Multiple issues today


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
First, the company doing DDOS protection is screwing shit up. Their redirect are interfering in getting to the correct pages.
It appears your site is looking for links that should come from its own site but because of the way they are doing redirects your website ends up with errors like can't find data.

Second issue is none of the images at for the games are working. It bitches about my clock on my computer not being correct if I am using a VPN.
That happens if I try opening it in another tab.
If I just click on the image the system just shows all broken image links in your image viewer.

If your VPN makes you look like you are in certain areas of the world right now the DDOS protection lies and tries to force you into a picture check.
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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2018
Are you certain you are not "The Robot"? :LOL:
DDOS troubles went away when I switched my vpn exit to a smaller country. :unsure:
The image issue is due to that the certificate has expired on the attachment server. We will have to wait for admin to renew it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
DDOS protection issue is annoying, I had the same issues, I think it randomly bans (temporarily) your VPN IP even if you do everything right. Because of this I had to switch IPs (countries) several times last few days.