Big bug in the solo route:
Error: <<if>>: no conditional expression specified for <<elseif>> clause (#1)<<if $whoreE == 15>>
//@@.mcm;Ugh... Maybe I should start looking into ways to get better clients... I get paid very little and everything is so... dirty...
I guess... that's how they treat...
Cheap whores....@@
You gulp down just by thinking that, as you wander around the district again to get your mind off it...
While you wander around, you notice another few girls whoring themselves out around there, and realize what the main problem could be, as they look astonishing, from their big and nicely shaped breasts, their large and prominent bottom, and a hourglass figure that would make a lot of girls envious of... and now... including you...
@@.mcm;O-Of course I can't compete...@@
You think to yourself, as you compare their beautiful figure and looks to your average, yet slightly feminine looks...
@@.mcm;Looking feminine with just this won't help...@@
You consider that maybe you should try to get better looks, and improve on caring your body and become more selective of clients, but then...
@@.mcm;No no... what am I thinking of? I can't... change my body just for that... I'm doing this because I want to leave this place... And forget about this...
You reach down to your bottoms and grip on them with your own hands, as you notice how soft they are...
@@.mcm;I'm doing fine but... I... I could do better...@@
You picture yourself with a bigger, more prominent ass, that you could shake and hypnotize any men with it into paying a big sum of money just to keep looking at it...
@@.mcm;Nono... U-Ugh... I have to think this through more carefully...@@
You turn away from that place, and start to think of other alternatives...
@@.mcm;Getting my clothes dirty is a real problem... and I can't seem to find any way to clean them... I should... start by buying other clothes... even if they are just as bad... They at least don't have visible stains on them....@@//
<<if $foundRedExperiments>>
//You wander around again, until you eventually hit against that 'Experiments lab' again...
@@.mcm;Maybe... I could consider it...
I still don't trust the test subject thing but... I guess anything's possible...@@
You decide to not enter yet, and just go back 'home'...//
[[Next...|BedroomRed][$whoreE += 1]]
(This is the last event of this route as of this update, you can check a few more things in the lab but I'd suggest saving before progressing any further to avoid any progression conflicts in the future)
//You wander around again, until you eventually hit against a weird, whire building that you never noticed before, but that seems to be important, since no other building you've seen so far was painted white...
@@.mcm;I should look into this... Maybe it can clear my head a bit...@@//
[[Walk into the strange building...|RedExperiments]]
<<elseif >>