I would like to say that this games has a lot of potential, however it's held back by a few glaring issues.
Animations 4/5
Story 2/5
Writing 1.5/5
Renders 4/5
Characters 2/5
Music/Sound 1.5/5
I have a few suggestions that may get your game the attention it deserves. The story starts off decently, but the grammar holds it back way to often. I found myself auto-correcting full sentences/dialogue, which is something you do not want from your audience. I suggest finding an English speaker to help you out on this front, along with a proof-reader to make sure everything is ready to go. Your story would stand out much better when written properly.
I know this is a porn game, but events take place way too fast, while also not giving a proper introduction into each character. I understand they all like the MC but a lot of the lead up to certain events seemed out of place just for the sake of having a nude/sex scene. I suggest slowing it down a bit and build up to these things, while showing how each character is developing towards the MC. It gives the reader a since of connection to each character for better or worse(depends on said character's attitude or personality type...some times even their appearance.).
Most of the girls have the same type of personality, so outside of their look, there's really no difference between them. No one has a goal, other than to have sex with the MC.
Music and sound define almost every living creature in the world, it can make us happy, sad, hopeful, laugh, cry and so on. With such a great tool why would you leave this from your game? Sure you have music here and there but a lot of it is out of place or doesn't t fill the mood. Use these things to your advantage such as, rain, swimming sounds, splashing, morning birds, coffee being made in the cafe/customers talking, and so on. Great music and sound can bring a story to life, while bad music/sound can make it worse.
This game could be amazing with the proper care and love, seek out help with the English parts and fill in the music/sound department, and you'll see how much better the story is for both you and the audience. Ill change my review when/if I see any changes for the betterment of this game.