Ren'Py - My Brother's Wife [v0.11] [Beanie Guy Studio]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the first time I've ever played a game with very poor English, and still been captured by the story. The author is not an English speaker, but creates scenes in such an intuitive way, with great renders, that it's easy to be taken in by the sexual tension and titillating situations. I personally love it, though I agree with others that it is a slow burn and does not yet have enough content to make it good fap material. But it's a good appetizer. I was hard 60% of the time that I played this game, and then I just went and jerked off to something else with more explicit scenes when I was done the content. Great orgasm due mostly to the build up from this game. Once it gets more sex, it's going to be mind blowing.

    + great renders
    + great ideas
    + multi-image cumshot scenes
    +great characters

    -poor English
    -scene with the milf seems unavoidable and if it's not your thing, it's a disappointing first MC sex scene (but if it is your thing, it's pretty hot)
    -slow development
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    For f@cks sake, this is so lame. So much text/talking. Please just Shut The F@ck Up already. Even with the points cheat/mod, I find myself just full on, fast forwarding. The renders are pretty decent so I gave it an extra star for that alone, but otherwise, this is just a story that meanders aimlessly. Get on with turning her into a bimbo already.

    Oh, and for the love of God, please, please, please, USE A LIGHTER COLOR FOR THE TEXT!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't even read half of the damn story.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow burn warning, but it is a very fun and entertaining game. Love the characters and the base storyline. Not nearly as generic as the majority of stories here.

    Graphics are solid and the limited animations are good. Not a ton of action, but a lot of setup, hence the slow burn.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Easiest 5 stars i have ever given a game! The writing is spot on, the story is original in its on way, the characters are unique and the adult scenes are spot on. The art in the adult scenes have ghood lightning as well as length. Of course the MC has the largest johnson but that is to be expected. The developer also was wise enough to draw in red head fetish but throw in black hair and brunette, not what you find in most red games.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Keep in mind I like this game , it's an enjoyable premise, but that's all it's been for years: a premise. I feel like I've been playing the longest prologue known to man, because you barely actually do anything with your sister-in-law.

    You make plenty of choices that make the characters feel believable, sure, but you'd expect a NSFW game to let me see some bloody sex. Even if it's cliche, I feel like a drunk escapade that grows into some form of sexual and/or romantic relationship would work so much better than whatever's going on in this game, the pacing of which is akin to some telenovella or TV drama that doesn't have the balls to actually do what it's been teasing until the finale of the season.

    I mean it's absurd that in a porn game about stealing your brother's wife, there are more sex scenes with the sister-in-law and your brother than you with the sister-in-law. I mean what the fuck is going on.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    While the characters is what brings me back to check once in a while...with how slow the story moves, I've given up on it. The brother is such a massive dick that I'm waiting for him to get f**ked but this is taking so long its infuriating.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    slow burn game
    can´t read it cuz of the colour of the letters
    forced to get a bj from a granny without much choice
    like i said so often forced sucks
    deleted and ignored
    abandoned coming i can feel it
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Review v.08

    After nearly 2 years and 8 updates, nothing worth mentioning has happened.

    The game started interesting, but it moves at an absolut glacial pace. Still at day8, still doing chores like laundry, pool cleaning or mowing the lawn...
    The high point in the relation with the 'wife' is making out shortly while she was drunk as a skunk, not sure if she even remembers any of that.

    The last 2 updates spend a lot of time on side characters like the friend of the wife or the older neighbour in the current update, which slows down the already glacial progress even more.

    There is no story, it's a slice of life which puts emphasis on all the mundane aspects, like doing chores, breakfast, watching tv etc...or in other words it's repetitive, boring and nothing interesting happens.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, visually this game looks fantastic. Writing wise I docked it a star although personally I felt i should have docked it 2. Why you ask? Well its quite obvious that English is not the dev's language. While you can get the gist of what is being written it does not always come through smoothly. The other thing I noted was in one conversation I was addressed as Cole by the wife. Later it ceased to be the chosen name and became strictly player this player that in every conversation.

    I also see that this is going to be a slow burn game sexually as well. No sex in this version so far (0.7 at time of review) so give this one a pass for another 10 or so updates and then check back. So far the wife and her friend Bella are the only 2 females that come close to having any content. The one character that wants to do something with the player hasn't recieved any more content since she offered to make the player her personal cabana boy. Then there was the hotty on the roadside. That went flat quick. So as I said this needs a lot of updates before it gets sexual. This at this point is just a bunch of teasing with no real pleasing. Although I do find it to be a pleasing prospect of cucking that asshole of a brother.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I usually wait for the "7th update" or whatever but I got bored and tried this out. Mostly knowing it wouldn't be my thing. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, per se, but I don't like it. And the rating would be a middle of the road three stars, but I've made the decision to deduct one star from my rating if they have the default RenPy UI. The funny thing is, not only is it default. But the Dev edited the UI a little bit only to break it? It's kinda hilarious, really. I do like the slow burn, and think the dream and strip club scenes were shoehorned in to keep the horny fans interested.

    You play as MC, a kid just out of a high school(?) in Switzerland. Your parents died and your brother "takes care" of you. Sending you off to school somewhere else and is completely irked by your existence when you return. Then when you get back, you meet his wife that he neglects and is a general asshole to all the time. And the story is pretty much just that. I will say I'm glad it's a little different from the story every other game here has. But it's a lot of the boring day to day stuff with a wife who's slightly unhappy and you, the turbo virgin that, let's be honest, even if you do end up with the woman, you spirited her away from her marriage and that's not good for trust.

    It's very short so far. And the writing is another thing that brings it down. There's a bunch of grammar errors but feels like they try to make it sound smarter with some sprinkled in 3 and 4 syllable Harvard "words of the day." Then act like they didn't completely bugger up that last sentence.

    My two cents: Spend an hour or two to do SOMETHING with the UI. All it takes is replacing picture files. And get some proofreading done, or read the sentences aloud to yourself slowly. But the story's not my cup of tea so I don't know if I'll follow this one up later.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    There are some complaints that it's a slow burn.. but the title is 'My Brother's Wife' and unless you want the game to end quickly I think it kinda has to be that way. Good graphics and gotta say love the wife's model. Good story.. Maybe to satisfy the impatient early action should hit on brother's secretary.. MILF of the neighborhood.. and/or the brother's wife's best friend. But with that being said I really think as this one progresses it will continue to grow the fanbase it has. A 5 out of 5 from me due to the simple fact every time I see this one pop up on 'Latest Updates' I can't wait to see what's new.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It is an exciting game. The idea is really nice. But only problem is it is more of a "no sexual content" game as in till version 6. The dev is slowly bringing the mc and the sister in law closer with every update. I liked this type of game but if you are looking for fap items, donot play this game. You are warned
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game so far. And it isn't rushed. I prefer a bit of a slow burn. Not too slow, but I don't like it when the MC and the object of his affection get it on in a very short time span. I, for one, like the build up as well as the follow through.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah, I think I am calling it here. I really liked the first two release of this project, but things have been stagnant since then with very little actual development in the main relationship and then worse a dream sequence. So, it can claim to have a sexual scene. I was willing to overlook even that however and keep up my patronage until 0.5 rolled out and most of the content including the sex scene involves a newly introduced and likely 1 off stripper character, instead of the female character we are supposed to be trying to seduce in the game who is supposedly the main focus.

    It feels to me the game is trying to be too much at once and is suffering as a result. What started out as a simple enough premise and character cast is I feel expanding too rapidly without being fleshed out, I started to see the writing on the wall of this when the horny neighbor lady was introduced but ignored it back then. In addition to this problem the male character we are playing as is starting to appear worse and worse especially in this update I was under the impression that you were at least on the love route supposed to be a better man than your brother, but I do not think that is the case you seem just as lecherous and manipulative as he is even in the love path.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Besides the decent start (hence why i give 2 stars), there is nothing really good.
    Renders are average, the story is kind of basic - at least that part what you COULD call as "story".
    After 5 releases, there is not really any progression to the main girl at all.
    A game whith a slowly developing story can be called "slow burn" - but how should you call this one then? there is nothing moving forward at all.
    I would give stars for story content, but there is none - so sorry: no stars (except one for the promising basic setup as mentioned)
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    My Brother's Wife (v 0.4) has some good ideas but I think missess on the execution. First of all, in the story. I like well developed characters, believable situations, and slowly evolving the relationships. But in this case, this all happens extremely slowly and in a lot of interactions that are too much slice-of-life for me, with little real interest. This makes the game feel like it's going nowhere or, at least, going there slower than I can handle. Second problem I have with the game is the (unfortunately common) connection between the love path being caring and nice, and the domination path being basically a jerk (when not directly outright toxic). I wanted to take the domination path, I always do, but I don't think it implies being a horrible human being and apparently in this game it kind of does.

    Render quality is pretty decent and I like the look of the female models, which are hot but not in an unbelievable way. Animations are there, but some are better executed than others (the running animation was just off). And sound doesn't have much so far, just a few sound effects here and there.

    All in all, I wanted to like the game but I just couldn't do it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    If slow burns aren't your thing, then I would suggest waiting until it's complete. As someone who only started playing with this update (0.4), I had no problem with the pacing. Had I waited seven months to get here? Who knows. A couple of hours of content can seem extremely long when spread out over seven months.

    As the player, you choose between a corruption path or a love path. On the corruption path, you side with your brother. On the other, you side with his wife. I ended up siding with the wife.

    For me, I like the character interactions. While the English could be better, I didn't have any problems figuring out the context.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The cheating with your wife/gf sister or mother scenario is one of the most exciting for me, so I thought that even this one could be fun, with all the moral implications of betraying your own brother and stuff. Unfortunately every possible layer of conflict is stripped away by this game, 'cause the brother is just an unbelieavable character with no redeeming quality. Kind of boring. Graphics are ok, writing is not very good.
    Over and out.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of version 0.4

    Graphics: 5/5. The characters look good and I especially enjoy Jennifer's look.

    Animation: 5/5. The running animation scene seemed a bit jerky. However, do not know if this is due to my computer or the actual scene. Therefore, i will score it high.

    Grammar: 3/5. The grammar wasn't bad, but there were a few mistakes. Use of double negatives and poor work choices or sentence arrangement. That may sound harsh but it isn't meant to be. After rereading the sentence, I could comprehend what was being said.

    Overall, this game was very enjoyable. I'm interested to see how the MC and Jennifer's relationship develops. I look forward to the next update.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Dr Secz

    Doing good with the story,keep it like that. Dont rush... Invest a bit in graphics,animations. Make us want more and more content. Surprise players.
    You are on a good way to make it excellent. I havent seen story like this in other games. Put in some more caracters in future,but not so soon. Make me want it to play every update.