Multiplayer role-play sex games


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Well I started getting some work done, basic SL character and texture with genitals, did some basic tests with renders and posing. As is, I am not a fan of the rig, I can't even control the fingers. I'll check around for more stuff and try to become more familiar, see what there is to learn (as I am only scratching the surface) but it all comes down to how the actualy game system wants its character models (do we need a specific skeleton? do we need a specific mesh? what is to stop me from giving he character better topology?). but to bed I go
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Feb 25, 2019
I can't even control the fingers
Yeah from searching it seems the default rig is pretty basic, and then there is a Bento skeleton with 3 joints per finger.

Good night, Saki. Oh, Axel should also tell us what he thinks hah.

EDIT: it says "the original avatar.blend can still be used as a reference model of the avatar definition for SL, OpenSim". Would it be possible to have a rig like ? Don't know enough about Blender, past the basic stuff. I imagine the positions and the bone limits must be different, but maybe both are similar enough? The comment down mentions Python could be used to port animations.
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User #1751331

Oct 30, 2019
There are generally to issues I find with RP worlds outside of monetization issues.
The first is I can in most cases tell who is and isn't a bot when it comes to things like combat. That said bots & AI have gotten vastly better at pretending to be people. Hell in a lot of cases I would actually say some companies should actually go out and hire bot makers to rewrite their AI's.

The second issue in RP worlds is people not sticking to in character or trolling shit.
That said some times I wish there was an AI that trolled people.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Bento skeleton
yeah I remember having to get that for my avatar in SL.

the loverslab seems to be having issues so I can't see the rig, but with blender just about anything is possible. I am possibly going to work on porting animations to daz using a script for someone else, but that is yet to be explored.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
ok I got all the ad blockers to stop having stokes, so I could see the link. The rigg looks pretty good, it looks like they did a unique take on control schemes so i would like to look into it more. i might have issues if I want to use 2.8+ but thats to be explored.
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Feb 25, 2019
Yeah, it seemed pretty great when I saw it, and couldn't help but feel sad it won't get as much attention now.

Yeah, I think LoversLab never truly recovered from the DDoS attacks a few months ago.

Oh, and good morning hah. Now I'm the one going to bed, but maybe sleep helps with ideas.


Second Life still going ain't it?

Chance is, you go look for smut and filth, and you leave with a foul taste and feel dirty afterwards. Knowing the person you interacted with was some dude, whatever :p
It's a long time ago, but it is conceivable that I was actually roleplaying as a woman. I'm sure that the "woman" I hooked up with, was also some person with some gender identity. :WutFace:

I feel like something that may be important but will require serious work is to develop parts of the game to be a game. a fantasy forest to collect basic gear and unlock points of interest. something simple but something you can do by your self and not be intimidated by the wall of things there is to learn for new people, and along the way meet other players and get use to teh idea of there being a community, without having to force anyone to quickly read up on a paragraph of rules. like there is a safe section to be slightly not rp as you get your bearings near the spawn point, but the real points of interests you first have to walk to (before being allowed to just teleport/fly), and you are expected to be rp mode only in such community so walking reqires you to mentally decide and commit to the part. everyone gets to play the mysterious stranger when they first walk into the rp location.
Sounds good to me.

I would suggest to make different "rooms" with different fetishes, where people can subscribe for a role.
This would limit the amount of people in a scenario, make it more easy to oversee everything and also give people a specific role to fulfil.

Scenario: shoplifting in a store
- Thief 1
- Thief 2
- Store manager
- Cashier
- Cop 1
- Cop 2
Characters here can be male or female but must be a good mix.
Note that players don't need to be the same gender as their character as long as they can and want to roleplay as one.

Scenario: incest house
- Dad
- Mom
- Brother
- Sister 1
- Sister 2
- Best friend

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Jan 11, 2020
Hey there.

After some exploration of opensim features and current state of project I am not sure if it worth to be used. SL has tons of features but in fact it has tons of legacy stuff. Bad rendering engine forces users to make only low poly models and built-in shaders are just like nowadays is not 2020 but 2010. Global illumination, shadows, low performance - all this shit in SL is not because the game requires a lot of calculations. All this shit is consequences of legacy code.

In my opinion there is pretty hardcore solution, but it will give us tons of advantages in long distance:
Create the game from scratch on unity using open source frameworks like mirror for networking, javascript vm for in-game scripting language, lwrp for rendering w/ pbr shaders, custom animation rig mapping system (built in unity solution is outdated in comparison to modern proprietary game engine of AAA gamedev companies)

  • Development of the game from scratches will give to us full control over the quality and performance of the game. No overwhelming HUD, tons of buttons and shitty user experience flow like in SL.
  • Occam's razor principle. Tons of implemented SL features but unmanaged by us will lead to unexpected behavior in the future updates. It will increase time of implementation new features and bug fixes and won't give us same flexibility such as of own development.
  • Legacy content import workflow. Collada files for models, bvh for animations, default animation rig has tons of shit like wings, or another pair of legs but for what? This overengineered shit isn't how good project works nowaday. Legacy shit increases learning curve for newbies. In community-driven-games learning curve should to be low or newbies won't create new content and project will die.
  • There is tons of sites about SL but 99% of them are outdated and abandoned. Articles, tutorials, all content in consequences of long life of SL are outdated. Another multiplication of learning curve makes it rly high.
  • Scripting language is tailor made solution. Nowadays implementation of own language is a stupid idea and bad practice because there is load shit of scripting languages which anyone can embed into his software. This is yet another legacy and it not replaceable at all due high coupling of the code inside the project. To replace scripting language or to extend it we will be forced to rewrite good amount of project.

I can to start development of the project, and I have enough experience to finish it; this is totally not a problem. In projects like this main problem is players. If there is no one interested in game like we are talking about then i don't want to waste my time for nothing.
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Feb 25, 2019
That does sound hardcore. Maybe the 1000 people or so that have commented on 3DXChat thread could count as interest, if the game managed to be of the same quality. Or better, as it seems, going through the comments, there are a few issues.

I agree that OpenSim is not good enough.

I would have mentioned joining that group, but I was not sure about the whole DDoS attacks going on. Maybe you could talk to that group and see how many players they get, and how much work would need to get done, either on that game or a new one. And if you like doing it, of course. If Saki is also up for it, I'd be down to help with skins & Reshade too.
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Jan 11, 2020
but I was not sure about the whole DDoS attacks going on
Didn't get what do you mean. What ddos attacks are u talking about?

About 3dxchat:
Yea, I've been thinking about 3dxchat but in my opinion they going the wrong way. They are planning to add animation editors, mesh editors, etc into the game. This is huge waste of time because there is tons of professional tools over the world which doing their job better than any other hand-made tool. In my opinion right way is not reinvention of whole toolset for content creation but development the bridge between tools and game.
This is another reason why I consider LSL (Second Life Scripting Language) crap and why we should use JS, which is one of the most popular languages in the world. Players dont need to learn another languages which is useless in real world. They would learn real language with tons of tutorials about it and maybe even use it in their real life job. Same about real toolset. Players wont need to learn 3d party crappy tools to create 3d models. They will use blender, maya or any other 3d modelling tool to create models and upload it directly to the game avoiding any useless tools.


Feb 25, 2019
Hm, I do believe that such a game would attract many people, if the graphics and animations looked nice (like 3DXChat, without the server going down). Though a thread like this might not reflect that, as you mentioned. I think partly because people don't have a great experience with adult MMOs, if any (and thread has only 400 views).

So, in my opinion, it's more a matter of finding the right team to make it. From scratch, as you say, it's really a hardcore task. I'm sure there would be other people who'd be willing to help with such a project, though they may not be looking here, or at the Request thread for that matter.

Maybe if it was sponsored by F95, with a message like the Uploader applications! or Donor Raffle ones at the top, which led to a clear plan with all the people who've committed (to animations, meshes, code, as you say).

A thread with a clear vision like that would make it a real possibility, in my mind. In other words, instead of anyone would like a sex mmo?, it's This team is making a sex MMO, this is the plan, join us! After there are a few more commits and some talk with mods or other teams.


Jan 11, 2020
Hm, I do believe that such a game would attract many people, if the graphics and animations looked nice (like 3DXChat, without the server going down). Though a thread like this might not reflect that, as you mentioned. I think partly because people don't have a great experience with adult MMOs, if any (and thread has only 400 views).

So, in my opinion, it's more a matter of finding the right team to make it. From scratch, as you say, it's really a hardcore task. I'm sure there would be other people who'd be willing to help with such a project, though they may not be looking here, or at the Request thread for that matter.

Maybe if it was sponsored by F95, with a message like the Uploader applications! or Donor Raffle ones at the top, which led to a clear plan with all the people who've committed (to animations, meshes, code, as you say).

A thread with a clear vision like that would make it a real possibility, in my mind. In other words, instead of anyone would like a sex mmo?, it's This team is making a sex MMO, this is the plan, join us! After there are a few more commits and some talk with mods or other teams.
Yea, you are right. I agree with you in position that to better feedback need to start development than just to talk about it. I gonna post compilation of features that should to be implemented in game for discussion and then start development of game engine core.

About the team: at the beginning there is no work for team but of course if anybody has skills in 3d art - i would happy if you gonna join the development.
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Jan 11, 2020
So, there is an idea which i am goin to implement in the project. (open for discussion, looking forward for opinion of other ppl)

Main idea behind the project:
game is totally driven by community and everything inside the game is just as community decided. Developer only fix bugs, implements new features, balances in-game economy, managing servers and protect the game from any potential danger OUTSIDE of game.

As a project based on community created content there is nothing belongs to developer, everything is by community for community (even thing that developed by developer). The goal of project not to make money but to make the game for everyone who would like to join to the new virtual world.

About graphics: the project is based on unity engine and the realistic graphic is not a goal of the game. Lightweight rendering pipeline (aka Universal rendering pipeline) gives enough features to make modern looking game. Inside the game there will be no direct access to the shaders code at least in the early stage. Later it may be changed w/ updates.

About animation rig: there won't no restrictions to the animation rig unlike to SL. There would be default character base w/ rig but if you wanna to create own character base - nothing will stop you. Other animations won't work/gonna work incorrect if you are using animation from one rig to another if you have in example quadruped character ofc but anyway u still can import your own animations for you own custom rig.

About scripting language: Javascript - one of the most popular languages in the world. Most of developers know it and development of the script in js would me much easer than on any custom scripting language. This is why js would be embeded into the game.

About map: just like in SL there would be a land aka regions/zones. They are separated from each other and each has its own owner. Owner can do whatever he wont with his own region. Owner can build whatever he would like to, can ban whoever he would like to ban and even share privileges w/ other player if he would like to. Regions can't be sold but anyone can rent it for in-game currency.

About monetization: NO REAL MONEY SHOPS, NO REAL MONEY GOODS. I hate "pay2win" and believe this is cancer of modern gaming industry. You cant buy for real money something inside the game. Earning of in-game currency would be implemented via in-game actions. It wont be like real life job and in fact more you play == more money you do == more things you can afford to yourself. Imagine something like simple clicker - this is how players gonna earn money inside the game.
But there is one big issue:
MMO games are running on servers and hosting providers wanna money for those servers. And in games like this (where most of content continiously generated by users) requires more servers until new content being created.
So for ppl who would like to sustain the development i see next way: premium accounts which doesn't gives any advantage. Premium players just like good guys gonna be awarded special role in discord. Thats all, nothing more.
Money earned from premium users will be used to sustain game servers.

About role-playing: as I said previously - developer won't be engaged into any kind of in-game politics. All rules gonna be created by community. To make it real i think the best way to do it is senate. Players vote for other players who gonna represent their vision of future of the game and to communicate w/ developer. They are the bridge between community and developer. If community will decide to roleplay senate election - then it gonna happen, if community decide to do it out of character - nothing would stop it. Voting system gonna be provided by developer to avoid any possible corruption or attempt to fake votes and ruin election process.

This is manifest of the future game. If anyone have idea how to improve it - i would love to see it. Development started.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
I like Thialf's suggestions, and I also like the idea of something more custom (game engine), just because it allows for more control over the direction of such a project.

When you talk about Mirror AxelN are you referring to ?

All your ideas sound good, I only have 2 concerns: Server hosting, and user content integration.

I can imagine major areas such as a spawn location and shared community hubs need to be accessible to everyone, and the best way to do that (I can only assume) is to have a server that hosts the world (runs the game). I'm not sure if you plan to overcome this with mirroring (meshed instance?) or if Mirror still requires a host server. My concern is, who's going to pay for the server. I've been meaning to build my own server, but since I'll be getting done with college soon, working the summer, transitioning towns, and trying to start a career, I won't have the time or stability to be a server hoster. Do we need to keep an IT person on staff/call to make sure the server(s) keep running, or will one of us be managing that? We can't rely completely on the community, at least not at first. We will have to be the hosts, but once there is a community dedicated enough, we can offload server responsibilities to a team that is willing to take it up.

User Content Integration, specifically: characters and locations. I like the idea of separate communities, that cater to specific fetishes or interests or rps. I imagine the easy way to do this is to have players be their own hosts for private sessions (their own room and they are the servers). But then how to the make a 'base'? My concern with user uploaded content is the actual 'how do we implement this'? Images are simple, a texture is pretty abstracted by default, but what about 3D models and even more complex, animated character models with custom skeletons. How do we implement those to load and run? How do we abstract a data format for this? My best-case scenario is that we can make an abstraction class to inherant from, use it in a blank unity engine session, the person attaches all their data to their custom object (player mesh, rig, animation), There may even be another object that allows for basic testing of the object or setting its parameters (ie test character animation to make sure the animations are interfacing correctly through the abstraction layer, generic functions to allow for custom... machines to trigger different effects that don't follow any standards (A teddy bear that jumps your leg and starts humping :p). After all that, my best hope would be we could just serialize the instance, including mesh and animation data (as child objects? not sure how unity handles this or if it just refers to the assets instead), and that way unity can just check for a file type, de-serialize, and bang the model is in. If we had to do something more custom, then we would be restricted to only being able to as much as we can design our system to do. If players wanted to personalize their own zones/space/location, it would need similar serialized objects, and to get the best experience, other players would have to download a package with copies of all the custom assets/files so that it is ready to load when they enter they zone. If objects are missing, a zoned off space could be used in stead, not sure if it would be easy to get file transfers between host to other users through unity. And lastly with regards to this, have you tried messing with the unity resource manager through code. Definatly not the funnest thing to do, but as far as I can tell all game engines have to deal with similar are worse when it comes to accessing, managing, saving, and protecting assets hidden in the game engine files.

Im not too worried about the render pipeline, that is something we can always tweek

Now game figuring out neat game mechanics and making game assets, thats where I get my rocks off (and then get sent to jail :p). If we can get something as simple as,
  1. a test scene that acts as a public world space (where we can then find someone to have a private session with)
  2. be able to create a new scene (through code initially?) that acts as a private room,
  3. be able to save the room (maybe modify it by having a few blocks placed on the floor and moving them around, and saving what is in the room),
  4. being able to meet another user in the public room,
  5. and be able to move both players to a shared private room (literally just a flat floor with cube players)
  6. be able to upload a basic custom asset (another cube)
  7. and possibly stream that data to the other user.
If we can get the ugly demo working of that, then I would be confident that this project would be a success

On a side note, I have experimented with making a java program that connects with unity, and tries to talk to patreon, and would allow users to be able to log into patreon, and let the game know what tier user is logged in, even if the user isn't a patreon, we can still use this as a character log in so we don't need servers to manage any personal data, thus no legal concerns, and the data is all encoded so we don't pose any risk. And on top of this, if users are patreons, we can totally pay to win I mean unlock user flair to give thanks to supporters. My java code only went as far as connecting and the start of the patreon code, but to go further I needed a server to host my patreon login key and I don't really have any server experience, front or back end coding.

Other than that, I'm down to model and animate!
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If this project can become a reality, I would say that privacy is extremely important in this case.
I assume you could connect via VPN, but if it were possible to use TOR (due to bandwidth limitations) that would be a plus.

Also the business model should be considered. There would be no way that I'd (personally) be paying with credit card or Paypal for something like this. I would much prefer advertisements over any subscription anyway.


Jan 11, 2020
All your ideas sound good, I only have 2 concerns: Server hosting, and user content integration.
About server hosting. We have 2 ways: professional like and startup like. Professional way - write networking from scratches. It means we need to design networking communication protocol, implement tools for debugging and all this stuff. This way is good for AAA game dev studios but not for us. Second way is startup-like one. It means we gonna take which out of box has alot of basic features so we don't need to waste time on designing everything. In this way we losing some flexibility to speed up development. We gonna go in startup-like way cuz this project isnt a commercial product and behind us no investors, any AAA game dev company or something else.

Servers gonna be managed by me. Every region/zone gonna work on its own server instance. Thanks to this approach, the servers will not be overloaded and will be able to freely accept up to 100 people per zone. I believe that would be enough.

My vision of content integration is simple: Player making the content inside any tool like blender, photoshop, etc. Then using in-game user interface player upload it to the game assets cloud. Inside ui user selects typo of content and building in-game package. Packages is the items that can be transfered between players or used by any player who has it inside his inventory.
To import 3d assets i believe most modern way to do it is fbx, to import textures\sprites png, to import music\sounds mp3. Every format is popular enough and free to use in any kind of projects nowadays.

Visual synchronization between network clients w/ this approach is transparent af. In game every asset has it own unique ID (UUID) and if game client don't have this asset locally, he can download it remotely from assets cloud and render to player.

If this project can become a reality, I would say that privacy is extremely important in this case.
I assume you could connect via VPN, but if it were possible to use TOR (due to bandwidth limitations) that would be a plus.

Also the business model should be considered. There would be no way that I'd (personally) be paying with credit card or Paypal for something like this. I would much prefer advertisements over any subscription anyway.
Totally agree w/ you about privacy. Dont worry about it.
About ads over subscription - game won't be pay2play. It gonna be free2play and subscription is the way to support the project. If you don't want or not have opportunity to support it - its okay, game will be free anyway. Also you always can to contact developer directly and send him btc or any other crypto if you worry about anonymity
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
As long as you make sure, the other player is an adult and as long as you don't use the public chats, you can do ERP (erotic roleplay) in most MMORPGs. Black Desert Online, Aion and Tera have pretty sexy outfits and allow the creation of hot characters, but if that is less important to you, you could do it in WOW too. Most people who engage in it, also make sure, the other player is of the preferred gender of course.

A serious warning though: Having ERP is not just like watching porn, playing porn games or having phone sex. It may get you into serious trouble in the shape of dysfunctional relationships and relationships, where you don't even know whether you are in a relationship. It can be extremely harmful and detrimental to your mental health. Therefore I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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Jan 11, 2020
As long as you make sure, the other player is an adult and as long as you don't use the public chats, you can do ERP (erotic roleplay) in most MMORPGs. Black Desert Online, Aion and Tera have pretty sexy outfits and allow the creation of hot characters, but if that is less important to you, you could do it in WOW too. Most people who engage in it, also make sure, the other player is of the preferred gender of course.
You are talking about sexting but thread is about adult games which designed for this kind of gameplay. not just to text about sex but also to implement any kind of sex-related scenes, characters and their outfits. This is totally different experience.


Most people who engage in it, also make sure, the other player is of the preferred gender of course.
Strangely, that doesn't bother me so much.
If the woman avatar that I'm fucking is actually controlled by a guy, who cares? As long as that other player stays in character, it's fine by me.

A serious warning though: Having ERP is not just like watching porn, playing porn games or having phone sex. It may get you into serious trouble in the shape of dysfunctional relationships and relationships, where you don't even know whether you are in a relationship. It can be extremely harmful and detrimental to your mental health. Therefore I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Maybe you need to elaborate a bit, because I don't really see the problem.

Especially if you go with the clearly defined scenario's which I proposed before, what will happen is that you are talking to another character who will give a non-scripted response, but must stay in character. I think it would be harder to create a "real" relationship based on this, compared to randomly finding a "kindred spirit" among the millions of WoW players out there.

Especially because I have the feeling that WoW players are generally teen boys who don't get out much. If a nerdy boy who has difficulty finding a meaningful relationship with a girl at his local highschool suddenly finds his "dream girl" in WoW, then I can imagine it'll get messy.

With well-adjusted adults who are either in a relationship or by choice not in one, it's a completely different story.
Although, as with any online interaction, it's probably best to keep it separated from the real world anyway.
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