Hi There! I star to build my game on my art and style, in renpy game. I wont hevery one can can see and seggestion for the style or everithink to improve my art. skills. I still learneang for by my self. I wont make the game without male protanogist. I'm not a fun of those jerks, rapist and whatever they to female or making him submitt. Ther no way a I desagne those jerk. (Sorry I speaking too much)
Now Ispeak to my arts skill the first character a Main Proganosit of my Game I have in mind from to long time. Its not final versino I startyearly, I wont improve this one, beforTo make her Parent, (Bot are futa), buth she is only female, who in royal female of vampires. She is princese.I wont mke this bett unless from look like now. Any saggestion? I open for you suggestion to improve my skill befor meke this in renpy game.
Now Ispeak to my arts skill the first character a Main Proganosit of my Game I have in mind from to long time. Its not final versino I startyearly, I wont improve this one, beforTo make her Parent, (Bot are futa), buth she is only female, who in royal female of vampires. She is princese.I wont mke this bett unless from look like now. Any saggestion? I open for you suggestion to improve my skill befor meke this in renpy game.