My game engine


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Well, in my opinion even tho whole UI looks a bit dated I really like that. It looks much better than QSP games and for some specific types of games it could be great. For me, huge problem with Russian games is that they don't have their own renders but use stolen porn which looks bad as it's inconsistent as hell. I would love to play something decent on such engine as I find it really cool for trainers and sandbox simulators. But main question for me is there is a limit of pictures/renders/gifs it can load and are there any issues with performance when it loads a lot of them?


Aug 16, 2017
I started developing it because I found there wasn't any game engine that was made for sandbox simulators.

I haven't tried to put lot of images to test performances, in my opinion it's scenes and interactions number that will slow down the engine rather than just the number of images. But I will try to put a lot of content to see what will happen.
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Great. For me that's essential and main reason why RPG Maker is bad when it comes to games with higher amount of images. It's becoming slow and has limit of how many images you can implement. I know it's totally different engine but personally I wouldn't dare to start anything without these infos.


Aug 16, 2017
So I have done a little test : I have added 10.000 times this picture 1353220686_29596.jpg and I can't see any difference.
I can't upload the proof here because the file containing pictures weight is now 21.1 Go.

This result isn't a surprise, files are stored in a database with images content in a memo file, so record access remain fluid (remember your SQL courses).

But this test made me realize that I should have added a pagination system in the editor part when I display images. I'm working on it, it should be finished today.
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Aug 16, 2017
I have finished adding all F95zone games in my database, so I can work again on this project.

I will add for animated images, of course gifs will always be supported, but this option will add better animations control.


Aug 16, 2017
My games management app is finally complete, so is the page that comes with it. I had never used boostrap before so I had fun creating it. You have a dynamic table (now i know better ajax) and you can filter games by tag (included or excluded) if you wan't to see what is looks like its . Maybe I should switch tabs to put games list on the first one, I'll see.

Now I will work on my engine, but first I have to find a not too bad game scenario. And I will implement new features when I will need them for the game, because it's are to work without an objective.
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Thank you.9527
Oct 27, 2017
Just try the game manager and it's works fine with my win10. Thank you very much for sharing this with us. It's quite handy actually.:)(except that F95 game database is really huge and take me a while to update them at the first time. OMG, we have around 2000 games on this site....)


Aug 16, 2017
You're welcome,

I can't do without it now that I'm used to it : it's easy to find games and when I want to check if there is a walkthrough or cheats I just have to click on the link (I know cheating is bad, but I'm a bit lazy).
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Aug 16, 2017
Finally I'm back.

I'm happy with my Game Manager so I won't spend time on it for a while.

Now I'm working on animations, gifs didn't display properly so I have decided remove then (you can always add a gif to pictures library but it won't be animated anymore).

I replace it by a system where you can put animation frame as separate pictures, they will be displayed one after the others. I can set up : time between frames, repetition method (back and forth, loop, no repetition). Like this I will have a better control on animations and it will allow me to use guetzli to optimize file sizes.

Once this is done I will start creating a first game, it will be a kind of sandbox : a very simple scenario and easy to play. If (when) it works fine I will start thinking of a better game.


Aug 16, 2017
Hi, it's been a long time since I posted here.

I have been told that my game engine was ugly, so I'm working on the design part. I'm currently implementing a "sprited font" system :

Next thing I will do is to implement a skinnable dialog box system and skinnable buttons.


New Member
May 10, 2019
Hi, first of all thank you for Game List. This is the Game Manager i really needed.
With the last Update there is an Error when starting a Game:

Error at line 1 of Clic sur BTN_Launch process.
Error caused by 1 parameter.
When passing parameters by reference, an element whose type is '8-byte int' cannot be converted into the 'int' type. Use a local parameter in the procedure called or pass a parameter whose type is 'int'.

----- Technical information -----

Project : Game List

WL call:
Process of 'Clic sur BTN_Launch' (FEN_F95_Games.BTN_Launch), line 1

What happened?
Error caused by 1 parameter.
When passing parameters by reference, an element whose type is '8-byte int' cannot be converted into the 'int' type. Use a local parameter in the procedure called or pass a parameter whose type is 'int'.

Error code: 1143
Level: fatal error

Dump of the error of 'wd240vm.dll' module (24.0.478.3).
Identifier of detailed information (.err): 1143
Debugging information:
UEL = 101
Additional information:
Clic sur BTN_Launch (FEN_F95_Games.BTN_Launch), line 1
EIT_DATEHEURE : 28/09/2019 11:19:09
