VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - My Boss's Daughter [v0.2] [RocketGirlGames]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is okay. I wish it was finished.

    I'm almost sold on the premise but it just seems a little forced. Like the parents (mostly the boss's wife) keep explaining to you over and over the risk of fucking their daughter. The daughter similarly keep going on and on about how she's unsure and afraid about making choices.

    It all just comes out to a bunch of filler and the only sex scene is the bj in the car with her promiscuous friend. Then you go the the beach and the game ends.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Let's start with the technical side of the game the renders are not terrible but by far nothing special. I didn't have any major bugs that lead to the game crashing but there are some mistakes with names of characters changing mid dialogue.

    For the character models, it is a bit sad that all side girls with the exception of her mother look better than the main girl of the game I mean her mother I can't say anything else than she is ugly and the boss's daughter the lead female of the game also doesn't have what I would call a beautiful face.

    The story seemed interesting in the first release with the super-sheltered girl that isn't even allowed to go to the next city without her parents and an MC coming in who works for her father who is able to take her out of her prison and inevitably become her boyfriend.
    But then comes the disappointment out of nowhere there comes an ex-boyfriend, which is highly unlikely with how protective the parents are, who turned gay the moment they had sex for the first time. Then it is indicated that the parent made him disappear and threaten the MC with the same.

    In the end, the introduction of an ex-boyfriend ruined the story because it caused a chain reaction of stupid events/dialogue with her now murderous parents.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I would like the girl's face to be even more beautiful, and her body more elegant; her friend Liz is OK though. So I hope there would be a threesome option. As personalities they are very lovely.

    The story is good. Though choices don't mean much, it's still fun to play. Waiting for more...

  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this more than I was expecting. There's nothing amazing here, but there's a level of competency with everything in the game (other than perhaps some choices that may or may not be meaningless).

    The writing was coherent english without any issues that I noticed.

    The story is basic, but told well enough. Not too wordy. You get a good feel for the MC's reluctance at being put in a weird situation juxtaposed against his attraction for the girls.

    The characters are distinct and likeable. The MC's a bit of pushover, but not in an annoying way. It just feels like he's along for the ride, rather than driving the plot. The boss's daughter is cute and insecure. You kinda feel for her being stuck with such ridiculously overprotective parents. Her friend fits the typical outgoing best friend role. It's not revolutionary but it works.

    And the boss and his wife are probably the worse defined characters. Simply because there's so far no explaination for why they're so unreasonably protective of their daughter. It's not necessarily a huge flaw as there is tons of room for this to be clearified later.

    Some downsides to some people may be that the game seems to railroad you onto the same path regardless of what you choose for most choices. Some of the choices do have minor consequences though, like seeing a small extra scene, or a bit of a change in dialogue down the line. But so far there's nothing that substantially changes the experience choice wise.

    The renders are pretty good. Not amazing but I'd say a step above average. I don't think I've seen most of the models in any other game so that's a plus. So far there's only one sexy scene, with a few other nude or close to nude exceptions. But they were all done well and the story justifies not rushing things. I think the pace is reasonable.

    All in all, I had fun playing this. It's not a crazy innovative title or anything. But it is an enjoyable game with solid production values. If you don't mind fairly linear game-play, give it a try.

    Edit: The music does get a bit repetitive. The dev may want to consider adding some more tracks to the game. That's the only real complaint I have, but it's not like you can't mute it.