VN - Ren'Py - My Employee's Family [Ep.8a Patreon] [MEF]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hoo doggy. If you enjoy playing as a man building possibly the biggest harem I have ever witnessed outside of NoMoshing's Harem Collector, you're in for a treat. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing all the bumps.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    (Reviewed Ep.8a - I haven't finished all current content. This review represents about ~2-3 hours of content played)

    This knows what it is -- an unabashed f*ckfest harem game with shallow content and a simple story to deliver more H-scenes. If you are looking for a straightforward game with slightly darker themes (domination, cuckolding, corruption) that features nearly near-nonstop action, you can't really go wrong.

    The Good ((y))
    • Good diversity of girls with different personalities, body types and overall looks
    • A ton of H-scenes -- the games progresses almost literally from H-scene, setting up the next H-scene, to H-scene. Repeat.
    • Good amount of content
    • Some animation and sound effects during H-scenes
    • Built-in walkthrough (optional)
    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • The art / renders are nothing special -- the models and settings are mostly stock DAZ and you've seen them in other games
    • Few and simple animations
    • There's no challenge here -- very little drama leading into H-scenes, even with brand-new characters
    • Unavoidable cuckolding / suggestions of MMF sharing even if routes aren't
    • The "story" is quite convoluted
    I'm not invested in the characters or story but happy to play it for the plentiful H-scene content.
    Likes: Nastys
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    a 5-6 gb game that actually feels like it has 5 gb of content, the ntr is completly avoidable, the cuck of your girls being there in some of the scenes is not avoidable but i enjoy it tbh. a very fap worthy game and writing that is not bad. Netori is the best :)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of version Ep.7

    After playing a spate of wholesome AVNs, I went looking for something with a little bit more edge, and My Employee's Family delivered, more or less. As made clear from the outset, the mc falls in lust, not love. Indeed his thesis is that love is lust, and this seems to bear out as after a good deal of fucking, his women proclaim their love for him. While obviously unrealistic, this still feels earned, and gives the game the slightly darker tone I was looking for.

    I'll quickly cover the fundamentals:
    • Plot - It's a drama-lite modern day story, starting with the mc hiring one of his employee's wives as a "secretary" (to fuck her), and events just sort of unfold from there. Nothing grand, but nothing absurd either. It's engaging enough. However further into the story the developer starts relying on odd logic, as the mc often feels the need to withold information when sharing it would benefit him.
    • Writing - The dialogue is good. The game employs a lot of internal monologues which work quite well.
    • Visuals - Not spectacular, but good enough.
    • Adult content - Lots of sex scenes which are pretty hot.
    Now comes the big caveat: cucking. It's heavy on it. We're talking fucking someone's wife while their husband is right next to you, naked, and sometimes jerking off too. Now, once you claim a woman, she never sleeps with anyone else, but that doesn't stop the antagonists from scheming to get your women. So you have to be comfortable with the threat of NTR, which can be a turnoff in and of itself, even though it never materialises. I would prefer if the other male characters could get out of the picture, but according to the in-game walkthrough there is a sharing route (which I did not play), so I fear that the other male characters will be around to stay to facilitate those scenes I will never see.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is... interesting. But that's okay, I'm fine with interesting. No stars off for interesting, but I will spoil it to date so you can make up your own mind about it.

    Through Chapter 5, the game was basically corrupting your employee's family--hence the title. The employee is down, out, and sick. Sounds particularly cruel, doesn't it? Well, it is... though to be fair, he kind of deserves it. Absolutely terrible husband, using his wife as an additional meal ticket. He doesn't know his boss is a letch, but I'm sure there has to be some suspicious gossip going around the office. Meh, I digress.

    First our MC starts with his employee's wife, then his daughter. Eventually his son comes into the picture, but it's more fun to cuck the boys so we steal his wife as well. Not enough? How about the employee's sister-in-law coming to town to grift on what she believes to be her wealthy in-laws. She's a vicarious gold digger and she's brought her daughter along for the ride to seduce her cousin for family wealth, but she's woefully unaware that Ch. 1 happened so she has no idea the cousin is penniless and is only allowed to live with the MC at a cost of cuckoldry. It's a lot of ridiculous, over-the-top shenanigans by an exceptionally hedonist chad of an MC. If the game were more serious about itself, I would be bothered by this degree of Gary Stu... but it's almost a parody, so I accept it.

    Once Chapter 6 begins, well... I guess it still is about corrupting the employee's family, technically speaking, but well... spoiler time:
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    So yeah, weird as that is, I won't take away stars for all of... that. What I will take away stars for, however, are the endless spelling and grammatical errors, or even letters being dropped randomly into the script--I've seen it more than once, but "tdiscuss" triggered me to start reviewing--all over the script. Developer should seriously consider an editor of some repute... if not to fix various language errors, then at least to fix triggering typos.

    The graphics are above average... except for scenes of the employee's shambles of a residence. Nothing truly awful aside from that, and nothing particularly fancy or polished.

    The music is non-existent save for a couple of sex scenes where the music is so loud, my instinct was to go into the preferences and cut it to half volume. Honestly, it's not even a good tune for this, it sounds like something you'd hear as background music for an overworld street level in a grungy cyberpunk game. Part of me was hoping this was a sign of music becoming a regular thing starting with Ch. 7 and that, perhaps, the dev might even go back and add music to previous chapters... but nope! As soon as the scene changes, the music disappears entirely. Why even have it? So disappointing.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Average game and story is what you read in the overview. MC is the boss later he will bang his employee's wife and make her addict to his cock and later bangs all other girl members of his family and builds a harem with his big cock. There is also option to share the girls. Renders are average and models are usual models we have seen in many other games. If you are looking to play nice story game this one's not for you otherwise try it.

    Worse decision by dev to change a guy into girl not some guy but a guy
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    .but it's players choice to engage in sex or not.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    [Episode 7 Review]

    This is a porn game, in every sense of the word. The MC's a Gary Stu and has women literally addicted to his dick, the world's logic bends to his will so he can have everything he wants, the story barely matters after the set up and things just happen.

    But, the fetishes on display are done well enough (the ones I chose anyway), the renders are pretty good, most of the sex scenes are pretty hot, and (apart from some of the overly verbose inner monologues) the pacing is very quick so you never get bored.

    Bottom line--I think it's worth a shot, just don't expect it to be anything more than a fap-worthy power fantasy.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent , a few logical leaps but nothing uncommon for such a story. the gender changing is tolerable in the latest update as it seem erotic science has enabled womb production? waiting to see further updates will recommend
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ep.7] You are powerful and hung man who has taken over a company and made it a success. The ex-owner's son is a gambler and in dept, so he convinces his wife to sleep with you to secure a position in the company and earn money for his addiction. The joke is on him because his wife is super hot and has been missing a man's touch for a long time. It doesn't take long for your relationship to turn from being used to being madly in love. Throw her daughter, her daughter-in-law, and her sister's family into the mix and the MC builds a strong harem out of the family! All hail the giant penis!

    The women in the game are very good looking. There is a large focus on sex scenes, kinky themes, and building a harem that loves you completely. The story won't win awards but it succeeds in providing sexy scenarios and plenty of excuses to fuck! It is possible to share your harem with another man but I chose not to do this.

    Overall this is a great porn game!
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    After reading some comments and the page I wasn't expecting much from this game and it still underdelivered from my low expectations. Writing is atrocious but not as bad as the story itself. Choices are mostly meaningless, only adding or reducing content you may not want to see. Characters have no real personality nor interest in anything they do. So it is a quick fuck fest since the beginning with no buildup or anything towards it. And it barely has any content even though it's suposed to have seven episodes.

    Render quality is mediocre in its best moments, animations are very basic. Sound only has a few moans and that's it. And it opened with a bug.

    So, all in all, this is a terrible game you would do well saving the time it requires (which is not that much anyway) for other games.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game, sharing content is optional / avoidable. I like the progressive plot during the game play. Most renders are 3/5 (Zoey 5/5!)
    Plenty of kinks and fetishes, definitely focused on what or which plot (a few indicated as we go along) is the one that will take the final lead in the end, maybe more than one will, who knows. Honestly like the transformation made with a certain male NPC... Another Wow! Has similar elements as other VNs but also has some unique differences I really like and keeps me wondering what's next.
    For me it's 5/5 and looking forward to next update!
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2595272

    Basically overrated and overreacted game. I can't see why there's even hype for this gam.

    1-) Another no story game. In the first scene, mc fucking his worker's wife from 5 another angles. And that love interest is the only good one. The experience engineering is 0, you are giving me one of the game's best gem in the first second. Don't even read the dialogues because they are basically npc, there's no character.

    2-) The game's size is like 6 gb because the dev not compress png's. So don't even think about long gameplay time.

    3-) The only good part is "cucking others".

    More than 3 years and still nothing fancy here
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    User Interface:...2/10
    User Experience:..2/10
    Avg:...........2.86/10 [1.43/5]

    The writing in this game doesn't even deserve a review. I do not wanna hear any defense for it. It opens with a tired ass 4th wall break "Heh, you're probably wondering how I got here." NO. NO I AM NOT. "This is the story how I went from lonely to having everything." But he's a super successful non-descript businessman with infinite money. There's no problems, his life is already perfect. So, because I hate myself, I'm gonna go through this dumpster fire and never have to touch it again. My one request, to any fledgling devs that may read this, can we PLEASE stop using this male character model for mc? His wispy ass hair, and Plumbers Don't Wear Ties face are unappealing and annoying. Google translating everything is an awful and unacceptable practice that also needs to die. The fact I have to point this crap out over and over is the most depressing part of this. So let me appeal to your baser needs for once. Player, value your time and penis more than this.(Never thought the day would come I'd talk to randos about their penis, but here we are) I can understand wanting a power fantasy, but this feels like it was written by a middle schooler.

    I was gonna try to go through every detail of this, but it's so braindead stupid. MC is a skeezeball weinstein type that opens this story up with molesting a woman. He's not charming, attractive, or really has any redeeming quality at all. He's just a rich piece of shit and forces his way into a 'relationship' with three bimbos. There's no story beats to comment on, no meaningful choices other than where MC finishes. "bUt wHaT aBoUt tHe bAd eNd cHoIcEs?" Who cares? They were put there for no reason other than to have a choice. There's also sharing options (which I personally don't care either way about) But there's no shot that anyone unfortunate enough to like this game ever picked any of those choices. So they also don't know their own demographic, which is hilarious. Every "event" happens the same way MC has sex with girl, new girl watches them have sex repeatedly until someone confronts them, then new girl starts having sex too. Rinse repeat.

    Seriously, the game OPENED to a crash/traceback saying it couldn't find a font. And the game just randomly crashed on me for no reason. The art is boring, the English is not good, the dialogue and story are things you thought of when you were 13, this is a disappointment. The game doesn't even remember if you put in the dumb "patch" code or not. I really don't care if it's incompetence or negligence, either, congrats on making a sex game boring.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The trans content pretty much came out of nowhere, 5 episodes in then trans content is forced on the player/reader. The only good thing about the update is that the sex scene was somewhat optional. I understand that the dev needs to make money but that's not why he had patreons to begin with, which makes me wonder how much he was paid for the m2f content. If the next update doesn't remove and/or rewrite/change the last update most of his patreons will leave. I don't understand why devs always screw over the people that are paying them.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game very much. Finally decent Netori game, where we are the bull, ultimate CHAD (big cock, lots of money, strong erection, lots of stamina and sexdrive).

    Sharing content is optional and avoidable. Plot is simple, but very intresting.
    Renders are not great 2/5
    Not a lot of animations and their quality is average at best.
    Lots of kinks and fetishes.

    For me 5/5 I cant wait for next update!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly only gave 2 stars because of the renders. probably should be less. some seriously hot girls, but the story is so fast that you dont really get attached to anyone, you just immediately fuck all the women you meet because apparently you are so irresistible. the writing is also atrocious. the dialogue is like a 4chan virgin's fucked up fantasy. women cum from a touch of the vagina, and the guy acts like a super cool macho chad and its cringe af. but ya the renders seem pretty good. so much potential wasted honestly
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great fun. Delivers on the tags with great models and animations. No technical issues and language has been improved. Needs a little polish here and there but that doesn't interfere with the enjoyment.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a fun game! So, this is an NTR game, but its mainly from the 'guy getting all the girls' rather then the cuck side.. though you see the impacts on the cucks. And I'm using that word intentionally because this isn't a swinger or hotwife or cheating game, but does include a lot of the 'humiliation toward the guy' aspect of things. I have mixed feelings on that, would rather kinda include the other guys as 'sure, you can play with my toys too' then 'humiliation you don't get none of this' but.. eh. That's a personal pref. So.
    Graphics: good. Not great (the expressions tend to be a bit blank) but good.
    Writing: hot, with nice amounts of vulgarity. Not the most in-depth story, a lot of 'aaaand now she's addicted to cock' easy-mode that kinda challenges immersion but eh, it makes for a 'fun quick-to-the-romp' experience
    Plot: ... they're all just instantly into you. I'm assuming you'll find out at some point you have some magic mind-control pheromone or something. Beyond that there is a story that's primarily there to keep introducing more people into the harem, but it works.
    Sex: lots and lots of it (good), including some really fun risky sex situations.
    For me, personally, I enjoyed it. If you're into this stuff you probably will too
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has everything I have been looking for, a good story so far, male domination without being forceful, the models are very good looking and you do not have to wait for ever to get to the good stuff.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    edit: new patch has fixed 90% of the update. I'll raise my rating to 4 since we waited all this time for an update, and half of it was weird material to avoid. so a lot of us got 1/2 an update

    last update when i subbed I would have given this a 5 star. Now this update...........Dev said if we are on the harem path he will not throw in any new kinks. Then we get this update. There is now a patch to add a not interested choice along with the other two choices for James now, but we don't get the choice till halfway into the scene. so we have to read all the disturbing sexual thoughts james is having about the mc, then watch the doc finger him before we get the choice to say no. The choice to avoid a character should be at the begining of the scene