Unity - Completed - Monster Parade – Raise a Hero and Seek Revenge on the Demon King!? [2023-11-28] [Yu-Chu-Bu!]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Let's go over the pros and cons

    Konoshige. He draws the thickest bitches.
    Novel game style. Never really seen it before. Pretty automatic once you know what you're doing
    Short game, one girl per level.

    Somewhat grindy. If your stats are too low, the final boss just obliterates you.
    Only one scene per girl, except for two of em. A real shame, but the game's short.
    A lot of game mechanics never get used because they're just too costly.
    Easy to softlock yourself. Spend too much mana, don't make enough back and you're basically done for.

    Overall, the game was tough, but I enjoy the challenge. I get that others may not though. There's a Full Clear button for you, so don't worry too much about it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Rape, male protagist, japanese game with no cuckoldry!? How bad could it possibly be!??!?

    The answer is very bad.

    This is a game where you do nothing. The hero (who rapes the monsters and shit) goes around fighting while you fast forward, and can vaguely control his direction by placing walls, disarming traps, etc. The problem is that its fucking BORING. Seriously you do nothing and the hero is slow as fuck, so he usually does nothing too. The art's fine, but the gameplay completely ruins it.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I really like the character design and the art itself is top notch but the game is boring and not worth going through it for some static CGs. If you really want to see them then maybe wait for someone to post a full save.