Unity - Monsters Abyss: Operation [v2.1] [Wataru Nagai Magic Cave Tei]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is pretty barebones, it amounts to a graphical choose your own adventure with some monster encounters sprinkled within, the combat with which can be summed up as "Click the mouse, if the slider is on blue, you attack/avoid an attack/escape peril, etc.; if it's on red you miss/fail to dodge/don't escape peril, etc."
    That said though, it does make for a good casual game for those who just want to see some action with the heroine, and there is where the game really stands out.
    The in game animations are superb, very smooth and very fluid (while also containing a lot of fluid).
    The voice acting in this game is, especially the moaning (not canned moans either) is incredible.
    Be aware, there may be some bugs depending on what auto translation software you use, also because this game is still in development.
    Up til now, if you haven't spent a dime on any hentai games, then let Wataru have your first, if you enjoy what you see.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    O kurwa

    V1.2, scores are more lenient because it's a demo

    Visuals: 4/5
    Very nice live 2D animations, which is the only thing you'll ever focus on. However as far as this demo goes the hit effects are non-existent.

    Sound: 4/5
    I'm not here to enjoy a symphony, so my sound ratings are heavily weighted towards character voices and hit/restraint fx. Voice acting is pretty good as far as turn based combat games goes, restraint noises are fine too. However just like visuals, there's no hit sfx and that's no good in any game.

    Story: N/A
    With the MTL poetry and being a barebone demo there's basically no story, don't care if it will have a story later because the visuals and combat *COULD* carry this entire game alone *IF DONE RIGHT*.

    gameplay: 2/5
    This tech demo can barely be called a game, you cannot lose unless you start thinking with your penis and want the heroine to suffer (which is exactly what we are here for). That said I can see the potentials in this combat system, which I'll list a few of what the devs can do with it:
    • limit the amount of time players can react to attacks with either time limit or pin rebound limit
    • skill tree which add special attacks that activate when your pin lands on a variable band (gets wider/more bands as you level up your skill), same for attacks that use MP.
    • facing harder enemies will make the pin move faster/successful region smaller, inversely, upgrading stats can slow down pin movement, increase success area and maybe increase time/rebound limits.
    • All of the above mechanics can be used in the restraint system as well, adding another layer of depth to the gameplay. For example, when you land on a special region when struggling, you will free yourself as well as receiving a buff for a few turns, but that region might be surrounded by failure regions. Higher risk, higher reward.
    Nut-ability: 4/5
    If you are a fan of tentacles/slimes/meat creatures, this is *THE SHIT*. It has huge potential with the animated scenes and lewd voice acting. From some of the commenters it seems there's potential for vore as well, if you are into that. The demo is short, with only 1 actual vaginal sex animation (go to dire straits>slime swarm>second option, then get restrainted and don't get out for a few turns) and otherwise a few rubbing/squeezing/sucking lewd attacks as well as 1 slimy status effect. Here's to hope for a large variety of animations in the final version so that I can finally give this a full score.

    Overall it's a demo with very high potential. With how early the current build is I'm positively skeptical that this game will be both an enjoying game to play and beat the meat to, not just another 'I came here for the art gallery' non-game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been following this for a very, very long time, and I'm admittedly very disappointed. The short and quick of it is that the UI is horribly antiquated, the combat is basic, and the actual H-content is primarily just rubbing.

    Rubbing is fine and all, but for a game that has been in the works as long as this, the demo is also terribly lacking. All of the animations are INCREDIBLY nice, but there are so few that even for a demo, I just can't find this good enough.

    This makes less sense if you haven't been following the creator, but the things they post as teasers on their websites show a vast array of many promising things, yet we see none of the diversity here within the demo. Compared to the roster of enemies they currently have, putting out a demo with a barely functional 'exploration' system just puts a poor shine onto the future of this game.

    Gameplay wise, you just click on a room and then click on an event within said room, but even events that involve doing something specific, they're infinitely repeatable...meaning you never actually achieve anything. This also means running into infinite monsters if you try backtracking to figure out why nothing is happening, and you'll realize that you don't level up either.

    The game also seems to have a really weird soft-lock on one scene in particular, and a meter that builds up quickly, but never does anything. All in all, this game has been in the oven for a long time, but its demo seems horribly undercooked. The animations are great, but that matters very little if the core gameplay is so shabby. We CAN muddle through to enjoy the content, but it's going to be far less enjoyable as a whole, and at the end of the day, I feel that such things matter for even a porn game.

    Just because the porn itself is good, it's still a game. Pointing out bad mechanics matters.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good one actually. Even it is demo there is some content that looks promising. Restrain animation and heroine voice acceptable. Try it by yoursewlf if u are familiar with tentacle/molest/creature-monsters content. Look forward for future content