Tool MTLs using chatGPT


New Member
Jul 12, 2020
Did anyone try to use chatgpt for translations?
Even if it is a MTL the quality should be better than the usual google translate quality, right?


Active Member
Jun 25, 2020
Yes, I've dabbled with it. It's rather competent, but it has a major flaw. It won't translate sexual content. For non-H content results vary between it being better than DeepL/Sugoi to being just comparable.

However, it is possible to feed ChatGPT an edited sentence and ask "Is this an accurate translation." And sometimes if you provide more context it is capable of giving a more precise translation (Although it loves to insert the provided context and present it as translation instead of using the context as a guideline)

TLDR: Reasonably capable, but not a miracle solution.