Is it already happening, and Wanda is going to be shocked as she slowly uncovers clues? Or maybe after Faye succeeds in seducing Wanda.
I thought about that first part. I don't think so. For one it would be taking away from the eroticism of the progression of the situation and that is really fucking valuable. So then what, Faye and Gene are together seducing Wanda? I mean it's still hot, but it won't have the same longevity. Anyway, I personally hope not, I want to see the buildup between all parties.
Faye isn't seducing Wanda, during the massage she freaked out at a single moan and Wanda's like "where you goin' baby? It was just getting good!" Maybe she just wants her to model? Anyway I think they will have a more mutual coming together, slow progression, hesitation on both sides, very realistic.
when will you put MD on your favs
It's too early. A couple more updates, if it's as good as I foresee I'm in. You did a phenomenal job on Wanda's model.
He's getting ready to sneak out, if you've ever done so you know pacing before crossing the threshold is very normal.