Review of Pirot King King’s My Best Deal
( as of Version 0.8 11-12-2020 )
This is one of the most promising games I have seen on F95 in a while. The Graphics are stunning for a Renpy Based game, The story and characters are compelling and the H is HOT. I’m not as into the FemDom elements, but generally speaking it’s a great story so far.
This game features really stunning graphics, Well Lit, and solidly animated. There is a wonderful unified tone thought the game, I am not sure at the moment what game engine is used to create the scenes ( likely an Illusion product ) but it’s clear that all of the 3d assets used are from a common vendor, or created specifically for the game. I did not notice any unnatural stretching or pinching of animated or posed characters. Really really well done!.
The story line is really original, or at least a really original spin on a general trop that is common to a lot of .LIT erotica. The story dose have some compelling plot devices, and leaves me wanting to know more about it’s pantheon. And I cannot wait for the next episode. Choices do not come into play until quite far in the story, and do not seem to change the stories path. ( I kind of like that, give me sand box or give me narrative , its only a rare game that can do both well, this one dose narrative well )
MC: so far interesting, we don’t know much about his past before the start of the game. Would have been nice ( IMO if he had been an old man rather than someone of approx. age, so his “world-wisdom” could be leaked into the current incarnation ) but that said, he seems nice and just the right amount of pervy.
While I’m not generally into big tits, these models are all done so well I even enjoyed the H with the Mom and Teacher Types. The twins/friends are super-hot.
H & Kinks
Harem: Oh Yea, this is going to be a good harem story.
M-Dom: our MC has powers but so far dose not seem overly dominate, and he is not cruel or mean.
F-Dom: not one of my kinds but its well done here.
incest: ok I did not notice there was an Inc patch for this so I’m stoked to find one, going to have to replay now. I am someone who dose find Incest content to be hot, but I do prefer its all in or all out, I find the whole sudo-incest trend annoying. Ball up and throw in all the kinky if it fits the story, or leave it out and structure the story without it

it seems obvious this story was written to contain Inc elements and is better with them than without.
Loli: none so far. Syster types are youthful but not loli
BDSM: there is some F-dom and at least potential for M-dom
Rape: there are some elements so far that indicate a rape would have taken place if the MC did not step in. I personally would have liked to had the option to see the MC doesn’t stop it option, though I would progress the story as intended.
Group: none really so far.
Voyeur: some
Girl Girl: some of the best I’ve seen…
Boy, Girl, Girl: not yet but man I hope.
NTR: not yet, really hope to get Boy+Girl+Boy with BFF and Mom, sister or teacher. MC + BFF would be ok by me as long as it’s skippable
Should I back it?
I did, and I do not generally like to back new games however great they are because too often the dev just vanishes. But.. I’m really hopeful about this one. Will keep an eye on how frequent the releases are and how much content is in them and adjust my support accordingly.
Should you support? If you like Son + Mom + Sisters,,, then YES, if you like Asian teen Girls.. hell yes. If you like harem stories, YES. If you like well animated, seriously the secondary animations such as blinking and breathing in dialog were awesome. This is a solid story, and if it’s kinks push your buttons, it’s one of the best I’ve seen so far.
Please Please Please, I want to see MC tie up the teacher, make her go down on Sis, and drill her back door while she dose, and make her beg for more..