VN - Ren'Py - Ms.Denvers [v0.10 Part 1] [Pop Toc]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game, Ms Denvers Face model is sooooo sexy, I like the story progress, I always like the slow burns and this game is going great on that aspect. All characters are well written, no one is too much pervert, no sign of blackmail or corruption which is so great man.

    I think we have better FLI than boys(yeah cuz she is cougar) and lesbian scenes are also more that straight one but I'm totally fine with that. Great game!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Natzi boiz

    Whether this game gets abandoned later or not, I'm absolutely loving what it has offered so far.

    First off, I really appreciate the writer's attempt to keep the story grounded most of the time, despite its main target audience. This is what makes the experience so unique to me.

    The pacing is slow but steady, with detailed inner thoughts that allow us, the readers, to immerse ourselves in the character's emotions—unlike many other popular female MC titles where the protagonist becomes a brainless bimbo after an hour of playing. I hope they stay loyal to this style of writing moving forward.

    The artistic side of this game cannot be ignored either. The renders are truly beautiful, with detailed structures and excellent cinematography, just like in a movie. There are hardly any sex scenes, but the sexual tension and buildup, on the other hand *chef's kiss* are amazing. And the background music is just the cherry on top, something many games lack these days.

    Last but not least, the characters themselves carry this game the most, in my opinion. They are the reason this game stands on a different level compared to Anna: Exciting Affection, A Wife and Mother, and countless other mindless products in this industry. It proves to me that a character-driven story is hundreds of times better than a plot-driven one.

    In the end, I just hope the devs continue maintaining this level of quality in the future.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Female protagonist games are having a bad time (maybe apart from 2-3 regularly updated ones), Ms. Denvers sadly falls to the bad list.

    Simply put, the direction of the game is nowhere. Scenes make no sense, you ask yourself "why? how?" at certain moments. The protagonist is hot no doubt, but she carries the same expression every frame, the dev should look at it.

    It has been nearly two years, and there have been ZERO scenes that fit the description of an AVN. HBO shows bring more nudity than this one: boring plot, an even more boring drag of a slow burn, pathetic writing, same old tropes, and overall a failure of an attempt to mint money with poor updates.

    The only saving grace is the renders. Overall, it's not worth the time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr Secz

    Game has it potential. Story is not boring and it goes with the flow, it is not slow and it is not fast,middle I would say. A lot of erotism in it and i like it, needs a little bit more sparks from now on. Graphics are good ,very good. Maybe if it's possible to upgrade them a bit more. Keep doing great job. This game is one of my favourites who i wait every single update to enjoy in the game. Realistic story is what i like mostly. This game has that. Well done.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the most anticipated games I play. However, it doesn't have any full-fledged sex scenes. (like AWAM). I think they should put in a some sex scene ASAP. If every update from 2025 onwards had a full-fledged sex scene, I'm sure the game would be worthy of a 4.5 stars and would get a lot more supporters
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Ms. Denvers [v0.8 Part 2]

    1. Excellent quality of image renders.
    2. Quality of animations are very good.
    3. All the females are very beautiful and hot; especially the MC’s two sisters, mom. Good shape / body structures with various types.
    4. Playability, sound and performance are just OK no issue.
    5. Fairly good options of game to choose the path as with whom would like to have the intimate relationship.
    1. Not much of the content for now but may be good in next release.
    2. Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach.
    3. Little confusing to see some part 2 as no clarity as what is / where is part 1!!
    Pretty natural life events and dialogues; curious to proceed further release.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Wowww God Damn that last scene in the gym is insane. I am blown away by how good this game looks. I love the sweat, and the tension between them is oozing from every cell in the renders.

    My favorite best looking character of a mother ever in any of these games.
    Absolutely nailed the look for me. She looks her age; she has a soft feminine endearing face, expression and emotion in her face; she is not porny hot or has any typical "milfy" or older lady qualities; she's mysterious and at the same time very relatable and gives me middle aged girl next door vibes.
    Wow, I'd actually have a crush on this woman in real life.

    I love the way she dresses herself. Cozy but also innocently hot, and enticing.
    Perfectly matching her character and the athmosphere of the game.

    I love how you experience the game through her viewpoint, living in her inner world, and at the same time I'm totally immersed in the son, as well as the daughters. It plays as if I'm the whole family, rather than just this one character.
    I usually like playing as the son because I can relate more being the son. In this case I like the approach taken even more, because I'm not playing as the horny crazy son wanting to fuck his mom, but the son can still be genuinely horny and crazy. As if now it makes more sense that the son is like that, and makes me empathize and immerse more in that the mom is holding it off whilst trying to push away her deeper feelings.
    For me it creates a feeling of authenticity, and genuine tension buildup that is beautifully kept up in the air by the developer.
    I don't know how to explain further how I feel about it but I love the vibe that exists because of that choice!

    Masterfully crafted! One of my very few favorite games after playing just once.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I started following this back when it was still just in it's infancy but now that it's had some time to come into it's own I felt like I should put out my thoughts.

    First off, the models work is good. They're nice to look at and overall the character work is believable. The story is a slow burn towards corruption or the straight and narrow, but what fun would that be? Overall it's an entertaining VN, but it's now so slow that nothing between the MC or any of the other characters seems to be moving along. Just when you think there's been some kind of breakthrough for the MC it stops. Keep in mind this is based on version 0.7.5 and if anything had taken place in the latest ... well, it's about time, frankly. But with the lack of compelling action between the characters, the only thing keeping this going is the story.

    While there are many aspects of the story I appreciate, there are a lot I don't care much for. The MC has multiple points of her life that introduce furthering her corruption based on the choices of the reader, which do seemingly make a difference in the direction the story takes. That's a big selling point for this VN. The problem comes from seeing the lives or flashes of the lives of the other characters without the little teases of the corruption in their own lives. Instead it's more about the difficulties they are experiencing in life. If this was a consistency with the surrounding story revolving around the MC then this would make sense, but in reality they're just flashes to explain away why they may be reacting at the moment. While this is helpful for the reader to understand that character in that moment, it mostly amounts to nothing because in some cases these flashes aren't ever known by Wanda and therefore make no difference in the story. Much like a meal made up of nothing but carrots. Where's the meat? Where are the potatoes to add a little something to keep the reader engaged?

    Overall this could be a truly compelling story of corruption leading to incest in this. It has everything here needed to make up a great AVN, but so far it's all teases. Just dangling carrots hoping the reader will keep coming along for more. Now I know I said this is slow burn and that can be helpful in a lot of ways. It could be just that this is still so early in the story that I've simply lost my patience with it. But right now I wish this was focused solely on the MC, only. Right now I don't care what's going on at the home of the school fool. He was instantly off putting and you don't understand his problem until far too late to even care. I also find it hard to care about what her children are doing unless it pertains to the MC's journey towards corruption. If the dev wants those things to be of the readers concern then they need to be introduced earlier. Have the story revolve around the events of all the characters at play. Give us a reason to care early on and not just the quick overview at the start. Let the readers experience part of their lives as where being introduced.

    Show what's happening to lead to Terrance needing to see Wanda in the first place. Don't just make him a cocky little shit right off the bat that deserves no respect because he doesn't give any in return. Introduce her son getting interrupted by Wanda while he's jacking off to some taboo porn before school. Have her be suspicious but not nosey about it just yet. Have Wanda be more curious than she should about the young man she encounters at her pool. That interaction could lead to a blackmailing scheme by let's say Terrance because he's recording it. We could get introduced to Wanda's model daughter at one of her photoshoots. Let everyone see what kind of creep her photographer is right off the bat. Later maybe have the young adults be away for the night. Have two of them at a party. Have something happen, maybe have a group of girls play a trick on Lois and make her spend "2 minutes in heaven" with her brother. She comes out humiliated and comes home only to find Wanda getting off to some of her son's porn collection. This could introduce the corruption of Lois, by having her feel uncomfortable with the idea that she enjoyed watching Wanda. There's tons of little things I wish this story would do, but obviously it's not up to me. But as I say in any review ... dev, feel free to use any of this. It's yours.

    On the technical side there's been a few little things, mostly involving using old saves to start back up where I left off, but nothing major. The VN is coded well enough to have kept me coming back and I respect the fact that dev is more concerned with how choices matter rather than placing any BS like minigames or putting this into an open world for no reason. Overall I'd give this a 3.5 out of 5. It's good, but not great. At least not yet. Whether you like this VN or not leave a review. Let the dev know what you like and what you don't. Remember, you got to try this out for free, so if you liked it support the project by hitting up one of their multiple support channels. I'm sure it would mean a lot to the dev. Cheers.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.8 part 2

    I'm going to start this off by giving it 4 star review, not for the state it's in now, but the potential of the story. Otherwise as of right now, it's a solid 3.

    We've all played this premise before, A single Hot to Trot (Or not) MILF with kids and a job with a cast of will she or won't she members.....The best thing I can say about this story is WOW, the cast is full of beauty, even the dudes look good and I'm straight. The Dev knows how to make beautiful women. (Although they all suffer from Same Body Syndrome) Momma looks fantastic and so do the rest.

    Story is pretty good if not dragging a little but I get that we have to set the stage for the goodies to come. Writing is satisfactory and not many errors I seen. Even has basic animation and if anyone has read my other reviews, you know i'm big on animation. My only critic here is that i hope by the time the good stuff comes around, the Dev's animation skills have improved.

    Give this one a shot.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I almost gave up on this game a few times in the beginning. The pacing was slow, the content felt a bit monotonous, and there were scenes that seemed unnecessary—like watching a character just sit in a car when they could have simply cut to the next important moment. But I decided to stick with it, mainly because the characters were visually appealing, and I sensed that the premise had potential.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking amazing. The story is well written and the plot is captivating, expecially the love story with the student. The artwork is a masterpiece, maybe the best made among all the games on this site. There are some point of view that are cinematographic, denoting that there is expertise by the author. My only concern is that the amount of work will lead to abandon the project in the next years... I hope it will not happen.

    PS. In my opinion, Wanda is the best woman ever created.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games I've tried

    It relies on many of the stables in female protag games that have you playing a mother figure, but it's done so well here. The choices give you pretty decent freedom to play how you want, and the quality of the renders are absolute top tier

    A must play in the female protag genre
  13. 2.00 star(s)



    • exciting storyline;
    • vivid characters;
    • high-quality graphics.

    • some storylines seem incomplete;
    • some dialogs seem banal.
    Conclusion: the game is worth a try, but there are aspects that could be improved.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a very typical adult visual novel. Imagine a bored milf, in her forties looking for some spice in her life. She will go to a gym and have some adventures there, then she will go to a nightclub, then she'll go shopping and have a scene in the changing room, then she will return home and will be spied on the bathroom by some horny teenager. You have seen it many times unless it is your first adult game.

    The game is also a slowburner and you will have to wait quite a lot to see the first full sex in it. To be honest this slow tension building has its charm so you actually may like it or dislike it.

    But the graphics are good.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok... let me edit this as the later updates are quite different from the very rough start.

    This VN starts out really REALLY tropey. The first few scenes all read like a setup for a porn film scene. It doesn't help that Wanda has unrealistically big boobs, which is a plague in these games that just won't go away. Over time, her proportions improve though, as does the writing. Overall, it's very slow burn. Apart from the start, it really only sets up relations between the protagonists, which is important for this kind of game, but if you are looking for porn scenes, you are probably wrong here for some time.

    What REALLY stands out is the art. The facial expressions are among the best you'll see in any game and this is a showcase why this is important. It adds relatability unlike you have seen in other games. All the characters have reasonable depth and look great. Even the men, which is rare. Some of the guys are ridiculously hot (as are the women but that is a given, right?)

    So, once you are past the rough start, it turns into a slice of life kinda game. I was absolutely prepared for the plumber to turn up to lay pipe in her kitchen in the beginning, but that might still happen in a later patch.

    Don't get discouraged if Ms. Denvers plays like watching 'Saturday Night Beaver' from your Dad's VHS collection at the beginning. It really does improve over time.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A very adult tale, not because have tons of lewd stuff, but all the drama the MC has in mind about her family her work, and her school students (And the pressure she suffers because everyone ends up falling in love with her, because of her beautiful looks, and her sweet old-fashioned strong personality). The game is a great promise, I do hope to play it completed someday. And yes, the game is adult, not because porn (so far) but because of the strong theme that involves a lot of taboos that question what is right and wrong in ethics and morals in a family and at work.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Rendering: Excellent
    Writing: Excellent - no boring dialogues
    Vibe and atmosphere: excellent
    Appearance of MC : Very excellent
    MC's personality: very very very excellent
    Story: Excellent, not boring at all
    Appearance of other models: Nice - no ugly
    Personality of other models: Some of them are excellent, some of them are nice,some of them are average
    Relationship tension: very high

    weak points :
    Teasing: The quality of teasing is excellent in some updates and not good in some updates
    Lesbians: There is too much focus on lesbians, this is not enjoyable for me and the majority
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really well done.
    The MC is very beautiful and hot. She looks classy and well educated so she doesn’t immediately gives any idea of her being a slut, it makes it possible to choose a path and see how she develops. Another thing that I believe it’s a good thing, it’s that the paths are exclusive so that players picks one and focus on just that one and be able to avoid any content from the other paths into the one preferred.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Another wanna be adult game.
    The delivery pace is dreadful.
    The art is very fine, visually looks very good.
    The plot... hmmm.. probably I had more excitement filling my tax return.
    Sex scenes I cannot really comment, the game can be barely considered adult.

    Anyway it serves a certain audience of people that are really patient and will to wait years for a story development.
    It is fine.. but there are too miss in order to me to give a better mark
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is beautiful in terms of visuals. I don't remember seeing a single bad-looking character. The MC is crazy attractive like very 10/10 looking. Story is good, nothing too out there or crazy unique but not bad at all. It's hard to get over how good this game looks. In the scene where a co-worker was smoking in the mc's office. I had to pause for a bit because it just looked so good. Hard to explain but the scene just looked really cool with the smoke and character. So far, it has been great and am looking forward to future updates.