VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Fake Goblin Wife [Final] [Ballerina Group]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, when i saw game at first time, i was intrigued.
    Then i start the game i saw a nice art at the main screen.
    Story was little shady and slightly crumpled, but style of backgrounds and game in complex was interesting and different from usual.
    All feels normal, in general, for this type of games, till first time then goblin "wife" appear. Then i suspected something...and i was thinking: "Ok, let's see what will be next."
    But when i saw first sex scene, it was like:
    Expectation: main menu
    Reality: sex scenes

    "Ok, i saw worse, let's continue, may be story really good." I read all, but skipped all sex scenes, till end. But the story still remained little shady and slightly crumpled. And then i saw message that this game was only first chapter.
    My reaction was with little delay, but simple: Alt+F4 then Shift+Delete to the game folder.
    I really hope, amd play again, only when the game will be complete, not divided and "reforge". Because now it's more like a demo.
    But still idea was good, and it's possible to make a good game from it, i hope about it.

    Sorry if my english was bad, not my native, but i will try my best.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    My Fake Goblin Wife
    TL;DR -- See the "Overall" section below.

    This is a "kinetic, graphic novel" and is described as such in the overview. As such, there are no choices to be made on the player's end as there are no decision trees. That's perfectly fine since the game doesn't hide that fact. In its place, the story and the art becomes even more paramount, and they need to rise up to carry the baton. Unfortunately, it falls short on those counts.

    Story -- This is a fantasy world set in the modern setting. You have classic, fantasy races present in the game such as elves, goblins, kitsune, and even leprechauns, but plopped into a world with cars, telephones, and heck, even stock markets! There are numerous threads that one can pluck to incorporate all sorts of story ideas given the world-building premise found here with this modern, fantasy setting. However, this game is very short and does a fairly poor job of exploring its setting; and, the narrative is expressed in such a jilted, odd way that immediately pulls the reader right out of the experience. And that's really sad to see given what it could have accomplished. In addition and possibly more importantly, though this is a "full" game and marked as completed, it's actually only half the story it wants to tell as part two will be revealed in a future game. The game's claim of a "heated ending" is most certainly true though.

    Art -- The game has few pieces of art. There is a nondescript male character, and three other female characters -- a trusted (tailless) kitsune, a half-goblin character that looks like a drow, and finally an elven aristocrat. These latter three each have a few standing poses. None of the other the races mentioned here or in the game have any art whatsoever. The majority of the game takes place in a handful of locations and the game has very dull, generic background pieces for those. It's not the greatest but it's something, and at least some of the standing poses are interesting to look at.

    Scenes -- There are nine scenes in total in the game (excluding a couple told in the story in passing). Each of the sex scenes are just... boring. Not going to lie, they are bland and uninteresting. There are writers and artists out there that can make vanilla scenes incredibly hot, but their talents weren't found anywhere in MFGW. There is one static image of various quality shown for each of the nine scenes while the narrative describes the soulless, passionless, and unremarkable scene that is taking place at that moment in the story.

    Overall -- The game has an intriguing, but old, idea of combing fantasy characters in a modern setting. The incomplete story is oddly written with poor pacing issues. Some of the art is interesting, but most are bland with many of the scenes being extraordinary lackluster. In a word, this game can sadly be described as boring.