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Others - Onhold - My Forest Home [v0.08] [ChimeraZak]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The "latest" version has only two "rooms". There's literally nothing to do other than swing an axe at a couple slimes. So, that's no good.

    v2.5 is in the thread somewhere. On the second screen, my character got stuck in a wall. Had to hard close and reopen the game. It happened again. So, that's not gonna work.

    v2.35 is in here somewhere. That actually played, but was a lesson in annoyance. The good news is, losing just teleports you back to your house. I appreciate that, because that's all I could do. One area has nothing but rape tentacles on the floor, which is normally a 'yay' but I literally can't attack or move more than half a step before it happens again. Another area is underground and has spikes on the floor. Based on my frantic jumping, there are platforms somewhere, if only the room were bright enough to see them. I have no desire to play a super mario platformer blindfolded.

    This could be great, but for whatever reason 'annoy the player until they delete the game' is the author's goal. I don't understand how this got launched in its current state. I just wanted rocks to build furniture and there's no damned rocks.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 Great game whick hopefully will get properly re-made one day!


    ☑ Great
    The gameplay was pretty good, fluid, easy to grasp, and simple!

    ☑ (s)Excellent
    Lots of high quality animations, and great art!
    The game's theme is pretty appealing.

    ☑ Decent
    Not the main focus, but it complements what's on screen.

    ☑ Simple
    The is mostly easy, except for some areas with annoying enemies that hit you and make you fall to a spiked area, some bosses may be challenging if you're not good at these kind of games, but that's about it!

    ☑ Buy it or support the creator!
    This game is great, so support the creator if you can!

    ☑ Buggy game
    Save a lot, and be careful in which order you progress on some areas, because you may crash or get stuck.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Very fun metroidvania, but it can be a little bit more than it is. I am writing this review after beating version 2.35 and playing at least half of version 2.5. All I can say is this game deserved better, but again, ChimeraZak is remaking the game from scratch with a new engine for quite some time now, but this is not a review on that game, it's on 2.35 and 2.5.

    I'll start by talking about [Ver. 2.35]:
    ~Art and sound~
    The artstyle of this game is really good, I like the colors, the animations, the UI. It feels very alive, quite a good achievement. Sound design is also pretty good, the attack, enemy dying, etc. is satisfying. Only problem for me is the soundtrack. It's not really remarkable, I don't feel anything very strong about it, it's not bad nor is it good, that's all.
    ~Story and characters~
    Now I am the type of guy who don't care if a game don't have story. Most of the time, games features next to no plot for me to enjoy, and that's fine. Maybe that game is relatively simple, and don't need a story. Maybe it's not created with story-telling in mind. Same with characters, I don't care if they are the most soulless, blank characters of all time, they just need to exist if the game doesn't require actual characters and narration. But, I am particularly critical when the game DO feature characters and story, and My Forest Home do have some of that. So are they good? Yeah, I think they're pretty fucking nice, actually. The game features a respectable amount of side characters, and I really like each of them, surprisingly. The vibrant colors, the cheeky dialogues, the idle movements of them is subtle enough to breathe life into these pixel arts. And the story is pretty neat too. I like the fact that the forest shenanigans has been dealt with by Azumi (our main character) multiple times before. The little conversations between you and some of the characters kinda give it away on some occasions, so I love the fact that even when you don't speak anything throughout the game, you can still deduct Azumi's personality and what she has said to the NPCs. As for the main motivation of the game, it's also not brainless and meaningless like many other games (in my opinion). You wanna build your house back again after an earthquake, but then you found out that earthquake (along with a little oopsie from one of the NPCs) is about to release a demon that was sealed away, and it's kinda your job to stop this (like you always have). It explains why you are wondering around, why everything wants to fuck you, and why the characters are fucking/being fucked by others. It makes sense, and it doesn't feel like "Oh wow, this fucking Lovecraftian creature who was trying to brutally murder me 5 seconds ago is now having sex with me". So, anyways, good characters, good story. But what about the-

    The gameplay of this game is just like any metroidvania, hop around, find new items that gives you new stuff to mess with, go to new areas, repeat until you find boss and beat them. But I think it has some... problems. Let's start with
    The combat is this game is too lacking. You only have two neutral attack that you can spam on the enemy, one charged attack that deals slightly more damage, and one air attack. You can also throw your weapon, the axe, but you'll lose access to it until you retreat it or move to the next screen, so why bother. The attack range is fairly short, and you are really slow, so sometimes the enemy can hit you before the hitbox is out. Plus, you can only upgrade your damage. But that's not all, the air attack... requires charging. Yes, you cannot attack in the air without charging beforehand. This is more of a nuisance than anything, it makes situations where you have to sloppily hold the attack button before being able to attack in places that you need them. Granted there's not a lot of use for charge and air attack in most of the games, but that also leads me to my next point
    The amount of enemies in here are good, but in the gameplay, they're boring as hell. Most enemies are just walkers, some walk up to you faster, others slower, some just try to touch you, the later ones have some actual attacks. There's only one enemy that's an air enemy, two that shoots projectiles and one that summons tentacles from the ground to attack you. Here's the problem, this game suffers from one of my least favourite combat design, stun-lock. Every enemy in this game when hit will be stun for like a good second, meaning that you can brainlessly spam your (limited) attack on them. This makes it so that every enemy once you hit them first is just a meat block for you to press the attack button on. So basically, enemy diversity is reduced to just 4, as every walkers is the same due to game design. Also, I find each of the non-ground enemies to be pretty annoying. The weird bat creature that flies is requires you to do air attacks (again, sloppy as hell since you have to charge) or get close to them to trigger them and attack on the ground. The projectile plant is hell irritating, shooting at you from outside of your view and is pretty fast at it too. The tentacle plant isn't that bad, but there's this area that have like 5 of them (and one projectile plant just to spite you even more) that continues to bully you as you touched the ground (and again, you don't have that reliable of attacks). Also, there's only one boss in this game, and I don't mind that. In fact, the boss was quite enjoyable, not amazing, but it's a well done boss at least.
    Walk, jump, invincible roll, obtainable double jump, wall climb and... that's it. No dash, no sprint, no slide, not even duck and etc. Your movement feels slow, and you can't really speed up. Unlike most metroidvanias, the movement in here just feels like a way to get to new areas, rather than trying to spice things up. But there is another thing that got spiced up when you get the wall jump.
    The places you can explore in here are very good. I like the fact that everything links together and you can access them via the new items you use to traverse around. I did say the enemies are a bit easy, especially now that you are upgrading your axe, which now deals a lot more damage and 1-3 hits the enemies. So if the enemy isn't challenging, how about parkour? Yes, so after you get the wall climb ability, you kinda have to play Celeste to progress, well I'm exaggerating, but you are met with a parkour section out of nowhere. It's not super hard, but the execution required is a bit tricky. Sometimes I just not grab the wall if I do things too fast, and you can't exactly see the platforms you're supposed to jump to sometimes, so trials and errors are needed. It's just an okay part, a bit enjoyable and actually not make me wanna say "This game is child's play".
    This game is also about resource gathering, which I guess is the flawless part in the gameplay. There's no real problem in here. I like that the woods and stones on the ground doesn't regenerate, but there's enough for you to max your house out. There's shop in this game, and the money can only be obtained by selling things, you can buy stones and woods if you are missing them (aka you sold them for money), buy potions and essential items for certain constructions, and a dildo, for fun :]. Anything that's not combat in this game seems fine, though of course I much prefer my problems mentioned above is addressed.
    +-Overall: The gameplay is serviceable, I think it needs a bit polish on the combat and it's a-okay (foreshadowing). It's mostly a chill, casual and laid-back game but for a metroidvania, it's quite boring. Oh wait, isn't this a H-game with

    I like it. I like the scenes, and the futabox, oh yeah that's the good stuff. 30-something animations is pretty nice. The pleasure gauge in here is also pretty cool too, you lose more life if you cum from a monster (don't know how that works), so masturbate and reset the bar and not die as much, that's fairly standard, better than nothing of course.

    My Forest Home is an okay game, it's not particularly the most exciting of metroidvanias, but I know that's not its intentions. For what it's worth, it's quite a chill game that you can enjoy. The score I give is for ver. 2.35, and this will be the main score I give it, excluding ver. 2.5. 8/10.

    But wait, I want to talk a bit about 2.5. Not much has changed but here's some of the changes I want to talk about.
    - Combat: It's so much better, you have more ways to beat your enemies up and now the game is much nicer and less boring to play. Most of the new attacks also remove (or lessen) the problems I have with the enemies too. Air attack is actually normal now and don't need charging, so the bats are less annoying. Slam attack is here to beat the tentacle plants area. You have a third attack after your normal attack that can be inputted by holding down and pressing attack after the second hit, so combat are less brainless than before. Overall, your attack is bigger, which is a welcome change in my book, etc. The enemies are still meat blocks though, but they are more fun to beat with these changes at least.
    - One new enemy, though they are just testing, and apparently a new boss? Haven't met that though.
    - Movement is better too, for some reason your jumps are lower than before, but eh, axe teleport solves that as well as attacking into a wall lets you attach to it. A bit more things to do, not necessarily fixing my problems but still an improvement nonetheless.
    -The bugs are annoying, but luckily there's only three that's pretty bad. The first one is you have to jump in order to not get softlocked at the start of the game, but that's fine. The other one is slam attack getting you stuck if used too close to the ground. The final one is probably the fact that you get everything on your save of the game if you decides to close it, which also causes lots of other bugs to happen, making it so that you have to beat the game in one go for the least amount of bugs to happen. They're pretty bad bugs, but thanks to the fact that this game is short, I think it's not impossible for you to enjoy 2.5.
    I think if 2.5 isn't extremely buggy, it's a massive improvement, and can bump my score up to 8.5 or even 9. But still, the overhaul of the game can mean that ChimeraZak can make this game even better than it is now, and I will patiently wait here.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    [v.2.35] Really good game, i liked it a lot! One thing i think this game should have is voices during h-scenes. And maybe make the staff of dryad less cryptic to find because not everyone gonna slide jump on about 10 walls to get to the man eater lol. (Oh, and one last thing: Being able to attack in the air would be a great inclusion).
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    the first thing that-struck out to me was the pixel art. it is pretty good. game is easy to learn and very simple to play. Music is good and fits situations well. for the type of game it is, it is very good.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and simple but good, pixel art is quite good so the only compliment that i could say about this game is about story cuz there isn't one, you just grind your materials get things done about the house to unlock every single scene and then go jerk off
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    My Forest Home is a short Metroidvania styled game where you explore a forest (and cave under the forest) to collect materials, build your home/tools, and stop the monsters in the area from raping. Most of my time in the game was enjoyable, however there is a lack of content. The whole game can be beaten in a single hour with very few extra bits to do. Also, when you fight the final boss the game just ends. There is no post game content or even the ability to continue playing the regular game after you beat the boss. You just have to go back to the previous save.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I would LOVE to rate this game the animations are good, a cool concept, and I really wanna get into it...but there are WAY too many glitches. In the beginning, there's a part where you literally have to jump to avoid a soft lock. After 10 mins of figuring that out, saved after 20 mins, then spent like an hour or so on the game. All was good...until I got soft locked again while doing the axe slam attack on the edge of the floor... I was literally about to save the first goblin. And then I made it past the goblin part...then made it to the thingy (I think the boss) And the whole game crashed... I had to start from the first save point... So yeah, I'm a little bit pissed, not gonna lie. Fix those glitches, and I swear this will be a 5-star game. Please fix these soon, Because I really wanna play this game :/

    (For those that are playing or are gonna play, Idk if killing yourself will save all items and progress..but if so, thats the best solution to "enjoy" this game. After you save a girl or grind items, just save, trust me.)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I very much enjoy settings like these, of course the game is still kind of basic and more of a 1h fun quest rather than actual content-filled hentai game with tons of cgs and quality animation.
    Few things I personally enjoyed the most would be probably:
    - cute design
    - funny story
    - small easter eggs
    Some people in the thread say the controls were unresponsive but it didn't felt that way for me, but maybe it's just something that I just overlooked.
    In my opinion worth a shot if you're looking for one of two things:
    1. Something to put you in the mood rather than straight up be a material after getting in the mood
    2. Something for filling in the time while you wait for another update of your favourite h-game in development.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I've been seeing this update repeatedly for a while, so I decided to finally give it a shot. I wish I hadn't.
    Floaty, unresponsive controls. Literally floaty. You jump and kind of waft through the air upwards and then downwards.
    The attack response and attack speed are incredibly slow, while things like wolves are incredibly fast. You do the math.
    If I didn't jump just before going through some of the areas, my character would clip into the ground and become unable to move. Which required a reset every single time it happened.
    I kept getting shot with projectiles from enemies offscreen, nearly always at multiple heights and timing so you literally couldn't jump to dodge due to the (said above) ridiculously floaty controls.
    Got caught twice by underground vines with my lust at 0, and yet it instantly ko'd me.
    This isn't even alpha, at this point. It's a bug ridden waste of aggravation.
    I never even found the house area before giving up. If just reaching the starting point is this bad and buggy, there's no point in playing.

    Don't waste your time. Wait a couple years until it (maybe) becomes actually playable.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I see something good in this game, but it's not my favorite, such small updates and another pixel game, but it's a good game! If you like futa stuff and have some monster girls slaves, that's a good game for you.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played.
    Interesting plot, good drawing, great animations, convenient controls.
    The game is not super hard but not easy.
    For more monsters, and so the game is very cool!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Played early alpha, was just worth it for the animations and it was more of a little sandboxy game.
    As of 2.2, pretty damn good, but I would wait for the final version 2.3 for the bugs and remaining polish of the game. (should be out mid July 2020)
    If it's fixed in the best way possible, and maybe changes with the dryad platforming, will definitely be a 5* game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Played through all of version 2.0 (no experience with the earlier versions)
    I really liked it, the gallery is accessible from the beginning if you don't want to play through it. The metroidvania style was fun but the progression was a little bit weird. In particular I ended up getting all the axe upgrades at once since I couldn't build the forge for a while (when it's probably meant to be a more linear progression).
    The jump puzzle at the end isn't impossible but it's way harder than it needed to be, especially with how checkpoints (or rather the lack of them) worked - essentially it punished you for getting far without finishing it since you would have to trek left to right for the bottom path and then right to left for the top part. Getting to the jump puzzle itself was also obscure since you had to jump onto a tiny ledge past a big pit and then wall jump up. Searching for stone/wood was a little annoying sometimes but I liked exploring the map and 100%ing it. Some enemy placements were a little annoying (like the shooting plant on the top of a floating wall and slime behind the log) but otherwise you could deal with all of them fairly easily by kiting foward or spamming attack. The final boss was tedious (if you stood all the way to the left or right when below her you can dodge all her projectiles, and wall hop indefinitely to dodge floor-wide tentacle attack) even with the upgraded axe and there was no winning scene which was disappointing. I originally restarted because of a bug with the alchemy station so knowing where to go to progress faster definitely makes the game more fun (e.g. dwarf first to start getting stone early as you explore). I liked all of the animations, they were good. Overall very good game that just needs some patching imo (in particular saving on death instead of only on sleeping manually).
    Sorry that this isn't very structured.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    If this game keep getting more updates just like 1.6 and 1.7 it will be easily one of my favorite porn games, straight up more animated sex scenes, which I prefer over a wall of text with a CG that changes once in a while, along with more features that are actually making this into a enjoyable game, it has bugs, but so far they only seem to be present in the new inventory menu.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't played everything that the game allows so far, but I'm excited about the game's premise, there aren't many games like that. after i throw all the available content i will come back to comment
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Leaves me wanting more. I know it's intended as a short game, but survival/building games can keep you coming back forever, and something about this game in particular just gets me thinking about how it could have endless playtime value.

    On its own it's pretty nice. I like how the sex content works, in that you have a good incentive to avoid getting fucked, but you're going to do it anyway so it's a good thing you don't just get an instant game over for it. The animations are nice too. I'll take good pixel animations over static CG any day.

    There are lots of ways you could add more potential playtime, like having consumables such as health potions (and/or calming potions to lower the lust meter), axe upgrades, more NPCs, monster raid that can knock down things you've built, etc. I can't help but imagine this game as an actual survival/crafting sim.

    There are five major additions/changes that would make this game an absolute all-time favorite of mine:

    1: FULL-ON VOXEL BUILDING system as opposed to the preset options - The building system is serviceable for the short story the game is telling, but it's really grindy and limited if you're used to crafting sims. I want to be able to actually build the house and alter terrain, one square foot or piece of furniture at a time.

    2: MORE AREA - This is quite possibly the smallest game world you could get away with for a game like this. It's one safe area and one wilderness area that randomly places bumps and monsters and stops you from exploring with a sudden wall. I don't mind the division of safe and wild areas, but at the very least I'd like to see a few more regions; a swamp to gather slime cores, a forest of vine tentacles, a cave full of stones and valuable resources but is extremely dark, etc.

    3: IMPREGNATION mechanic - It'd be nice to see that if a monster creampies your character, she sometimes gets a swollen belly the next day which slows her down and makes her lust rise faster, then having her give birth the next time she goes to bed. Now that on its own would be enough to satisfy me, but this could be made into a further survival mechanic: if you instead give birth in a monster pen, you get a resource-producing critter who turns food into crafting materials every few days, but will try to fuck mommy when she goes to check on her harvest. Naughty, risky and useful.

    4: MORE MONSTERS - Yeah, I know, this one would certainly be the most laborious, but considering there's like, ten? animations, half of which are NPC or masturbation scenes, the game feels kinda incomplete without more monsters. Two or three times as many monsters, with later / rarer encounters being harder to fight so there's a sense of difficulty curve, maybe even bosses, would bring this game from a few hours' enjoyment to dozens, at least for me.

    5: MORE OPTIONS TO CUSTOMIZE MC'S APPEARANCE - I know that sounds like a tall order considering point 4, but it doesn't need to be that tough. You could have about three hairstyles (ponytail, bob, short), and more costume variety by toggling certain sprite elements on or off (like, say, individually toggleable shirt & pants). Add a color palette customizer and you're pretty much golden.

    Yeah, this is one of those games that makes me wish I could make games.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, it's an intended SHORT game. When you take that into consideration, it actually becomes a great game with just some avoidable bugs.

    Pros: *Lot's of freedom.
    *The game uses a 10/10 formula: Discreet story, you have a goal, you start out small, you have a choice to work for it, you are distracted by enemies trying to sex or hurt you, depends if your arousal is below or above 45%.
    *The best thing about it, is that you don't need to completely lose (and start over) to get a sex animation, like the mistake many games do. You can always manipulate arousal for choosing to get sex'd, avoid sex, creampied, masturbate and heal, progress and even cancel animations easily, even use that to cheese it. There are tactics and they work.
    *As you progress, you get more options like being naked, extra heal, sexing npc's and more.
    *The animations, sound and environment are nice, smooth and convincing.

    Cons: *It's a small game. It only has 1 area to explore, but it's randomly'ish generated with reasonably placed enemies, which you can always conveniently avoid by jumping, kill or get sex'd.
    *Only same few music tracks that can get repetitive. But it's a small game, don't grind it all at once and it will be ok.
    *Bugs. There are a few and some are game breaking. If you have patience just a tiny inch longer than your member, you can learn and easily avoid them all and have a great time.

    Overall: With a little consideration, the game offers stable and good gamplay for jerk off purposes. It's monotonic, small and discreet, but it's good at what it's meant to be good at. It does however require you to get a bit good at gameplay, managing health and timing your attacks against approaching enemies, but absolutely nothing complex or unlearnable in your first playthrough. If anything, mostly the bugs will stop you, but there are only a few and easily avoidable. Not very punishing at all. For a short game, it's one of the best. It's much more stable than the very few bugs you encounter may make you believe.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 351786

    This gets a 1 out of 5 at best. The gameplay is herrendous. You repeat the same thing over and over on a procedurally generated "forest level" which has basically no variation and the monsters you have to defeat are the same. It get's boring and tedious really fast. Not to mentiopn other than the parralax in the background there is 1 animation for each monster 2 for each character and 2 masturbation ones totalling in 9-10 animations alltogether. This would hardly go for a demo in its current state.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    A simple game with a couple of very strong positives (art and porn), while the negatives are more "meh" than anything.
    • The pixel art and sprites are great. Cute designs and animations.
    • The porn/H-scenes/NSFW content/etc. is very "satisfaptory." Mostly non-con scenes with different forest-y monsters. Bonus stuff includes a cowgirl to hook up to a milking machine and two scenes where the main girl gets a dick and has sex with the shopkeep or the cowgirl. (Almost worth playing just for those two, as simple as they are.)
    The "meh":
    • Gameplay is average, run to the right and fight monsters while collecting materials, then run back home to heal and sell stuff. You'll have to do this quite a fair bit, but that just means more chances to see the monster scenes.
    • Music is repetitive and kinda annoying, but I just mute music in porn games anyways. Sounds are alright otherwise, unfortunately no moaning or any kind of "pleasure noises" from the girl. (There's the typical moist/squishy noises prevalent in every h-game.)
    • Game has a gradually-increasing lag in the home base after a few seconds when you've upgraded it, might just be my crappy older computer though. (Going in and out of the house "resets" the lag, which is interesting.)
    Random thoughts/stuff I wish was in:
    • Additional scenes with the shop girl and cowgirl, with and without futa. I'd say a "purely" lesbian scene for both, something like a sixty-nine or scissoring for the shop girl, and a fingering + breast-sucking scene for the cow girl. Then scenes where they have the dick instead of the main girl with different posing. Obviously this wasn't the focus of the game but I think it'd be hot to expand on the concept and have it so the forest is centered on monsters + non-con while the home area is about yuri/futa scenes with different girls.
    • More outfits would be neat, though the default lumberjack-y outfit is damn cute.
    • Thinking about it, more than one scene per monster would also be a bonus, like if the wolf had a scene where it knots the girl's ass.
    To finish off this review, I'd say that these sort of "average" games end up being somehow hotter than the games that have a ton of content to get lost in. Maybe it's a mental thing where you can appreciate what's there more, who knows. Games like this should always be given a chance and you should look out for the next random pixel art sidescroller.