as it gets for look at image and read text, getting a 9 or above would mean animation IMO, but without animation this is about where it peaks , just be careful though, some of the artists involved seem to be more interested on scarring you than arousing you.
    Overall- 9.5/10 This is tied for the 2nd highest rating I have given any game ever with quite a few others, as the only game I have ever considered a perfect 10/10 is inFamous 2, but there isn't any monster girl fucking in that one so who knows maybe I overrated it. Long story short. PLAY. THE. FUCKING. GAME!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a masterpiece.

    I played the original game before Paradox Part 1 was released and totally fall in love with the game, so i thought paradox was the same game but using RPGM, but oh man how wrong i was.

    I don't want to make any spoiler about the story, the less you know, the better it is, just think of this game as a sequel of the original Trilogy and be sure to play it before you play Paradox.

    Well, now is time to wait for Part 3 and the conclusion of this awesome game.

    5/5 make yourself a favor and play this game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally made this Review. Long one, just like this awesome game.... Indeed, the Full Review, along with the Files on the game I made (Saves, Info, Mod, Macros) here:
    [The Link]
    And, for the brief one, here:

    All Scores:
    ================ Plot = 9.25
    ======== Story = 9.5
    ======== Characters = 9
    ================ Gameplay = 9
    ======== Mechanics = 10
    ======== Complexity = 9.5
    ======== Uniqueness = 7.5
    ======== Replayability = 9
    ================ Scenes = 8.7
    ======== Visual = 8.5
    ======== Audio = 9
    ======== Written = 10
    ======== Interactivity = 6
    ======== Replayability = 10
    ================ Development = ----
    ================ Obtaining = 8.5
    ======== Price = 8.5
    ======== Methods = 8.5
    ================ FINAL SCORE = 8.86


    An extremely good game, worthy of continuing the legacy of the series. There are some aspects different from the Original (if the difference in Game Engines did not clue you in already). The story did have a shift in its focus, as the individual caracterisations are less detailed, whilst the story size, stakes, and complexity have all gone up. Also, the Combat became less focused on the Erotic aspect, leaving it solely for the H-Scenes themselves. However, with its Gameplay, it finally succeeded in being a RPG on its own merit, with an extreme amount of sheer content and mechanics, easily being among the better RPGs one can play, even without considering it was made in just RPG Maker VX Ace!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent sequel to an excellent game, seem to be alone in thinking that the story is just as good as the first one with an update in gameplay, not to mention theres replay value in the different 'paths' in the game, well worth the time.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This second part game of Moster Girls Quest . If u not complete fist part game (its like for me was 5+ hours) you will not undestertd this part game . Werry cool history, good visual, and not bad gameplay for RPGM. if y want complete this game need more time, i mean realy more. This part i complete after 63 hours, werry long and cool game, all must try this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a game with porn, not a porn game.

    I know a game is good when i'm dreading meeting the point in the game that will go "Wait for the next update!", because I know I want MORE.

    they are not kidding when there's over hundred of party members that you can recruit, each having their own quips when they fight or when you talk to NPCs or do the main quest, make the world feel more alive when your hundreds of party members aren't completely silent for the rest of the story after you recruit them, the biggest shame that either have to be in the main party or reserves if you want to see their dialog.

    The monster girls that already have names before you recruit them generally have more depth to their personality then the random monster you come across but even the filler folks have enough going on for you to get a feel for. Drunk lamb enjoyers REPRESENT!

    Also a big fan that you get a portable Hub area to carry with you, with each monster girl or even human that you recruited will be chilling in there, drinking at the bar or wandering in the meadows, big fan of Hubs in video games

    the gameplay reminds me of that demon summoner game where you talk to demons to recruit them, same basis in this game, you can socialize with monsters and then beat them up, if RNG is in your favor they'll get right back up and ask to be pals, some monsters will only join you if you have one of their friends.

    The story is probably the biggest selling point, probably the selling point of the whole Monster Girl Quest series, I won't spoil much, but Paradox is a retelling of the series with a twist that is WAY more obvious to those who played the prequel, things aren't always what they seem. if you reached the end of Paradox part 2 and yearning for more, why not try the prequel, have some fun pointing out what happened or didn't happen.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I have own rpg maker vx ace about year now i think. Mgq paradox is entertaining and fun game.

    It is inspiring to see what you can do: synthesize,
    Job classes, different races for every character. Custom made art for scenes and skills... even newbie like me can tell that there is lot of time and effort to spend making this game.

    Perhaps someday i can make something similar my self. I am no artist and still learning how to make events or how to make skills and items work. Which is reason i really appriciate rpgm games here and i want to try more of them :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    An absolutely massive game, and the strongest contender for best gameplay in a porn game, while the sex scene are still images and the varying design of the monster can leave you questionning what you're doing maybe the insane amount of it will sustain you.
    Make no mistake, you're playing one hell of a good game, so good in fact that I will recommend it to you if you like jrpg the porn be damned, it's a "modern" suikoden, with over 410 unique character both in design and potential, a huge amount of content with a great diffculty balancing to please all of us, and the best endgame in rpg maker hystory MGQ paradox is truly in the high leagues, and it would stay there if that was all, but it also has an amazing, interesting story full of powerful ennemies and well written twist.
    That's what make Paraodox a masterpiece, i have no doubt that the VERY long coming part 3 will overshadow the entire serie, I never wanted a game more than part 3 of paradox, if you want to enter this incredible universe go read the samely amazing VN (the prequel) and get you ass over here, we'll need all available MGQ fans to defeat the shadows behind the great disaster.