Unreal Engine - MudBlood Prologue [v0.] [ThatGuyLodos]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A 3D spin on games like Goblin Burrow and Monster Black Market. It leaves much to be desired compared to those games though. The basic skeleton of a game is there, bearing a strong resemblance to MBM for the most part but with the ability to send your monsters on raids. The sex animations are fun to look at and once you figure out how to work the game it can be decent fun.

    Problem is, it's a bit janky. A big reason MBM works as well as it does is because it's 2D. Mudblood however is 3D and suffers for it. Like MBM, it involves a lot of moving your camera around, dragging and dropping. Because this game is 3D though, that process is a way bigger pain in the ass, which necessitates a lot of hotkeys and menu systems to support basic actions and navigation. It seems to have some of these, but they're not at all intuitive to use. There are hotkeys to jump from one important point of interaction to another, but that only takes you so far when you still have to look around a bit to find the exact thing you're after in a fairly large, dimly lit and flatly colored 3D space. Dragging and dropping just doesn't cut it as the primary form of interaction in a 3D game.

    One thing that's been done well is that there's a character panel in the UI, with 2D representations of your slaves and monsters that you can use to simplify the dragging and dropping process. The game would benefit tremendously from this system being expanded to have similar panels for each of the rooms in your lair instead of having to physically navigate each location to use them. Though I did run into a very annoying bug with it: when you send some goblins out on a raid that are in your character panel they stay stuck there. And if they die on the raid, they take up slots on that panel permanently with no way to clear them out that I could identify.

    I think this has a solid foundation with a lot of room to improve. Hopefully it doesn't get immediately abandoned like so many other games that fit that description
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Inept Monkey

    hmmmm coincidentally, half the mechanics and UI look like they're straight out of Monster Black Market....

    Nah I aint hating, it's definitely takes heavy inspiration out of MBM except it's 3d and it's trying to add a raiding mechanic that gives you a reason to actually try to breed stronger monsters. Everything's there but you need to look around and get used to the hotkeys/layout of the cave to understand what the hell is going on.

    Obviously this is some tech demo alpha stuff so it doesn't have a lot to work with. The camera starts out at ceiling height so for a while I thought all the models were bugged and rendered super small or something. Strangely enough, the animations are really well done. Very fluid and animated. Usually 3d animations look super stuff but they took the time to really make the cycles very life like in the way the characters move. All i've seen so far is goblins and human girls so, maybe down the line if they keep working on it, there will be more species/races/whatever. Oh and the one unique elf girl.

    For what it is and where it is, i'm giving it a 4/5. It is a very impressive proof of concept. It loses 1 point simply because it's not very intuitive and takes a minute of playing around with things to understand what you can do.