VN - Ren'Py - Ms.Denvers [v0.7.5] [PopDoggy]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Another wanna be adult game.
    The delivery pace is dreadful.
    The art is very fine, visually looks very good.
    The plot... hmmm.. probably I had more excitement filling my tax return.
    Sex scenes I cannot really comment, the game can be barely considered adult.

    Anyway it serves a certain audience of people that are really patient and will to wait years for a story development.
    It is fine.. but there are too miss in order to me to give a better mark
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is beautiful in terms of visuals. I don't remember seeing a single bad-looking character. The MC is crazy attractive like very 10/10 looking. Story is good, nothing too out there or crazy unique but not bad at all. It's hard to get over how good this game looks. In the scene where a co-worker was smoking in the mc's office. I had to pause for a bit because it just looked so good. Hard to explain but the scene just looked really cool with the smoke and character. So far, it has been great and am looking forward to future updates.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I admit, this game has me genuinely conflicted. It's so very close to great, but due to a few glaring flaws it falls to merely good. This isn't to say that the game isn't worth your time, but players should go in with their eyes open.

    Let's start with the Cons:
    • As of the time of this review (v0.6.9, Mar 27, 2024), neither the protagonist nor her family have had any sex. Lots, and lots, and lots, and lots of teasing, but no actual sex. Not even making out. It's akin to one of those rom-com animes where the "one true pairing" finally kiss and (gasp) hold hands (scandalous!) in the finale after several seasons of build-up.

    • All of that build-up and teasing means that there are also a lot of scenes intended to provide character and relationship building, but eventually begin to feel either redundant or like filler. It feels as though the dev is deliberately avoiding making meaningful progress with their meta-plot and characters.

    • On the topic of characters, holy crap is this a large cast of characters. There are literally over 20 non-incidental characters, including POV characters. This would be impressive if they were implemented and developed well, but unfortunately far too many characters are introduced, teased for future content or plot, and then forgotten. It's one "Chekhov's Gun" (Chekhov's Dildo in this case?) after another, and it's positively unnerving. Again, it's as if the Dev is either avoiding committing to their plot and main characters, or possibly that they're suffering ADD game development design.

    Now for the Pros:
    • This game is absolutely gorgeous, and it is massive. As mentioned before there are an incredible number of characters, but despite that, each model is compelling, sexy, unique, and positioned well. The dev not only knows anatomy, but they understand kinetics and how to stage a scene. The backgrounds and environmental assets are also beautiful. The dev truly pays attention to visual detail. There are very, very few games that as visually well put together as this one.

    • The characters are developed like real literary characters, rather than basic, two-dimensional masturbatory aids. They're each given personalities, histories, merits and flaws. Even side characters come across with depth, as if they have a story to tell. This is a double-edged sword as mentioned in the cons, but the game is still better for the development than to have none at all, or worse, cringe-worthy quality character building.

    • I didn't encounter a single bug. This speaks to a remarkable amount of polish and care on the part of the Dev. Granted, this game isn't terribly complicated and is more of a kinetic novel insofar as while there are choices, they're more to continue down various paths or remove the protagonist from those paths per the player's wishes. They are also very, very obvious (which is good). There isn't necessarily a spaghetti plot cluster fuck of ambiguous choices that demands a walkthrough. Despite the quagmire of a plot and less sex than a Jehovah's Witness tupperware party, the game feels as though it is very clean and well-designed.

    It's possible that the Dev is simply making an epically huge game and what we've seen so far is still merely a proverbial Act 1, and that in subsequent acts all of the teasing will be paid in full -- repeatedly, salaciously, graphically, and in vast quantities -- and if so then I will happily revise this review. However, at this time, this game just isn't there yet for me.

    TLDR; if you want an incomparable tease with beautiful graphics, but no meaningful interaction, play this game.

    If you're looking for your titillation to eventually achieve culmination, look elsewhere for now.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    To be honest, this game, for me, is really just average or 3 stars. I gave it 4 because the dev is talented and they have put together a good looking, cohesive story with some decent dialog and great looking characters.

    Otherwise, there is nothing original here. While this may be at the top of this kind of genre, it's still the same story. Hot, recently single MILF who is suddenly confronted with a multitude of opportunities to be with men, women and young adults.


    I am sure there will be a lot of people who love this, and perhaps I have grown tired of seeing women protagonist all basically share the same story, but there is nothing new here, It just didn't grab my attention.

    The dev is talented and I wish them luck. I will probably keep an eye out for it in the future, but it is not one of those VNs where I can't wait to see what happens next. I can already tell you what happens next in this one.

    Regardless, it is worth a download to make up your own mind. Just don't expect anything original.

    Good luck to the dev!
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    Up to version 6 now... and there's still not a single lewd scene! You see 2 female characters topless for a couple frames, but that's it for a game that probably takes an hour if you read the entire thing,

    The female MC is amazingly hot and the rest of the girls look great, the premise of a lonely high school principle MILF is sexy, and the writing is pretty solid (although the son's a bit awkward), but there is zero actual progression just more build-up.

    This game could be amazing and I'm not surprised there are so many 5 star reviews, if only to encourage the Dev and keep people checking out new updates... but to go this long without any sexy scenes is actually annoying.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    + renders
    + Wanda is beautiful..

    - ..but unfortunately she is also boring, conversations between characters even more, not to mention her sometimes crazy behavior - some guy accidentally drop a ball in her pool, and she went full rage on him. Calm down girl :cool:
    - people compliments her too much, it's monotonous
    - music isn't good
    - everyone fall for her too fast, it looks unnatural (especially family members)
    - straight content is poorly done
    - no real lewd scenes, only some boring girl masturbation

    Mainly looking for straight content and for now it's one big disappointment. Writing in this game it's also not so good, maybe this will change in the future when Wanda finally will be completely corrupted.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    interesting game, the graphics are good, the plot is the classic cliché.
    the dialogues are good,
    but some situations are a little forced, like the swimming pool scene; (by the way: does everyone in the house always have a swimming pool?)
    However I will continue to follow it.
    I can't say anything about waiting times because it's the first time I've played it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally, another elite game has joined the world of 'Literary Smut'. Wanda is a BEAUTY.

    PROS: The writing is really good, which is so refreshing. Natural dialogue, really interesting plots for most of the characters, each LI has their own personality and is well crafted. Although it can be inconsistent at times (Randy, Nicole) it has become stable in later releases. And hopefully those characters will have improved appearances in the future.

    The renders are some of the best I've ever seen. Dev is really gifted and all the girls are gorgeous. I also like the mix of Daz and Blender. Unique feel to the images.

    CONS: Pacing......this is a good slow burn, well crafted incest, nice ccorruption from her student, BUT it's starting to taking too long. I hope this isn't a milkfest, it would be a shame to us fans.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Okay renders, but the writing is terrible, it's really bad.
    If the story was at least okay it could work but the story is basic, cliched, like 1000x other games. If the story and writing are mediocre on a visual novel everything else is irrelevant, and not worth the time. We should be paid to play this....
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Crappy dialogue with subpar animations.
    There’s not much going on and the story and writing is hilariously bad. Each chapter always ends awkwardly. The dev clearly doesn’t know how to write.

    There’s undertones of corruption and incest but it’s just hamfisted and poorly written.

    The renders look ok but this is just another huge, huge waste of time.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really enjoying playing Ms Denvers, it offers something better than just another female protag game that glorifies females as easy sex objects

    Story and plot has so far been decent and keeps me invested, main mc is beautiful, she shy but also confident but also cares, she not a lady to be messed with, that is good story writing

    I am glad that their is no blackmail or some path where a male is forcing her to get naked, Wanda is a type of lady that would whoop your ass if you tried anything funny with her

    Bottom line is, I have a top 5 female protagonist games that I am proud to have found and honored to play, Ms Denvers is differently one of my top 5
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    omg love characters histori seduction corruption wow is game continue desire more more is like moment , good work plis continue your work love very very excellent ;) Ms Denvers is godes, what histori, what charaters, what desire ;)
    Likes: FXFTF
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders, Wanda is absolutely stunning and quickly becoming one of my favourite MILFs, but I have an issue with the writing, Wanda is trying to reconnect with Gene but the first thing she does is send him a text message that sounded like a threat, I’m sorry but that’s not how one should sound when trying to reconnect with someone, she could have sounded less threatening and less aggressive than that. That’s just an example of the writing, the boy that forgets that he can’t swim... trust me if you can’t swim you don’t just forget about it, even less jump in the water to retrieve a basketball … 4 stars for now but it could easily be a 5 star if the writing improves.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    V0.04 Reviewed

    This is a simple slow-burn corruption in the approximate vein of "A Wife and Mother."

    I gave it a try and found myself drawn into the story only to be periodically ejected from it by the often awkward or even nonsensical narration and dialogue.

    The VN awards points for interactions with NPCs that resonate with them, as well as a tracking a generic "lust" value for the (admittedly very attractive) female protagonist.

    The art skill on display here is simultaneously technically very good with just enough flaws to fall short of excellent. For instance, the artist puts a lot of effort into a very difficult pantyhose-changing scene, and executes it flawlessly, only to stumble with relatively flat and boring lighting and occasional heavy-handed post-processing. He also sometimes fails to consider where the text box will appear during lewd scenes. Faye masturbation scene, I'm looking at you!

    The characters seem to be varied and interesting enough, though I was able to play comfortably through the available content in an hour or two and there's a lot left to discover.

    It did not make any choices so far that seemed important enough to impact the story meaningfully, but that's an impression rather than an analysis of the code.

    As for plot, there's not much of one evident yet, other than a salary crunch imposed on the MC which seems more like a device to justify her descent into less ladylike behavior to make ends meet going forward.

    While this may come across as a backhanded review, I certainly don't intend it as such. The lewd scenes (which have been pretty tame so far with only masturbation and no oral or vaginal sex in my playthrough) are well-executed and hot. The dev gets a lot of mileage out of nipple play and teasing. I want to make clear, however, that this is still escalating much more quickly than the title I compared this to at the beginning of the review. In short, this does not feel paced to be a "blueball simulator."

    Maybe it's a reflection on my own fetishes, but I found the scenes where "mom" is pushing boundaries with her sister and daughters to be the hottest so far. Again, there's no big rush here, however some "porn logic" is evident in how both daughters are automatically into their mother from the get-go.

    The interface is basic with no real bells and whistles beyond Ren'Py's normal features, minus a single button that lets you view "points" when curious.

    TL;DR: While not a top tier contender , I do think the talent may be there to elevate it. I'm interested enough to see where this goes to support the dev, and put my money where my mouth is.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Ms. Denvers [v0.04] is one of those slow burning corruption stories that changes a good-looking, slightly cagey and sexually bored wife (ex-wife in this case) into a depraved slut. And there is nothing to complain about that. Yes, up to v0.04 there is not a lot happening except the development of a good and believable backstory. There are some lewd scenes but nothing serious so far.

    The graphics are outstanding. Great models, good scenes, many believable NPCs, well done camera perspectives and focus work. The sound is adequate. Clearly the best part of Ms. Denvers is the story though. It's basically well written, detailed and manages it to build up high expectations of future developments. Ms. Denvers has the assets to compete with games like "A Wife and Mother", "A Mother's Love" or "A Perfect Marriage".

    I am looking very much foward to more to come. If you don't mind some blue balls I really can recommend this one.
    Likes: FXFTF
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    You'd think that a game this highly rated and with such great looking renders would be great experience right? Wrong!

    All the great artwork is let down horribly by the atrocious writing. The grammar is bad, the spelling is bad and the narrator describes literally everything that the mc does. And then there are these odd chinese-supremacy references sprinkled in.

    2/5 because if you only look at the renders and skip all the writing in this visual novel you'll maybe like this.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm hesitantly giving it 4 stars because frankly I like the subject matter. It's a slow-burn fap game, and it succeeds in that.

    The writing is, well, bad. It has a lot of cringe elements (like, you roll your eyes and say "Christ, nobody talks like that") as well as some ESL-type mistakes. It's not the worst out there, but it's bad enough I spacebar through a lot.

    However-- the renders are at worst decent and sometimes downright excellent (it varies a bit), and there is some very nice slow-burn lezcest going on there which is enough to get me on board the project. You also get a lot of control over routes, which is great since I don't have a lot of interest in any of the male characters.

    So-- I'm giving it a lot of stars because frankly I enjoyed the game and I'm looking forward to the next release. A lezcest harem game is just what this world needs more of.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, its main character Wanda is the most beautiful in AVN, her expressions are so vivid that people can't help but be fascinated. The suspense the developers created between her and her son was clever and very much anticipated
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I can't praise this game enough. I don't know how to describe it, but for a porn game the characters feel real. Maybe it's the lack of nonsensical choices or situations. and can't forget the gorgeous renders.

    I tend to avoid games with female protag on sheer principle because of the "corruption" and by that I mean outright rape or molestation and can't forget the blackmail and them turning into sluts most of the time. Which is kind of troublesome cause I love a good lesbian game and those are really rare.
    This games seems to be going in a different direction, at least I really hope so, I would love actual romance and relationships here.

    No sexual content yet, at least not in the "lesbian" path but we got to know most of the characters, and no outright asshole male LI yet which left me pleasantly surprised.

    My only gripe is a lot of monologs, seeing thing from other characters perspective in appreciated but it can get too long winded.

    All in All an amazing game so far, can't wait for more, and good luck Dev.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    [0.3.0] - overall rating: 2.5/10 (corrected from 3/10)

    Interesting headmistress premise ruined by cancerous writing.


    The renders are decent, and don't abuse the depth of field gimmick.
    Also, the premise of the story is quite fresh in the avalanche of copy-pasted harem or quasi-corruption games feat. an 18 yo MC with a foot-long dick.


    The UI is pretty much stock, which is acceptable, but custom UI isn't all that difficult to do.


    I won't mince words - The writing in Ms.Denvers is absolutely fuckin' atrocious.

    Bar the first couple of scenes, the dialogue descends into the mindbendingly stupid and unbearable mess of shitty remarks, less-than-acceptable jokes, and so much "overdescription" I thought I was actually back in school. Character thoughts are, for some unexplainable reason, written in bold (you know... the text formatting usually associated with emphasizing or shouting). The dialogue is so long at times it almost doesn't fit in the dialogue box...

    By the way, here's one scene from the game:
    * the boy: *jumps into the pool to retrieve his basketball*
    * narrator: ... but he forgot he cannot swim.
    * the boy: Oh no, I forgot I cannot swim, crap.
    * MC: Why do you jump into the water if you cannot swim?
    * the boy: (after being rescued) Because I forgot.

    I believe I was automatically promoted to a Make-A-Wish kid after trodding through all that abysmally bad writing.
    Someone please check in on me in like two days, okay?

    Also, why are there virtually no transitions between the renders? Is this a glorified webcomic or an actual visual novel?

    Conclusion: The game, as of now, is insultingly bad to anyone capable of putting the square wooden block in the square-shaped hole. It needs a complete rewrite if it aspires to be anything more than a laughing stock.

    UPDATE: Finally finished the 0.3.0 - it's even worse than I expected. Score has been lowered.