I enjoyed the first episode of this series but it has both stagnated and got overly complicated as it has progressed.
What I do like about this series is the many different choices you have, with impact on how things unfold. Unfortunately the narrative has become a mess, especially the Porn Consequence Universe (PCU) that it inhabits. If that doesn't make sense, just every time I say PCU in this review, imagine the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a chose your-own-adventure combined universe of multiple porn games.
Yeah, you just read that right - If you like a story, you need to check a few other games that are seemly in the same universe. I'm not sure how the writer(s) plans to make the choices from the other games intersect with this one, but I honestly just don't care anymore.
The PCU is repetitive in its themes. Harem, Cucked, or Sharing, those are just recurrent things that continue to happen, and this is shared with the rest of the PCU stories.
Most of the women in the PCU do not really have personalities and their wooden animation is highly representative of this fact. While I was okay with the animation for a few episodes as the animator was learning, I just can't pull myself to enjoy the scenes anymore. It's like going between Honey Select games where the creator hasn't tried to use a unique angle or has poor dialogue to be engaging in the sexual scenes. Instead of naughty talk, the characters always speak from their mind or a narrator speaks for action, which doesn't need to be said since I'm watching the scene unfold through the 3D animation. Talk about not using greatest asset of a Visual Novel!
I'm tired of the sampled voice audio. While having sex frequently with the same partner, people tend to spice it up over time, sure a person has a few key notes, but it is rarely ever the same sound on repeat. It just plays into the constant stasis that this PCU is spirally into.
If you don't care about story and are looking for a fap, check this out, just don't come crying to me if it becomes boring.