VN - Ren'Py - My Ex-Future Family [S2 Ep.2 v0.3a] [tremmiGames]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game deserves 2.5 stars but unfortunately that isn't possible hence the 2 stars.
    The one and only good thing about this game is the renders are good, animations are basic and that's about it.
    The rest is an incoherent story plot, poor English, very superficial character development.
    What it looks like is the person who wrote this learned their English by watching high school movies and sitcoms from the late 90's - early 00's. Prepare for a nostalgia moment of the come back of the "bang", you'll see a lot of "I'm going to bang her"....
    The whole thing is very basic don't try it out expecting much, it can be entertaining though.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I couldn't get into it, I tried but it starts rough and I felt it wasn't improving.

    The game throws a random sex scene at you for some reason in the first few minutes. Almost like the dev didn't trust in their story so felt the need to pad it out. That's usually a bad sign.

    The general plot also leads it to be a bit poor. The whole premise is the MC has "an amnesia" and "forgets all". But this as a plot device can only work is everyone else has amnesia also. The fact they don't means scenes don't make sense, they're written as the person being awful to you cause you've been awful to them for all this time is somehow in the wrong just cause you've had a bump to the head. People react to you like it doesn't matter, and it really doesn't. Also because you don't know anything, dialogue is almost stupid. In one of the earlier scenes you met a neighbour who acts like she's not seen you in years.... how does that work? "Did you leave your naughtiness behind?" who talks like that.

    The English is just awful.

    *knock at the door* I'll open, She keeps silence. or my favourite "You are cocksleeve"

    Not to mention in the first scene scene you're in the dev has done the render so you are staring into the "camera" which you do it................. what the hell, who thought that was a good idea?
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very good - nice visuals, interesting story, beautiful characters, I totally recommend it. The rating does not show how good the game actually is. I really hope that the creator keeps working on it and that he doesn´t abandon it as many other promising games.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is your usual "go and fuck everyone" type of game, tho it's somewhat okay in comparison to some others. Doesn't mean it's good, it's just average, but what really kills it for me is freeroam. It's tiresome to click through a shitton of rooms just to get to the content. Meaningless tasks like find a goddamn battery in completely different location for a clocks from another location. Or backtrack your way back from the bathroom to the kitchen to grab a stool. Or click your way through the entire school to find out which asshole took your sister's notebook, then to the backyard to confirm it was him, then back to school in chem class, then to the toilet. Worst part is - no journal. I didn't pay much attention to what some characters say as they weren't interesting so i had to spend quite some time to move around and find everything the game needed from me. Worst kind of freeroam. And the content is pretty average too, nothing really stand out so i don't even know what to tell about it. It's okay, i guess? For a porn-focused game. Animations are okay, but could be better. Renders are nice, character models are nice, but that's it. From what i understood there is no plot, just slice of life with pretty much nothing going on (might be wrong as i didn't get too far into the game). MC is not a total cringebag, at least. He has some pretty stupid thoughts from time to time, but tolerable. I've read my fair share of cringe thoughts in AVNs, this one is not that bad, again, in comparison.
    Wouldn't recommend it unless you don't mind freeroaming.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Wanted to like the game but couldn't, because the mechanics just keep gumming up the works. Lack of roll back forces you to constantly make saves and have to rely on the autosave way more than necessary.

    Crappy writing/english, makes some scenes complete gibberish.

    Useless and non-intuitive chores make it impossible to progress, much less immerse yourself in the story (what little there is to it). Never got past the "lost laptop" absurdity in the school. After searching every possible location, I don't know if I missed something or just didn't say the right thing to the right person - without feedback of any kind or a hint system, this is bound to happen to everyone sooner or later.

    Decent renders is the only reason I'm giving this an extra star, but frankly I would avoid this one until, the dev completely reworks the mechanics.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is incredible, the animations are good, the story, the characters, the graphics, the design, everything is elaborated, 10/10, but they could improve the performance a bit, optimize it a bit, but the game is fantastic.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game could be seriously great. 4 to 5 stars.
    I love the female models. Even their various personalities are done well.
    Graphics during scenes while not the best I've seen are hot and animated.

    The dev's first language is not English and is shows but it's far from being illegible. It could be improved with some native English proof reader relatively easily in my opinion.

    I have enjoyed the events and the relationship development with most of the characters. But I only achieved this by following the walkthrough step by step and some cheating.

    What pulls the game down though is:
    1. The horrible coding. Some of it seems to be a "feature" but I'm not sure it works correctly like the paywalled rollback. I changed to game to premium but still sometimes the rollback becomes disabled.
    2. The absolute lack of guidance. Without a walkthrough there is no way to collect all the achievements and secret images. Especially with rollback disabled. There are a large number of stats that will enable or disable certain events, but you don't know what your are missing, unless you check the script! You won't even know there was a missed opportunity there.
    Other than "Good Boy" and "Bad Ass" I don't know what "routes" exist, which girls can you chase after during the same playthrough and and which ones are exclusive to each other because you have to prioritize different stats to advance them.
    And except for 2 or 3 choices you won't be able to knowingly advance those stats. It's not like a full sandbox where you can train or study do develop a stat to advance a certain character's events.
    There are freeroam events but it's limited what you can do on them. Currently, there are exactly as many option to interact with a girl as many times you need to advance to the last available level. But not only will you not have enough points unless you get the maximum out of every event, but you can't even go to interact with every girl because you can visit less places each day than there are events available.
    Unless the dev adds in some free roaming days to complete these missed events at some points, the only way to do them will be with cheating. And the cheat menu is another paywalled feature.

    I don't know what would have been my gaming experience without the walkthrough and without cheating.
    It's possible I would have gotten only very few erotic scenes and a lot of refusals. Maybe I'd have to face a bad ending at the end because I couldn't completely finish a route with any of the girls.
    That would be a frustrating experience deserving a 1 star rating.

    In my opinion either the sandbox/stat system should be heavily improved (Notification when a stat changes. Showing unavailable options greyed out. Consistency in which stats are needed for a character etc.) or the whole stat system should be removed (except maybe the good boy/bad ass points) and everywhere where a stat point based branching can occur currently only the optimal version should be left. (This is basically what I do when using cheat to adjust my stats for the stat checks.)
    I'd love for people to be able to experience the characters and events like this, without following a walkthrough step by step or using the cheat al the time.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Translation is bad enough that reading the story is giving me a headache, and not to mention many choices are really choices at all. Also the forced incest when we have so many good options that aren't the family is just a major disappointment. If all you care about is incest, then you will probably like this.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for My Ex-Future Family S2 Prologue v0.1d:

    Summary: This game might be worth a try, but don't set your expectations very high, especially since the Ren'Py VN features you like have been disabled for... money.

    Story: 3/5 - It's pretty much another vanilla incest story.

    Writing: 2/5 - There are a lot of translation issues but even without them the dialogue would frequently be cringeworthy.

    Renders: 4/5 - Renders aren't super detailed or super high resolution, but they are good. The female models are pretty, however, neither the male or female genitalia look very natural or even good.

    Animations: 3/5 - I give credit to the game for having a decent number of animations, but they're just OK, they're not very natural-looking.

    Gameplay: 1/5 -
    - Rollback is disabled almost all of the time. Apparently, this feature is paywalled, but even if you pay, it doesn't work all of the time.
    - Skip is disabled (unless you've played the scene before). I think the dev is trying to force players to read the poor writing.
    - There are choices that affect stats of the NPCs, but the choices are worded in such a way that it's sometimes difficult to figure out what the choices are trying to do. I think it's mostly a translation problem, but since rollback is disabled, players are forced to save, make a choice, then go to the cheat menu and check what effect it had then reload if it didn't have the desired effect. So tedious. It really makes me want to just not bother with this game anymore.
    - There are dozens of cases where various NPCs names are misspelled at the top of the text box and within the dialogue. Sometimes it leaves you wondering if there is another character in the game you don't know about.
    - I noticed two instances where the thumbnail photo of the character the MC is talking to doesn't match the character.
    - WTF is up with the repeating scenes? The MC wakes up and a scene happens in the bedroom, then he goes about his day and the next day wakes up and the same scene repeats and he can repeat other scenes, too. This seems like a bug, but it might be intentional to let the player see scenes that couldn't viewed on previous days because the game only lets the player visit 3 locations per day. Honestly, I don't know what the game is trying to accomplish with this.
    - All of the gameplay issues make the game feel cheap and rushed.

    Content: 4/5 - The thread indicates that this game debuted in June 2022. If that's the case, then the game has a very good amount of content.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a copy of a post I recently did and I believe it has enough details to give a anyone clear idea of what's to be expected playing this VN.

    First off, you do not have the ability to roll back in this game unless you use the UnRen-ultrahack app and the rollback doesn't work all the time even after using the UnRen-ultrahack app so keep that in mind. And to top it off, they only have 4 save windows per page (which is completely sensless) for a game that almost requires you to save every 20 mouse clicks just so you can get back and grab a special render you missed or to try a different route.

    And as for all Tremmi games I've played (all of them), my main issue remains the dialogue that many times just doesn't make any sense at all as if it was translated with a cheap translator app, and I'm sorry to say that it's still the same after so many years. I'm sure the story and dialogue would make more sens if I played it in the devs's original language but since I can only speak fluently in English, French & some Spanish, it looks like I'm shit out of luck.

    One example: at the beginning of the game when Bree says "I came to take your news, and tell you mine." Now in what English speaking world does this phrase make any sense at all? Please someone enlighten me.

    You will 100% absolutely want to use the walkthrough because some things are just so stupid that there's no way you can figure it out (unless a fkn miracle happens or you trigger it by pure mistake).

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    I had promised myself that I wouldn't try another Tremmi game after playing the first 2. I just had to see if there were any positive improvements but after 30 minutes of gameplay I'm already fedup and gave up on the game. Really sad because the renders and assets are beautiful and you do get to avoid NTR for those who like to have the option.

    But the painful translation and too frequent sensless dialogue, the 4 windows per save pages for a game that should have at the very least 16 to 20 per page considering how many times you need to save in this VN (by the way Harem Hotel has 100 save windows per page and most other RenPy VN's allow you rollback and still have 8 or more windows per page), the things that require you to repeat the same identical moves many times in order to trigger something (like the battery at school) or having to go to the backyard twice to trigger the dialog to help your sister, and the ETERNAL Tremmi locked rollback which can only be activated using another app are what makes me drift away and abandon this one also.

    Good luck regardless.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It is not boring, most of the girls look good and most of them have likeable personalities. Also I hate sandbox/free roam style games, and since this game has a free roam system extremely basic and simplified, it becomes a good thing to me. The things I desliked about this game are the protagonist and the "romance" system. The protagonist is a pervert douchebag, he is an asshole level the protagonist of the School Days anime like, he doesn't even feel bad for be cheating, and he doesn't even think about it. He is by far the worst character of this game. And the "romance" system, is also related to having a bad protagonist, since your choices don't matter. it doesn't matter what you choose, you'll always end up having sex with all the girls, even though you were just with your girlfriend and you just met this new girl. There is literally no one who you are not forced to have a sexual relationship with. And as I said, he doesn't care at all, so even though there are girls you don't like, or there is an specific girl you want to pursue only, you have no option but to "cheat" on her too.

    It wasn't boring at least, but it's still far from being a good VN to me, that's why I rate it as average.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Has a lot of positives and negatives.

    Character design is good, hot ladies. But then some of the proportions, poses and dresses are downright stupid - not in a hot way.

    There's free roaming, which I absolutely hate. But it's sporadic and sort of a mini-game. You don't have to waste time clicking and hoping for events and remembering where to go at what time and whatever else passes for gameplay these days. No! When you are free roaming you have a singular mission to fulfil (and time limits). It honestly feels like a competent game at times.

    The dialogue has moments where it's kinda legit awesome. It feels like a mother talking to her son, a sister chatting with her bro. There are quite a few amazing moments. But then there's a bunch of "the doctor is kind of a slut and I can just cum on her at any time" and other wacky stupid stuff. I don't mind the waky-ness. It's just not balanced. And there's a bit of aggregious engrish every now and then.

    Overall it's a good - if completely uneven game. Some moments are really cool, others are really stupid. I kinda like it, but don't love it.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Like others have stated, the renders are good.

    What detracts is the writing. So far it seems like personalities just flip. The MC so far isn't really likeable, even when you are controlling the actions, who would - after losing all their memories - just decide to masturbate in an unfamiliar house?

    Disabled Rollback is a pain. No skip unseen text.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Renders and animations are above average. However there are some things that are below average that brings it down to a 3 star.

    The things that need to be fixed/changed is the unnecessary roaming. Either the translation is bad or the story has too many things missing for it to make a lot of sense. Not being able to be roll back is annoying AF
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Character models are impressive. Unusual stories attract me more. The choice will determine the fate of family. I hope to have more emotional descrip tions to mother and sister. NTR are always controversial, but I always support NTR. Goodluck!
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    Promising game so far. Good animations, interesting story, good variety of girls which are quite hot and interesting gameplay with some achievements here and there. Looking forward to future updates for this one.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Meaning Less

    [Review v0.1b]

    Right now there isn't much content but the game already is very polished.

    It is mostly a vn but has a nice sandbox section midway through with an extra scene to unlock, as well as some hidden collectibles during the dialogues. Everything is optional of course.

    Renders are nice and the story is simple but also doesn't take itself too seriously, which is always refreshing.

    Only downside was that the sex scenes felt a bit rushed and there were lots of dream sequences, I always find it weird to have dream sequences in a game that technically is already supposed to be a fantasy.