VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Morning Wood [v1.0] [Akori Studio]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    GOD this game is awful. The milf looked fine in the poster when i downloaded it and I really like the anime style art. Sadly the game itself isnt as good. The game is riddled with so many grammatical mistakes. The game makes you go from one room to another and click objects that absolutely serve no purpose. I'm also surprised that the game isnt tagged as AI CG as you can clearly tell that the art is AI generated at places. Only good part about the game is its pretty short so you wont be wasting a lot of your time if you do want to give it a try.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Sylia Stingray

    Akori's games are never going to score super high on this site, but I'll try to give a fair review of the content.

    First up, the art is gorgeous. Very 90s style, not only in the graphical style but also the fashion of the mom and the backgrounds. If you grew up around this era, you will find this somewhat nostalgic.

    So the stinker: The writing. Like all of Akori's games, the writing is atrocious. There's a ton of typos and absolutely no proofreading for a non-English speaker. The worst thing is there is no actual setup for the story, and this is a mother-son incest game. It's also extremely short.

    Is it worth it? I would say it is. It's fairly short, you'll get done in less than 20 minutes and the file size is decent for the content. If this were a few decades ago during the Flash hentai game era this would probably go over better, I think.

    Akori Studio doesn't read this but I think one key area he can improve on is actually making these games feel like games. Develop your characters, don't just introduce them and have them fuck and end it there. He has a lot of potential. The art is very sexy, but if your sexy characters only last a a few minutes it doesn't mean much.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It honestly felt like a waste of time .
    - The art was rough (but the mom looked quite nice)
    - The sex scene was lacking, crazy short and wasn't worth the download. There was no build-up to the sex scene (in terms of how the mother's feelings changed, etc)
    - The writing was a joke (felt like a horny non-native English speaking teenager wrote it)
    - 95% of the game is you looking around rooms, clicking stuff for no reason (I guess environmental storytelling)

    I guess maybe someone tried to create their first Ren'py game and this was their attempt - if that was the case here, I hope in his next game he will have a proper proof-reader (hell even putting it into an AI and asking it to fix the grammar/language would be easy), the art would need to be improved (background shouldn't simply be images from visual novels, some of the mother scenes were way too rough and would've needed more work). I also enjoy milfs so the proportions of the mother were pretty nice, but the face looked kinda strange.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Nonsensical plot, awful English, terrible art, no animation, pointless clicking mini-game of sorts. Are we at 200 characters already? Writing this review takes longer than the game itself. Nope, still not there. Good grief... are we there yet?
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Art style is the only redeemable part of this "game"

    Writing is godawful with some truly horrendous spelling mistakes which in this day and age with spellcheckers literally a google away is just insane.

    Game opens up with a slur right off the bat which is just cringe as all fuck.

    As mentioned at the beginning the artstyle is truly the one redeeming feature, it's very well done and reminds me of the old "Cornholio" flash games from back in the day.

    Aside from the art this just isn't for me, can't recommend it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is bad, the English is really poorly written. The buildup is nonexistent, and the action is immediate. The little buildup it does have consists of just clicking on items and moving between rooms, and that's about it. It's only good for its art, other than that, it's quite lacking. The game doesn't even take 5 minutes to complete.