VN - Others - Completed - MOS or The Incredible Adventure of Huge Dick [Final] [4PadGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is promising and defenitly deserve a better rating

    Ok, for now, the gameplay is very poor, but renders and animation are one of the best on this site and for me its one of the most important criteria !

    The story is the usual family sister mother thing... but it works... and some situations are actually quite nice even if may be a little too much straight to the point (maybe a little more story/grinding to get to the scene would be nice).
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Tried this game but after two restarts of playing I gave up cause game decided that pressing control also means that questions are skipped too not just scenes (had seen those already)until questions and earlier answers are autoselected and couldn't rollback back to question so had enough of this mess.

    Good graphics and somewhat interesting story (got up to older "sister's" scene) but odd game engine makes playing bit difficult.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I was actually expecting much more from a game claiming to be in Episode 7 and over 1 year into development. Short translation though, Episode 7 currently means 7 scenes and encompasses the first 2 days/nights of the game. The prologue is barely even started and the author is still setting up the main story. Still very, very early in development even after 1 year. Giving it 4 stars simply on render quality and overall polish of the game. Not rating it really on content or play-ability since there is very little actually there yet. Overall though, a great start to a game.

    1. Excellent renders
    2. Game itself seems very well polished

    1. Game is currently very short. Maybe 30 minutes of actual play through after 1 year of development? It is basically a demo one year in the making.
    2. Author decided to write their own game engine instead of use Ren'Py. He attempted to copy almost everything in Ren'py though. Even though (current versions) Ren'py may now well be superior to his engine and offer easier capability to actually pull off this game without bugs. Maybe he chose to do this to limit cheating and or people decompiling it and extracting his images? Still, not sure the reward is worth the extra effort.
    3. Author chose to use a 'quality' star scale for each scene. So based upon dialogue choices and a star point scale, you get to see a better/more sexy version of the same scene.
    4. Point system bogged the author down needlessly and really seems to limit replay-ability. The author now has to render numerous versions of every scene instead of progressing the story plot. Just to show his idea of "star" rating versions of each scene. However, after playing through a scene multiple times I cannot really see a major difference between a 3/7 star scene and say a 7/7 star scene. Unless those points are being tracked for scenes much further along in the game or something? Right now though it seems to be a real waste of development time on the part of the author for little benefit and may just end up annoying players trying to get a certain scene.
    5. One year of development and the author is only on scene 7 of day 2. At this rate, they will take 10+ years to actually get through the Summer. So game development and progress seems really slow and seems to really be "lost in the development weeds".
  4. 3.00 star(s)



    Dialogue (even if it's all basicly about sex) is good. The models and setting look freaking fantastic, 10/10. Story overall is not so great, but its ok, and refreshing to find a game that goes straight to the point actually.


    The engine. I am redownloading again since I gotten stuck at a part in the game, same place as others seem to have been stuck in. Never seen that error message in renpy. No idea why using a new engine that is inferior to the "easy to use"- renpy is used for this game. With errors and bad rollback it creates problems that should not be there and it drags down the gaming experience a great deal. Such a shame for a otherwise really really nice game.

    3/5, goodlooking easy-going game, but with a bad engine.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game. The plot more like sex based than story but it is not a lame porn game. Much more better than that. Lewd scene animations are super and writing of the scenes are really good. Girls and renders are also beautiful.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is visually stunning. Fantastic graphics! Each of the three main ladies so far are done in wonderful detail. Unlike some games the family does seem to resemble each other, which adds a not of authenticity to the novel missing from other games.
    The story is interesting and holds your attention. The back story with each of the characters adds depth and flavor making the relationships more believable.
    The interface can be a little tricky to get used to but once mastered is not a problem.
    Overall I think this is a top notch game. Keep up the great work.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, screw everyone saying Ren'Py this and Ren'Py that. The developer chooses what they are most comfortable with and that's that.

    Secondly, incest is a taboo subject and would limit the funding platforms available to the developer such as Patreon hence the neighbourly relationship.

    And thirdly, the game is fantastic.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    graphics, characters and their attributes are great

    I do not see the interest of the point calculator insofar as the only thing which differentiates the proposed choices are only the form and not the substance. which always gives the same answer.

    the story is passable, why use the term neighbor when everything suggests that it is son or step-son?

    why not use renpy?
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders, animations and sex scenes are freakin' awesome, that's why I give 2 stars but the rest is sub-par to terrible.

    So in this game you live in a house with 2 girls and their mom and they call you "neighbour", seems like there's a missing incecest patch.

    The dialog is, passable, for an erotic game.

    The dialog options make no sense and that is dubbley frustrating when they apparently matter for points gained with the girls. I did however not bother going back and trying everything over again as this homemade engine is very slow and buggy. I did however jump back in some dialogs to see if the dialog themselves would change and they did not.

    I tried this out on Episode 6 thinking that would mean a good amount of content, that was not the case, maybe 30-45 minutes total.

    Why this game is not in renpy makes no sense to me and it affects the enjoyability of the game as it feels clunky and inconsistent.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    2 Stars are for the animations alone, the game itself is a chore to get through, plus you cannot rename your characters, most games on this site you have that very option but your stuck with the one given sadly, trying to get through scenes is a grind also. Would be better off with the Renpy engine at least in their games you have the option to speed up dialogue not to mention the option to change the characters name
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is only at the beginning of the journey. Then there will be a lot of fun. This version of the game shows you the world of the game, as well as the characters that are in it. I like it a lot, is really interesting.
    The Animation is 10/10, and the Female Models are Fantastic
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has beautiful renders and a nice story but it is unplayable because of a slow and bugged UI.
    v2 was acceptable but in this last update everything worsened. Script still needs a lot of work.

    What's the logic behind the question/answer relation in this game?
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm all about the visuals, but when the game makes you wait to do things just because the UI is unworkable then it just gets frustrating. At the end of scenes it takes too much time just to reveal how well you scored on the answer choices then it tells you that if you get more points you get more scenes. Okay, not great, could have just put a simple real-time score on the top corner, or a little sound effect, or a highlight etc. Then if you go back and try it over you will be stuck again waiting. Rollback didn't work for me. Should have just used Renpy.

    Visuals, Models, Animations = 10/10
    UI, Game Engine, Experience = 1/10
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The graphics and animations are beautiful. The "quiz" format is frustrating as there is no clear way to win. As an example, if we knew that the girl loved flattery, we would know how to win. There are some unidentified graphics from another, apparently unavailable, game which is also frustrating. Also promised, is additional content for getting answers right. I got all answers right and did not see anything new. Fix these details and the game will be great.