Attached is an updated dll that should do what you want.JoeTermin, I was wondering, would it possible to add separated ending animation that only plays after "spr_H_Incufly_alt" and "spr_H_Incufly_alt_2"?
These two animations are only trigger when Sasha has the "host" status and get grabbed by an Incufly, but they uses the same ending as the normal animation "spr_H_Incufly_end". Using the unused sprites as base, I made a variant for "spr_H_Incufly_alt" and "spr_H_Incufly_alt_2", and I was hoping it would possible to trigger a different ending animation for this specific case (would be called "spr_H_Incufly_alt_end" and "spr_H_Incufly_alt_2_end" basically).
View attachment 4279691
On that note, another thing I was wondering, any way you could make the "host" timer configurable in modconfig.json?
- You can override the host timer with the new JSON key:
`var_host_default_override` (in seconds, original is 120)
- The new anims will have to be named:
The Nyx one is optional. The game will display an error if the anims are not found in
An important implementation detail, these new animations don't get triggered based on whether the animation playing is "_alt" or not (that's expensive to detect), instead they get played depending on whether the player has had the "host" status for more than 5 seconds, I think that work around should be equivalent.