Edited review.
Started off well and cute, but very quickly devolved into too many LIs and the plot got really convoluted. I think that's a bit of the "anime type story" that the intro suggests, so maybe it's just not my cup of tea (I think others who rate this 5 stars will certainly argue as much), but even though I'm not an otaku I've seen a few anime and generally liked their stories much more than this (ofc this is just an AVN by a solo dev, not a multimillion dollar project). The villain in the story is too cartoonish and the setup to what will ultimately be the great reveal is too convoluted while also being pretty predictable.
Renders are typical HS1 quality. OK and cute, but a bit underwhelming for today's standards. They don't take away from the experience, but I also can't give a star for them
There's very little porn, so I can't give it an extra star for that either.
Exposition is a bit too basic. There's a lot of editing that could be done here. I suggest watching this: In Praise of Great Exposition
Choices are a combination of being too obvious and not consequential. Someone waves "hi" at you and you have a chance of replying to get +1 RP or do nothing and have no consequences. These days, I tend to prefer a system in which everything is a choice and either alternative will influence a relationship, like Paragon and Renegade points (or Love and Corruption, for example). I think developers shy away from having too many choices because they think this grows the # of scenes they have to create exponentially, but I don't think that's right. That would only happen if every choice created a different scene, but if scenes are dependent on cumulative score rather than specific boolean variables, they can still be pretty manageable. The result is at most you get 3 scene variations (one if you're above a certain Love threshold, another if you're above a certain Corruption threshold, and another if you're below both thresholds). But any of those 3 scene choices could also not exist at all so, say, if you're above a Love threshold you get a scene, otherwise you get zilch. So rather than "scenes per each choice variable", think of the scenes you want first and then create "scenes per threshold check".
I think I know where people are coming from on the "great writing" which is the fact that the bully turns lover, MC overcomes his perceived limitations to rise above the challenge, etc. etc. but none of that stuff actually happens _in_ the story. We start by already seeing MC transformed, the bully is a nice person, etc. We're just told these things happened and we're supposed to care, but if we're not shown them, it's hard to really care. See https://blog.reedsy.com/show-dont-tell/
Anyway, the setup is very interesting but the execution left a little bit to be desired. Dialogue and writing improvements could take this from 2/5 to 3.5-4/5. Render and animation improvements could further take it to a solid 4.5/5
I think this setup with cute HS1 girls with cat ears has been done many times before and I don't think this is the best rendition of that fantasy, unfortunately.
Started off well and cute, but very quickly devolved into too many LIs and the plot got really convoluted. I think that's a bit of the "anime type story" that the intro suggests, so maybe it's just not my cup of tea (I think others who rate this 5 stars will certainly argue as much), but even though I'm not an otaku I've seen a few anime and generally liked their stories much more than this (ofc this is just an AVN by a solo dev, not a multimillion dollar project). The villain in the story is too cartoonish and the setup to what will ultimately be the great reveal is too convoluted while also being pretty predictable.
Renders are typical HS1 quality. OK and cute, but a bit underwhelming for today's standards. They don't take away from the experience, but I also can't give a star for them
There's very little porn, so I can't give it an extra star for that either.
Exposition is a bit too basic. There's a lot of editing that could be done here. I suggest watching this: In Praise of Great Exposition
Choices are a combination of being too obvious and not consequential. Someone waves "hi" at you and you have a chance of replying to get +1 RP or do nothing and have no consequences. These days, I tend to prefer a system in which everything is a choice and either alternative will influence a relationship, like Paragon and Renegade points (or Love and Corruption, for example). I think developers shy away from having too many choices because they think this grows the # of scenes they have to create exponentially, but I don't think that's right. That would only happen if every choice created a different scene, but if scenes are dependent on cumulative score rather than specific boolean variables, they can still be pretty manageable. The result is at most you get 3 scene variations (one if you're above a certain Love threshold, another if you're above a certain Corruption threshold, and another if you're below both thresholds). But any of those 3 scene choices could also not exist at all so, say, if you're above a Love threshold you get a scene, otherwise you get zilch. So rather than "scenes per each choice variable", think of the scenes you want first and then create "scenes per threshold check".
I think I know where people are coming from on the "great writing" which is the fact that the bully turns lover, MC overcomes his perceived limitations to rise above the challenge, etc. etc. but none of that stuff actually happens _in_ the story. We start by already seeing MC transformed, the bully is a nice person, etc. We're just told these things happened and we're supposed to care, but if we're not shown them, it's hard to really care. See https://blog.reedsy.com/show-dont-tell/
Anyway, the setup is very interesting but the execution left a little bit to be desired. Dialogue and writing improvements could take this from 2/5 to 3.5-4/5. Render and animation improvements could further take it to a solid 4.5/5
I think this setup with cute HS1 girls with cat ears has been done many times before and I don't think this is the best rendition of that fantasy, unfortunately.