I have been procrastinating ever since the update to write a review, because I was very lazy to do so, but I'll try to sum up my opinions:
This was one of the most friendly RPGM game I played, because the resolution wasn't shit, I think it let me maximize the window (without going fullscreen) and also I could play it all with just the mouse (so, one handed), so I didn't mind it much, but Ren'Py, with the rollback and save anywhere features really makes it even better.
One of the things that annoyed me a little (besides the faceless bulls, which it's a very common trope) is that characters CG sprites were different than their overworld ones. Now that's not an issue, because there's not overworld, so less inconsistency, but I found the initial partners too generic and similar.
The navigation could improve a lot. Having to click on a button to show the available locations to go is cumbersome. It should be visible at all times, maybe even showing the direction of the place (like "↑ Classroom", "↓ School entrance", "→ Bathroom corridor", "← Stairs" and such), but a map would be ideal indeed (obviously more complex).
You can't stock up condoms, as the max held quantity is one box of it, and buying more just sets it to this value. I don't know if it's intentional, as the game don't tell you that, and I managed to spend a lot of money on those vanishing items. Hahaha
Also, on the first actual sex scenes, even if you have 9 condoms, the scene won't progress because the game says you don't have any, as it expects a full box of it for some reason.
Also, I think I had an issue on the part-time job on the shop. Something about working multiple times a day, maybe? It's been quite some time since I played, so I don't remember exactly. Sorry.
But for a game which is your first one, made on your free time and isn't bringing any money to you whatsoever, this game is very good as it is!
I started playing it on the previous update, the last RPGM one (so I didn't see how it was before the reboot), but I'm looking forward to it.
Congratulations on the game and also thank you for it!