Collection - Video - Mordecai On Parade collection [2024-01-15] [MordecaiOnParade/123_on_parade]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok, besides what the previous review said, if the review is still up or not, the art that is display is okayish, I really have nothing against the genre, its just that when it comes to certain genre and certain, the art that is display tend to go crazy or very, very, very unimaginably turnoff, and at times sickening and disgusting. As I said before I have nothing really against this genre its just when artist goes far and beyond and go very extreme with their content its not very palatable. Some of this artist content is very decent, "some" , less than half, most of it is rather well , a chemical domino effect, when you watch one of the artist content or see, it tends to pollute "in my perspective" a view of the artist content to a point where you don't want to do anything sexual for a lifetime or even be reminded of such content because it gives you a nauseous feeling in your stomach for a while or long while. As I said even though the genre of the content is extreme, some of the artist content is really not a big deal and not a turnoff.

    But, fair warning most of this artist content is extreme and there is somewhat to most likely possibility the content might turn you off sexually and might give you a nauseous feeling (some of the content is really sickening, not because of the genre just extremeness of what is portray if the genre in the content).

    If this review gets taken down, probably because a person objectively sees me made a review that may or may not violate rules , or they may really, really like this content. The next time I will give a 1 star and be as objective as possible.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The animations are extremely mid and actually just gross.

    Furry stuff? I can understand, sometimes it's bomb as hell, other times you can tell when they commissioned a guy 20$ to make a really lazy one. On top of that, the bug thing just assaults and murders my eyes. I went from bricked up to more flaccid than Steven Hawking watching a tall 30 year old woman solving complex math equations. Ong please make an option that lets you opt out of EVER seeing a post from certain artists. Ty and have a good day.