Unity - Completed - My Erotic Summer Vacation ~Memories of a Rural Summer~ [Final] [dieselmine]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I can't like this game, I can't call it a good slice of life, I can't even call it a good collection of CGs.

    The plot and goal of the game is of course, simple. You're enjoying your summer vacation with your not-cousins-predisposed-indisposed-whatever-the-fuck at some rural village.

    Problem is there's not much of a game to play, your goal is to reach 10 affection points each with Yurika and/or Aika. Then have sex 4 times with them to get their respective "endings", which is just the normal ending of you saying goodbye. If you manage to do it for both same time, you get the pregnancy sisters ending which is of course the good ending.

    To reach said goal, you must roam across the map looking for [?] marks and not only that you must answer correctly to all of them.

    That's it. That's the game. The events are repeatable every few days, and there are no changes in the results of the answers. You get one point for either Aika and/or Yurika for a correct answer. Pick the same one every time and it'll work.

    It's a horribly clunky, repetitive CG collection game that drains time to a horrific degree. To make matters even worse, to unlock all recollections... YOU NEED TO FIND ALL THE RECOLLECTIONS. Making the Recollection unlock switch upstairs in the house completely and utterly fucking redundant!

    This gameplay is absolutely horrible, and completely and utterly slogged down. The controls are terribly unresponsive, and it doesn't help that the game's map is both clunky and empty, a terrible combination. The MC's movement speed is equivalent to a quadruple amputated cheetah crawling on its chin. Skateboard is not fast enough and let's not forget that fast travel is locked behind the 16th fucking day.

    I cannot recommend this game in any way. The only thing, ONLY thing stopping this game from being a 1 star is the art, which is very good. This is no doubt in my opinion Dieselmine's worst game yet.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Writing: 5/10
    Imagery: 6/10
    Gameplay: 6/10
    Kinks: 5/10
    Overall: 5/10


    That's the word I'd use to describe this game. You got this open world aspect with plenty of room to run about, explore, but there's jack shit to find. Besides the 2 or 3 events per day, you will not find anything to do.

    Highly recommend following the guild to a 'T' if you hope to end the game with an ending that unlocks all the scenes.

    Was excited for the possibility of a 3D Summer Memories, but all I got was a skate simulator.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Nearly impossible to get everything on your first playthrough without using a walkthrough. Some events are time gated and the clock moves quite fast on its own.

    That aside, the scenes themselves are well done. The girls are attractive and unique from each other. Navigating the map is kinda fun at first but quickly loses the fun aspect by the end of the first week. If you could unlock the bike from the getgo and if time didn't move forward on it's own, 5/5. But because those two aspects are present, I feel 4/5 is fair.
  4. 3.00 star(s)



    Enjoyed the artwork and H-scenes, however, the game is quite grindy. The game is also somewhat hard as there are no hints or progress bar to show you what to do with each girl.

    Like everyone else said, walking around everywhere sucks till you unlock the bike after day 15. I didn't know this till my second playthrough, but you have pass time by clicking the clock.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is lovely , the gameplay is simple but I recommend using the guide that can be found in the comments to make it even easier , the visuals are nice and the animations too , it lacks a little more duration and content also a free mode after finishing the summer to get all the events if you mess up. But the developers chose to place on the first floor of the house an object that unlocks all the events once you finish the game for the first time.... or you can simply use the full save that is in the post.
    It's not a 5 but to improve its score so people give it a chance I'll give it the 5 stars.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I wish I could put this game (abbreviating: MESV) at 4 stars but it was kind of a poor experience, I'd call it 3.5 stars. The game has a lot of charm, the 3D world is fun and lively, and the game is reminiscent of other similar titles. The king of this genre is probably Summer Memories (abbreviating: SM) and this title shares many characteristics with it (You are a male, staying with distant family during summer, you awaken your sexuality with them while also performing whimsical daily tasks like morning exercises, collecting bugs, fishing, etc...). My Secret Summer Vacation (different game) is also similar (but that title has been banned from F95). Unfortunately, MESV was just a bit too fucky to get H content in, and while there was a good amount of H content, it was not quite enough to justify the fuckiness. Primary complaints:
    • If you play MESV without a guide, you will absolutely make progress and see H content, however you will often have no idea what you need to do in order to progress, and aimlessly wonder around trying to find it. You will likely get to a point where you don't know if you've seen everything with one of the two girls or not, or if you have done everything needed for a good ending or not. This is a primary difference vs Summer Memories - SM is a bit fucky to get the harem ending, but you at least are quite confident with your progress (each girl has a progress tracker, you are told when you do something that progresses it, so you know where you stand and how to improve). There is also no repeatable sex scenes DURING GAMEPLAY in MESV - There is a well-implemented gallery but once you see a scene in a particular playthrough, it's gone unless you play again or visit the gallery.
    • Another primary difference is the world - In SM you are basically teleporting around the map - quick and easy. In MESV you must physically guide your player there through the 3D world (for much of the game). At first it's charming but it quickly reveals that it actually sucks big donkey dick because the map is big and you are slow. You do quickly get a skateboard that allows you to travel ~2.5x faster, and then you eventually get a bike that allows you to teleport, but I have no idea why the dev did not just give you these items up front. I'm not trying to grind a character's abilities, I'm trying to grind my dick on some dummy thicc ass. Literally would have only helped the game by allowing a player to start with them.
    Anyways, there are a few other complaints, but in summary it boils down to the game being a bit fucky and I eventually just downloaded a save from the kind gentleperson on page 3 and used the gallery. This meant I missed some dialog between scenes but I was done. I have only touched on negatives, so allow me to mention some positives:
    • The two girls are great compliments to each other; One young and naïve, the other older and well aware of sexual topics (somewhat similar to the two sisters in SM). They are both attractive and fun to seduce. There are a good number of scenes with each, some scenes are still-only but many are animated. The scenes have good dialog within. I do appreciate a game that implements a classic harem/pregnancy sex ending, and there is one here. Although the world is horrible to navigate for much of the early game, it is mentally stimulating and engaging to do so in. Low-res but the world is colorful and does not feel empty.
    So yeah... I foresee some people 5 staring this, and I foresee a few people 2 staring it. I'd put it in the 3-to-4 range personally; and having read my review and knowing what to expect, hopefully you'll end up on the higher end. Do want to note that there are some guides (1, 2) linked throughout the comments.