Unreal Engine - MudBlood Prologue [v0.] [ThatGuyLodos]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A very interesting and exciting game, with decent graphics and animation. I'm sure many people will want to buy it after the full version is released. I wish the developer success and new ideas. There isn't much like this on the Internet. The idea is very good
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Version [v0.68.4.5]

    So, I haven't tested the other builds, but this one leaves much to be desired. I will give it a current pass and just assume everything is mostly in some alpha or beta state(I am hoping it is at least) given the lack of building structures or expanding anything and little to no interaction besides capturing and breeding girls.

    Looking beyond that I will address the main issue with the game. Time consuming.

    You have three speeds. Guess what? It is slow, a little fast, barely noticeable fast. That is it.

    You need to breed and raise an army. Well, I got news for you. You in for a waiting game.

    You need to breed and grind levels through breeding. Yea, you guessed it, I hope you got something else to do while the game plays in background to entertain you. You need stronger goblins to raid higher level places but the only way to get stronger goblins is taking your strongest goblins to use as breeding horses with girls and then playing the waiting game for them to shoot out babies.

    I spent a few hours on this and I still haven't gotten the Castle area because Goblins are just underlevel. I went through selling lower level goblins to make room for higher ones born, but still it is annoying to not have some speed that ticks faster than a 'few seconds.'

    Plus capturing/raiding is just RNG wheel. Sometimes you get girls, a lot of times in raid I caught nobody. I don't know if I just depleted the sources of that area or what. But it is still off putting when an area refreshes a day and it feels like it takes 10-20 minutes of waiting for a day to refresh on the highest speed setting in the game.
    Likes: inqlr
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.68.4.4] I like management game. It's kind of lack most of the lewd stuff, need more animations need something like decoration for a management game. performance are bad. it is promising though.

    For me tis one is good because i like management game it just need years to be something because this one is a prologue I feel like this is adequate enough.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game in its early stages with a world of potential. Character and monster models are well crafted with a very interesting system for progress. Dev also seems very receptive to feedback. Closely watching this one
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game on here. The animations are great, the gameplay is fun, and the leveling system is unique that it almost makes you feel like a goblin horde. I wouldn't mind a food manegant system or if your health is zero for slaves they die or a armor and weapon system.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very good game and gets better at every update. Of course it still has to improve some aspects in need, mostly with the UI, sounds and with the raids but I think the dev has done a excellent job so far.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Super fun and enjoyable game. The 3d models are great and the animations are really good too. This has monsters, girls, breeding, inventory management (Sorta) and a pretty good atmosphere. Currently your locked to breeding your girls/ monsters together to get stronger monsters to run raids, but the game has loads of potential and is good in its current state.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    A middle-aged Femboy

    *Early build so rating is subject to change*
    -Edit 1: Put a bit more time into it-
    TLDR at bottom

    - I should also preface this by saying I give a game 3/5, 5/10, then factor in the good and bad for final score-

    Now, I haven't played that long but I can see the rough edges this game has so far. I know its an early build so I can excuse it, but I am giving it a 2/5 for the camera - and clunky-feeling gameplay-. I should probably also say that I don't usually play 3d games all that often since they usually come across as uncanny to me personally, and even if I try to be objective here, keep that in mind and take it with a grain of salt.

    - 2 stars
    If you ever played MbM, then this game is basically the 3d version. You buy slaves and monsters in an alternating market at your HQ, and you use slaves to breed better monsters. - There are goblins which you can buy or get from a slave at a brothel, a chance to get abominations/orcs a lv 9 goblin (maybe higher) and a human, and a chance to get were-wolves from a cat-girl and goblin, though there was nothing in-game which indicated they existed or were atainable unless you check the "what's new" tab where they were mentioned, or maybe the guide but I don't often check it since its kinda difficult to find the relevant info you would need. -

    -The goal of this game is raiding, and the main objective so far is raiding the castle and steal the elf nun there so far. However, the only role you are given in raids is selecting the units who can participate, which is somewhat disappointing but isn't a detriment to the game since the focus is on building a powerful army and resource management, the later of which I have some gripes about later. -

    -To have an army, you need to have your goblins breed slaves, which can have traits that raise attack, dmg, defense, and max hp, with slaves from higher level raids having better traits and can have more than 1. There are also "unique" slaves, but the only differentiating factor so far is the clothing. On that topic, you can also change the clothing of your slaves, though there is some clipping with the clothes. -

    -A new facility that has been added in the update is the brothel, though aside from a great way of getting new goblins, farming gold as well as depravity for slaves , there isn't much use for them at the moment. THere are also facilities in the game which you can expect if you played mbm, like the breeding area, birthing station, nursery, and milking station. These function as you expect, though milk is needed if you want to properly make stronger units which you can do buy clicking on one of the tabs then fill for elf/neko/goblin/human milk with each having an influence on the stats your unit will have.

    - While there is also a shower facility via springs and a market for buying items, these didn't serve much of a purpose in my playthrough. The showers don't do anything from what I gathered, and the market sells items I don't have a need for and can get through raids. Said items are potions which influence your slaves depravity and allow you to further customize your slave aside from their clothing (I haven't used it so maybe its different). -

    - I haven't seen the need to use the market since there was nothing of worth there, and the potions sold there only affect depravity generally IIRC, which doesn't seem to do anything aside from decreasing growth speed for offspring. While full depravity has slaves stop loosing health, they do not die or suffer some sort of penalty when health reaches 0 so far. Still, the game is in early access so I am not holding anything here against it. -

    Aside from a few nitpicks and issues I have with the game, - like Quality of Life things such as highlights, not showing influence of traits for later monster generations [only defense +1 instead of ex, attack +6, defense +2] the tutorial hitting you like a brick wall, and while you can also bring up the guide at anytime both it and the tutorial should be far more digestable. Still, these are not the biggest issues I have with the game, what spoils the experience however - is the camera -and how you select multiple units-.

    The game allows you to explore your base in your own POV, which also allows you to watch your monsters do their business with slaves. You can also switch to a selected unit's POV, though -its imperfect at the moment. - Now, I love the idea of this as an optional toggle, -but its the only perspective and- this game doesn't allow you to switch to Top-Down view.
    I do not like this, especially when its a genre like resource management where the whole point is general management. A Top-down camera allows you to maximize efficiency while minimizing tediousness, but in this game, you have to move (or find if your new) the breeding area, go to the birthing area, then the nursery to get a goblin, rinse and repeat unless you go to the market area and buy a goblin.

    There are shortcuts to certain areas of your base that are bound to the number keys, but this feels like work around rather than a solution to the game feeling like a chore.
    -After I put in some more time, I can confidently say that the flow of this game is most certainly clunky, and I still stand by what I said about the camera. However, that was not the only issue I had, it was also how you select multiple units. In RM games like MbM, or even frost-punk, the way you select several units is simple and straight-forward, however, in this game, you have to drag a unit into a bar in the bottom left corner of your screen (up to 7), and go to the place you want to put them at, one at a time. Add onto the fact of how you move around, lack of unit shortcuts, lack of QoL, and, whereas in MbM it was easy and straightforward, as I have predicted, it was tedious (not a boring chore, but tedious none-the-less). -

    - While you can automate the process by toggling the A in the status tabe of a slave/monster, doing it manually should be as intuitive and simple as possible with the only chore being the planning behind it all. -

    0 stars
    Understandably, there isn't any music in the game yet since its an early build so there are only sound effects, which I believe work well enough. However, I still see the 3d models as uncanny, but I am not knocking it against this game since its fairly early on and the models look far better than a few other 3d games I have played. The goblins -and orcs- are ugly, but they are goblins -and orcs- so it makes sense and green skins don't have any rights to complain either.

    - After playing a bit more, I don't find the models as uncanny, but its still rough. No facial animations for slaves 5'4 and below (mainly hybrids but goblins don't have rights anyway), knees or elbows not bending correctly, some hair clipping, and some general wonkiness but I still think they are well-done, just some things I noticed after closer inspection. I am not counting it against the game though since, again, early build and dev put some time into them-

    0 stars
    I run a pretty shitty PC that, while not a potato, barely falls short of meeting modern gaming standards. While I may not run any modern game at max graphics beyond 10fps, I can still pretty much run any H-game without an issue, though it did start to chug/heave a bit while slowly turning my room into a sauna when I played this game on max settings at 4k so keep that in mind.
    Aside from me personally living in fear of being cooked anytime I play any game made in the past 7 years with max graphics, I suggest turning off toon mode since I think it looks worse and we are no where near the time of good looking anime cgi.
    -Turned it to 1080p, still a bit warm but its fine there w/ everything turned to max-

    1 stars
    Though I do find the models a bit wonky and rough, facial animations stiff, alongside the occasional hair clipping, I think the animations are serviceable and done well, though -limited to 3 monsters. There are also multiple animations w/ extra ones unlocked after slave reaches max depravity so + 1 for that-
    Still, no matter how good they are, I have been exposed to the forbidden sorcery of several 3d artists, so I am forced to give this a C- B due to my strong bias, for I have been spoiled, my standards high, and depression great for there shall never be a 3d game where
    "2 travelling drows,
    hung like a horse,
    are rendered to plow,
    a busty milf whore."
    - A Middle-aged Femboy (if you know, you know).
    [F = *disqusted look* "Euugh" *walks away* || C = "Eh, good enough" || S = "Whoa! Where did my pants go?!" ]

    ==Suggestions & Improvements==
    1st, -Smooth out the gameplay. Start by making the tutorial and guide more digestable, such as walking us through the general process and giving new players tips whiel having the guide be divided into tabs. Then, replace the toggle with top-down instead of a slightly lower and slower pov (just have it replace pov camera). Finally, allow us to just square select or hold shift/control then click units to select more than 1 instead of whatever the bar is supposed to be.
    -(I am also fine if dev decided to go for an alternative route, like adding map window we can use to drag units around, so long as the manual process is more streamlined. I am not an RTS player or often play RM, but for the love of god, anything other than what we have right now)-
    2nd, Improve quality of life, such as adding highlights to let players know when they can and have selected something, or expanding the shortcut menu for units.
    3rd, improve on already existing assets and systems, such as the springs, the raiding, the brothel, and the market.
    Afterwards, work on any other ideas. mechanics, monsters, or concepts that are desired to be added into the game.

    Early, not bad, the potential is there but the game is rough enough for you to see the edges, and the foundation is a bit wobbly with some cracks IMO.

    If an update solves my gripes about the gameplay, such as multi-select and the camera, and improves QoL then I'll update my review to be more positive for an early build. If you just want to play someting to scratch the MbM and taimanin resource management itch, you could try this out but I'd rather play something else as it stands -due to the gameplay-.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The concept of this game is very cool.
    I'm looking for a goblin role-playing game.
    I understand that this game is being developed. So it still has a lot of bugs.
    -A goblin den with a very large area. Moving from one room to another requires the use of keyboard shortcuts.
    -The automatic system still has limitations.
    -There is still no technology system that will bring the girls to maximum benefit, such as the Goblin Rider or the Meat Shield in raids.
    Keep trying, you are doing well.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    The game should be a simple management game, you assign girls to goblin, they make stronger children and create stronger sprawl with some inbreeding.
    Even if it have potential, it have some heavy problem: One of witch is the camera and the cave layout. I was lost in this cavern, the camera doesn't help and even with the keyboard shortcut it doesn't help to locate any usefull object like the place where the women can give birth also the cave is dark, it's hard to see. Lastly dragging a someone to an object feel clunky.
    There is no indication on what happen in a raid other than "you win, you get a girl, you lost, you lost the entire army"
    The models are good and the sex scenes are a selling point, but overall it need more improvement.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Poor attempt to copy and paste someone else's game into a 3D environment.

    Controls are clunky and slow.

    UI is somehow copied and made worse at the same time.

    3d models ok but cloth customizations never save and everyone went bald

    Gameplay entirely plagiarized 1 to 1
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    An ok game with good potential. However, it lacks enough content to keep you playing long-term. Animations are very limited and there's only 3 types of Monsters and 4 types of girls atm, 3 of which share the same animation set between them. I hope the developer sticks with it and continues to add more content in the future because it does have a ton of potential.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of any dev that goes to the effort of creating a full 3D game with animations; this is a good example of that sort of work.

    This game is really an animation showcase: each slave / monster combo has unique animations, and these change somewhat as the game progresses. Controls are a bit confusing, and really focused more on seeing the animations. To that end, there is no PC, the "PC" is a camera. Gameplay is fairly short to completion; it should take about a hour to play through to defeating last area using walkthrough.

    Some reviews compare it to monster black market, which it's nothing like. MBM is a full game, and this is more of a demo. This game reminds me more of 90 Seconds Slave / Cost of Survival, which likewise had janky controls and gameplay but excellent 3D animations.

    There's a ton of potential here for a full game, and hope the author sticks with it.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    MudBlood Prologue is clearly intended and designed as an Animation Showcase. The animations are the Sun of this game's solar system with everything else revolving around that center of mass.
    It's worth pointing out that concentrating on the porn and just penciling in gameplay is not a crazy development decision. Illusion made the same choice for almost all of its games.

    + Hearty variety of vaginal & anal sex animations with Goblins, Pigmonsters, and Werewolves (as of this writing). There is also milking, birthing, and a few nice girl idling/masturbating animations.
    + Excellent form and variety of female bodies. They are a superb vision of Enhanced realism.
    + Enough gameplay so that the player can feel like they've earned new girls and monsters.
    + There have been over six months of updates which is a good indication of expanded future content, but the future is a hope, never guaranteed.

    - Currently there are no Insertion animations. Dropping a monster and a girl together instantly starts the dick-inside pumping. The best animation focused games recognize that having the full Insert->Fuck->Orgasm sex cycle makes an essential contribution to player immersion and enjoyment. (see: RapeLay, Sold Girl Town, Insult Order, JSK games)

    If you want sophisticated mechanics, challenging gameplay, and intricate level design, try Dark Souls.
    If you want to see jiggle-physics-enabled bimbos banged by monsters, then there are enjoyable animations to be found in MudBlood Prologue.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is interesting. Original mechanics, cool gameplay, beautiful, colorful characters. I don't want to use cheats in this game at all. I don't want to play this game quickly either. It's great that the game doesn't have any good or bad endings.
    It is inappropriate to compare this game with BM. This game is on a completely different level.
    There are practically no bugs in the game. and if they do, they are very funny (for example, multiple births, although I may have just been lucky)).
    The game is a little silent in terms of background music, but I successfully correct this myself using music from SnowRunner.
    Good game!
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I wish the game were better, because the premise is right up my alley.

    Here is what's not so great at the moment:

    - Lack of customization, monsters are different shades of grey, girls can't be customized at all (well you can turn off clothes, but the game forgets all the time)
    - Lack of sound and thus atmosphere
    - Controls feel like work, no snappy dungeon keeping here, much wasd
    - Very limited automatization options
    - Game loop makes you focus on single/double breeding (once you have aboms) and as a result the dungeon is empty and lifeless most of the time
    - graphic glitches with almost every girl

    The good stuff:

    - there was obviously put much work into the animations and although they aren't perfect (speed), there are only so few though
    - somewhat cool birth scenes for people who are into that

    Nevertheless the premise is nice and I wish the dev(s?) all the best! This game needs something to distiguish itself from Monster Black Market/goblin lair which did alot of this in a more accesible and enjoyable way. Sorry if that review is harsh, I am aware it's an early version and can get much better in the future.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    This is just a carbon copy of another game. It's more difficult to navigate and has no story. I didn't like the other game as well. There is no MC in this game. There is no substance. Just make monster babies... that's the game. Nothing else to it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Art and graphics are impressive (3d rendered "open world", but a small one). Gameplay is mediocre (watch goblins fuck women for a couple hours until you have enough points to kill the "bad guys"). Story/character development is nonexistent .

    Gameplay could improve to good, I don't see it becoming great

    Story/character development literally has infinite potential since there is fuck all here today. Some dialog during sex. Give me an MC who can do special things vs the chaff goblins. Make me hate the king and want to rob his priests/daughters/wives/allies/side chicks/mother/childhood sweetheart/etc. So much can be done here.

    So, game probably deserves 3 stars, but I'm a softy for custom art and this is not only custom but 3d rendered so I'm giving it a generous 4 stars. I am hopeful the game will really earn it in time, and maybe even press into 5 star territory.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    review of version For being such an early version, the base mechanics are well thought out and the animation and model quality is extremely good, among the best I have ever seen. even down to the little details such as different expressions depending on their mood. It is a bit clunky at times since it's quite a dark map and navigating around the cave can be confusing, even with the keybinds. the whole gameplay mechanics should be a bit more streamlined but it still works already. I can't wait for more polished versions of this game, it has the chance to be one of the truly great.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game may look rough at its surface, but it shows potential to become something amazing. It takes an obvious inspiration from another title, but it makes up for that fact with amazing models and animations. It is clearly in its early stages of development and I see the amazing potential this game has now. Look past the disorganized UI and lacking of mechanics. Given enough time, I believe this game has potential to become something groundbreaking in this genre of game. I will gladly support the development of this game. 5/5.