I'm going to give a very positive review, as I really enjoyed this game and it really stands out-
Good bits:
1) The scenario is extremely taboo and risque - and I personally really like it. Aphrodisiacs, dog, horse, pregnancy. This stuff is hard to come by.
2) There's a ton of variety, dog, horse, gorilla and four different women with four different motivations.
3) The player character is a dog, and this is rare enough that it's worth playing
4) The women models are attractive, if slightly samey and dated, but they all look good and different.
5) Developer is really nice and seems to listen
The bad bits
1) There are some bugs. I have the full version and you can work around all the bugs, but they're there.
2) The broken english. More attention needs to be put to translation.
3) The voice acting is amateurish, but still oddly hot.
Overall it's a good game for the surprise factor alone. I really liked this it's a gem and I can't wait for more episodes.